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// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
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//! Custom derives for `ZeroFrom` from the `zerofrom` crate.
use core::mem;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2};
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use syn::fold::{self, Fold};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{
parse_macro_input, parse_quote, DeriveInput, Ident, Lifetime, MetaList, Token,
TraitBoundModifier, Type, TypeParamBound, TypePath, WherePredicate,
use synstructure::Structure;
mod visitor;
/// Custom derive for `zerofrom::ZeroFrom`,
/// This implements `ZeroFrom<Ty> for Ty` for types
/// without a lifetime parameter, and `ZeroFrom<Ty<'data>> for Ty<'static>`
/// for types with a lifetime parameter.
/// Apply the `#[zerofrom(clone)]` attribute to a field if it doesn't implement
/// Copy or ZeroFrom; this data will be cloned when the struct is zero_from'ed.
/// Apply the `#[zerofrom(maybe_borrow(T, U, V))]` attribute to the struct to indicate
/// that certain type parameters may themselves contain borrows (by default
/// the derives assume that type parameters perform no borrows and can be copied or cloned).
/// In rust versions where [this issue]( is fixed,
/// `#[zerofrom(may_borrow)]` can be applied directly to type parameters.
#[proc_macro_derive(ZeroFrom, attributes(zerofrom))]
pub fn zf_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
fn has_attr(attrs: &[syn::Attribute], name: &str) -> bool {
attrs.iter().any(|a| {
if let Ok(i) = a.parse_args::<Ident>() {
if i == name {
return true;
// Collects all idents from #[zerofrom(may_borrow(A, B, C, D))]
// needed since #[zerofrom(may_borrow)] doesn't work yet
// (
fn get_may_borrow_attr(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Result<HashSet<Ident>, Span> {
let mut params = HashSet::new();
for attr in attrs {
if let Ok(list) = attr.parse_args::<MetaList>() {
if list.path.is_ident("may_borrow") {
if let Ok(list) =
list.parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Ident, Token![,]>::parse_terminated)
} else {
return Err(attr.span());
fn zf_derive_impl(input: &DeriveInput) -> TokenStream2 {
let mut tybounds = input
.map(|ty| {
// Strip out param defaults, we don't need them in the impl
let mut ty = ty.clone();
ty.eq_token = None;
ty.default = None;
let typarams = tybounds
.map(|ty| ty.ident.clone())
let lts = input.generics.lifetimes().count();
let name = &input.ident;
let structure = Structure::new(input);
let may_borrow_attrs = match get_may_borrow_attr(&input.attrs) {
Ok(mb) => mb,
Err(span) => {
return syn::Error::new(
"#[zerofrom(may_borrow)] on the struct takes in a comma separated list of type parameters, like so: `#[zerofrom(may_borrow(A, B, C, D)]`",
// This contains every generic type introduced in this code.
// If the gneeric type is may_borrow, this additionally contains the identifier corresponding to
// a newly introduced mirror type parameter that we are borrowing from, similar to C in the original trait.
// For convenience, we are calling these "C types"
let generics_env: HashMap<Ident, Option<Ident>> = tybounds
.map(|param| {
// First one doesn't work yet
let maybe_new_param = if has_attr(¶m.attrs, "may_borrow")
|| may_borrow_attrs.contains(¶m.ident)
// Remove `?Sized`` bound because we need a param to be Sized in order to take a ZeroFrom of it.
// This only applies to fields marked as `may_borrow`.
let mut bounds = core::mem::take(&mut param.bounds);
while let Some(bound_pair) = bounds.pop() {
let bound = bound_pair.into_value();
if let TypeParamBound::Trait(ref trait_bound) = bound {
if trait_bound.path.get_ident().map(|ident| ident == "Sized") == Some(true)
&& matches!(trait_bound.modifier, TraitBoundModifier::Maybe(_))
&format!("{}ZFParamC", param.ident),
} else {
(param.ident.clone(), maybe_new_param)
// Do any of the generics potentially borrow?
let generics_may_borrow = generics_env.values().any(|x| x.is_some());
if lts == 0 && !generics_may_borrow {
let has_clone = structure
.flat_map(|variant| variant.bindings().iter())
.any(|binding| has_attr(&binding.ast().attrs, "clone"));
let (clone, clone_trait) = if has_clone {
(quote!(this.clone()), quote!(Clone))
} else {
(quote!(*this), quote!(Copy))
let bounds: Vec<WherePredicate> = typarams
.map(|ty| parse_quote!(#ty: #clone_trait + 'static))
quote! {
impl<'zf, #(#tybounds),*> zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #name<#(#typarams),*>> for #name<#(#typarams),*> where #(#bounds),* {
fn zero_from(this: &'zf Self) -> Self {
} else {
if lts > 1 {
return syn::Error::new(
"derive(ZeroFrom) cannot have multiple lifetime parameters",
let mut zf_bounds: Vec<WherePredicate> = vec![];
let body = structure.each_variant(|vi| {
vi.construct(|f, i| {
let binding = format!("__binding_{i}");
let field = Ident::new(&binding, Span::call_site());
if has_attr(&f.attrs, "clone") {
quote! {
} else {
// the field type
let fty = replace_lifetime(&f.ty, custom_lt("'zf"));
// the corresponding lifetimey type we are borrowing from (effectively, the C type)
let lifetime_ty =
replace_lifetime_and_type(&f.ty, custom_lt("'zf_inner"), &generics_env);
let (has_ty, has_lt) = visitor::check_type_for_parameters(&f.ty, &generics_env);
if has_ty {
// For types without type parameters, the compiler can figure out that the field implements
// ZeroFrom on its own. However, if there are type parameters, there may be complex preconditions
// to `FieldTy: ZeroFrom` that need to be satisfied. We get them to be satisfied by requiring
// `FieldTy<'zf>: ZeroFrom<'zf, FieldTy<'zf_inner>>`
if has_lt {
.push(parse_quote!(#fty: zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #lifetime_ty>));
} else {
zf_bounds.push(parse_quote!(#fty: zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #fty>));
if has_ty || has_lt {
// By doing this we essentially require ZF to be implemented
// on all fields
quote! {
<#fty as zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #lifetime_ty>>::zero_from(#field)
} else {
// No lifetimes, so we can just copy
quote! { *#field }
// Due to the possibility of generics_may_borrow, we might reach here with no lifetimes on self,
// don't accidentally feed them to self later
let (maybe_zf_lifetime, maybe_zf_inner_lifetime) = if lts == 0 {
(quote!(), quote!())
} else {
(quote!('zf,), quote!('zf_inner,))
// Array of C types. Only different if generics are allowed to borrow
let mut typarams_c = typarams.clone();
if generics_may_borrow {
for typaram_c in &mut typarams_c {
if let Some(Some(replacement)) = generics_env.get(typaram_c) {
// we use mem::replace here so we can be really clear about the C vs the T type
let typaram_t = mem::replace(typaram_c, replacement.clone());
.push(parse_quote!(#typaram_c: zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf_inner, #typaram_t>));
quote! {
impl<'zf, 'zf_inner, #(#tybounds),*> zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #name<#maybe_zf_inner_lifetime #(#typarams_c),*>> for #name<#maybe_zf_lifetime #(#typarams),*>
#(#zf_bounds,)* {
fn zero_from(this: &'zf #name<#maybe_zf_inner_lifetime #(#typarams_c),*>) -> Self {
match *this { #body }
fn custom_lt(s: &str) -> Lifetime {
Lifetime::new(s, Span::call_site())
/// Replace all lifetimes in a type with a specified one
fn replace_lifetime(x: &Type, lt: Lifetime) -> Type {
struct ReplaceLifetime(Lifetime);
impl Fold for ReplaceLifetime {
fn fold_lifetime(&mut self, _: Lifetime) -> Lifetime {
/// Replace all lifetimes in a type with a specified one, AND replace all types that have a corresponding C type
/// with the C type
fn replace_lifetime_and_type(
x: &Type,
lt: Lifetime,
generics_env: &HashMap<Ident, Option<Ident>>,
) -> Type {
struct ReplaceLifetimeAndTy<'a>(Lifetime, &'a HashMap<Ident, Option<Ident>>);
impl Fold for ReplaceLifetimeAndTy<'_> {
fn fold_lifetime(&mut self, _: Lifetime) -> Lifetime {
fn fold_type_path(&mut self, i: TypePath) -> TypePath {
if i.qself.is_none() {
if let Some(ident) = i.path.get_ident() {
if let Some(Some(replacement)) = self.1.get(ident) {
return parse_quote!(#replacement);
fold::fold_type_path(self, i)
ReplaceLifetimeAndTy(lt, generics_env).fold_type(x.clone())