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// @adjivas - See the LICENSE
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub use libc::{pid_t, c_int, getpid, kill};
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
pub mod Sig {
use libc::{self, c_int};
pub const HUP : c_int = libc::SIGHUP; // Hangup (POSIX).
pub const INT : c_int = libc::SIGINT; // Interrupt (ANSI).
pub const QUIT : c_int = libc::SIGQUIT; // Quit (POSIX).
pub const ILL : c_int = libc::SIGILL; // Illegal instruction (ANSI).
pub const TRAP : c_int = libc::SIGTRAP; // Trace trap (POSIX).
pub const ABRT : c_int = libc::SIGABRT; // Abort (POSIX).
pub const IOT : c_int = libc::SIGIOT; // IOT trap (4.2 BSD).
pub const BUS : c_int = libc::SIGBUS; // BUS error (4.2 BSD).
pub const FPE : c_int = libc::SIGFPE;
pub const KILL : c_int = libc::SIGKILL; // Kill unblockable (POSIX).
pub const USR1 : c_int = libc::SIGUSR1; // User-defined signal 1 (POSIX).
pub const SEGV : c_int = libc::SIGSEGV; // Segmentation violation (ANSI).
pub const USR2 : c_int = libc::SIGUSR2; // User-defined signal 2 (POSIX).
pub const PIPE : c_int = libc::SIGPIPE; // Broken pipe (POSIX).
pub const ALRM : c_int = libc::SIGALRM; // Alarm clock (POSIX).
pub const TERM : c_int = libc::SIGTERM; // Termination (ANSI).
pub const STKFLT : c_int = libc::SIGSTKFLT; // Stack fault.
pub const CHLD : c_int = libc::SIGCHLD; // Child status has changed (POSIX).
pub const CONT : c_int = libc::SIGCONT; // Continue (POSIX).
pub const STOP : c_int = libc::SIGSTOP; // Stop unblockable (POSIX).
pub const TSTP : c_int = libc::SIGTSTP; // Keyboard stop (POSIX).
pub const TTIN : c_int = libc::SIGTTIN; // Background read from tty (POSIX).
pub const TTOU : c_int = libc::SIGTTOU; // Background write to tttty (POSIX).
pub const URG : c_int = libc::SIGURG; // Urgent condition on socket (4.2 BSD).
pub const XCPU : c_int = libc::SIGXCPU; // CPU limit exceeded (4.2 BSD).
pub const PROF : c_int = libc::SIGPROF; // Profiling alarm clock (4.2 BSD).
pub const WINCH : c_int = libc::SIGWINCH; // Window size change (4.3 BSD Sun).
pub const POLL : c_int = libc::SIGPOLL; // Pollable event occured (System V).
pub const PWR : c_int = libc::SIGPWR; // Power failure restart (System V).
pub const SYS : c_int = libc::SIGSYS; // Bad system call.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub mod Sig {
use libc::{self, c_int};
pub const HUP : c_int = libc::SIGHUP; // Hangup (POSIX).
pub const INT : c_int = libc::SIGINT; // Interrupt (ANSI).
pub const QUIT : c_int = libc::SIGQUIT; // Quit (POSIX).
pub const ILL : c_int = libc::SIGILL; // Illegal instruction (ANSI).
pub const TRAP : c_int = libc::SIGTRAP; // Trace trap (POSIX).
pub const ABRT : c_int = libc::SIGABRT; // Abort (POSIX).
pub const IOT : c_int = libc::SIGIOT; // IOT trap (4.2 BSD).
pub const BUS : c_int = libc::SIGBUS; // BUS error (4.2 BSD).
pub const FPE : c_int = libc::SIGFPE;
pub const KILL : c_int = libc::SIGKILL; // Kill unblockable (POSIX).
pub const USR1 : c_int = libc::SIGUSR1; // User-defined signal 1 (POSIX).
pub const SEGV : c_int = libc::SIGSEGV; // Segmentation violation (ANSI).
pub const USR2 : c_int = libc::SIGUSR2; // User-defined signal 2 (POSIX).
pub const PIPE : c_int = libc::SIGPIPE; // Broken pipe (POSIX).
pub const ALRM : c_int = libc::SIGALRM; // Alarm clock (POSIX).
pub const TERM : c_int = libc::SIGTERM; // Termination (ANSI).
pub const CHLD : c_int = libc::SIGCHLD; // Child status has changed (POSIX).
pub const CONT : c_int = libc::SIGCONT; // Continue (POSIX).
pub const STOP : c_int = libc::SIGSTOP; // Stop unblockable (POSIX).
pub const TSTP : c_int = libc::SIGTSTP; // Keyboard stop (POSIX).
pub const TTIN : c_int = libc::SIGTTIN; // Background read from tty (POSIX).
pub const TTOU : c_int = libc::SIGTTOU; // Background write to tttty (POSIX).
pub const URG : c_int = libc::SIGURG; // Urgent condition on socket (4.2 BSD).
pub const XCPU : c_int = libc::SIGXCPU; // CPU limit exceeded (4.2 BSD).
pub const PROF : c_int = libc::SIGPROF; // Profiling alarm clock (4.2 BSD).
pub const WINCH : c_int = libc::SIGWINCH; // Window size change (4.3 BSD Sun).
pub const SYS : c_int = libc::SIGSYS; // Bad system call.