/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
//! Definition of Window.
//! Implemented by headless and headed windows.
use std::rc::Rc;
use euclid::{Length, Scale};
use servo::compositing::windowing::WindowMethods;
use servo::servo_geometry::DeviceIndependentPixel;
use servo::webrender_api::units::{DeviceIntPoint, DeviceIntSize, DevicePixel};
use servo::{Cursor, RenderingContext, WebView};
use super::app_state::RunningAppState;
// This should vary by zoom level and maybe actual text size (focused or under cursor)
pub const LINE_HEIGHT: f32 = 38.0;
pub trait WindowPortsMethods: WindowMethods {
fn id(&self) -> winit::window::WindowId;
fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> Scale<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel> {
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.device_hidpi_factor())
fn device_hidpi_factor(&self) -> Scale<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel>;
fn device_pixel_ratio_override(
) -> Option<Scale<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel>>;
fn page_height(&self) -> f32;
fn get_fullscreen(&self) -> bool;
fn handle_winit_event(&self, state: Rc<RunningAppState>, event: winit::event::WindowEvent);
fn is_animating(&self) -> bool;
fn set_title(&self, _title: &str) {}
/// Request a new inner size for the window, not including external decorations.
fn request_resize(&self, webview: &WebView, inner_size: DeviceIntSize)
-> Option<DeviceIntSize>;
fn set_position(&self, _point: DeviceIntPoint) {}
fn set_fullscreen(&self, _state: bool) {}
fn set_cursor(&self, _cursor: Cursor) {}
fn new_glwindow(
event_loop: &winit::event_loop::ActiveEventLoop,
) -> Rc<dyn servo::webxr::glwindow::GlWindow>;
fn winit_window(&self) -> Option<&winit::window::Window>;
fn toolbar_height(&self) -> Length<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel>;
fn set_toolbar_height(&self, height: Length<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel>);
fn rendering_context(&self) -> Rc<dyn RenderingContext>;
fn show_ime(
_input_type: servo::InputMethodType,
_text: Option<(String, i32)>,
_multiline: bool,
_position: servo::webrender_api::units::DeviceIntRect,
) {
fn hide_ime(&self) {}