// Copyright The rust-url developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! This crate abstracts over a Unicode back end for the [`idna`][1]
//! crate.
//! To work around the lack of [`global-features`][2] in Cargo, this
//! crate allows the top level `Cargo.lock` to choose an alternative
//! Unicode back end for the `idna` crate by pinning a version of this
//! crate.
//! See the [README of the latest version][3] for more details.
//! [1]: https://docs.rs/crate/idna/latest
//! [2]: https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-mutually-excusive-global-features/19618
//! [3]: https://docs.rs/crate/idna_adapter/latest
use icu_normalizer::properties::CanonicalCombiningClassMap;
use icu_normalizer::uts46::Uts46Mapper;
use icu_properties::maps::CodePointMapDataBorrowed;
use icu_properties::CanonicalCombiningClass;
use icu_properties::GeneralCategory;
/// Turns a joining type into a mask for comparing with multiple type at once.
const fn joining_type_to_mask(jt: icu_properties::JoiningType) -> u32 {
1u32 << jt.0
/// Mask for checking for both left and dual joining.
pub const LEFT_OR_DUAL_JOINING_MASK: JoiningTypeMask = JoiningTypeMask(
| joining_type_to_mask(icu_properties::JoiningType::DualJoining),
/// Mask for checking for both left and dual joining.
pub const RIGHT_OR_DUAL_JOINING_MASK: JoiningTypeMask = JoiningTypeMask(
| joining_type_to_mask(icu_properties::JoiningType::DualJoining),
/// Turns a bidi class into a mask for comparing with multiple classes at once.
const fn bidi_class_to_mask(bc: icu_properties::BidiClass) -> u32 {
1u32 << bc.0
/// Mask for checking if the domain is a bidi domain.
pub const RTL_MASK: BidiClassMask = BidiClassMask(
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicLetter)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicNumber),
/// Mask for allowable bidi classes in the first character of a label
/// (either LTR or RTL) in a bidi domain.
pub const FIRST_BC_MASK: BidiClassMask = BidiClassMask(
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::RightToLeft)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicLetter),
// Mask for allowable bidi classes of the last (non-Non-Spacing Mark)
// character in an LTR label in a bidi domain.
pub const LAST_LTR_MASK: BidiClassMask = BidiClassMask(
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanNumber),
// Mask for allowable bidi classes of the last (non-Non-Spacing Mark)
// character in an RTL label in a bidi domain.
pub const LAST_RTL_MASK: BidiClassMask = BidiClassMask(
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicLetter)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanNumber)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicNumber),
// Mask for allowable bidi classes of the middle characters in an LTR label in a bidi domain.
pub const MIDDLE_LTR_MASK: BidiClassMask = BidiClassMask(
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanNumber)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanSeparator)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::CommonSeparator)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanTerminator)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::OtherNeutral)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::BoundaryNeutral)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::NonspacingMark),
// Mask for allowable bidi classes of the middle characters in an RTL label in a bidi domain.
pub const MIDDLE_RTL_MASK: BidiClassMask = BidiClassMask(
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicLetter)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicNumber)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanNumber)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanSeparator)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::CommonSeparator)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanTerminator)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::OtherNeutral)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::BoundaryNeutral)
| bidi_class_to_mask(icu_properties::BidiClass::NonspacingMark),
/// Turns a genecal category into a mask for comparing with multiple categories at once.
const fn general_category_to_mask(gc: GeneralCategory) -> u32 {
1 << (gc as u32)
/// Mask for the disallowed general categories of the first character in a label.
const MARK_MASK: u32 = general_category_to_mask(GeneralCategory::NonspacingMark)
| general_category_to_mask(GeneralCategory::SpacingMark)
| general_category_to_mask(GeneralCategory::EnclosingMark);
/// Value for the Joining_Type Unicode property.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct JoiningType(icu_properties::JoiningType);
impl JoiningType {
/// Returns the corresponding `JoiningTypeMask`.
pub fn to_mask(self) -> JoiningTypeMask {
// `true` iff this value is the Transparent value.
pub fn is_transparent(self) -> bool {
self.0 == icu_properties::JoiningType::Transparent
/// A mask representing potentially multiple `JoiningType`
/// values.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct JoiningTypeMask(u32);
impl JoiningTypeMask {
/// `true` iff both masks have at `JoiningType` in common.
pub fn intersects(self, other: JoiningTypeMask) -> bool {
self.0 & other.0 != 0
/// Value for the Bidi_Class Unicode property.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct BidiClass(icu_properties::BidiClass);
impl BidiClass {
/// Returns the corresponding `BidiClassMask`.
pub fn to_mask(self) -> BidiClassMask {
/// `true` iff this value is Left_To_Right
pub fn is_ltr(self) -> bool {
self.0 == icu_properties::BidiClass::LeftToRight
/// `true` iff this value is Nonspacing_Mark
pub fn is_nonspacing_mark(self) -> bool {
self.0 == icu_properties::BidiClass::NonspacingMark
/// `true` iff this value is European_Number
pub fn is_european_number(self) -> bool {
self.0 == icu_properties::BidiClass::EuropeanNumber
/// `true` iff this value is Arabic_Number
pub fn is_arabic_number(self) -> bool {
self.0 == icu_properties::BidiClass::ArabicNumber
/// A mask representing potentially multiple `BidiClass`
/// values.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct BidiClassMask(u32);
impl BidiClassMask {
/// `true` iff both masks have at `BidiClass` in common.
pub fn intersects(self, other: BidiClassMask) -> bool {
self.0 & other.0 != 0
/// An adapter between a Unicode back end an the `idna` crate.
pub struct Adapter {
mapper: Uts46Mapper,
canonical_combining_class: CanonicalCombiningClassMap,
general_category: CodePointMapDataBorrowed<'static, GeneralCategory>,
bidi_class: CodePointMapDataBorrowed<'static, icu_properties::BidiClass>,
joining_type: CodePointMapDataBorrowed<'static, icu_properties::JoiningType>,
#[cfg(feature = "compiled_data")]
impl Default for Adapter {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Adapter {
/// Constructor using data compiled into the binary.
#[cfg(feature = "compiled_data")]
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
mapper: Uts46Mapper::new(),
canonical_combining_class: CanonicalCombiningClassMap::new(),
general_category: icu_properties::maps::general_category(),
bidi_class: icu_properties::maps::bidi_class(),
joining_type: icu_properties::maps::joining_type(),
/// `true` iff the Canonical_Combining_Class of `c` is Virama.
pub fn is_virama(&self, c: char) -> bool {
self.canonical_combining_class.get(c) == CanonicalCombiningClass::Virama
/// `true` iff the General_Category of `c` is Mark, i.e. any of Nonspacing_Mark,
/// Spacing_Mark, or Enclosing_Mark.
pub fn is_mark(&self, c: char) -> bool {
(general_category_to_mask(self.general_category.get(c)) & MARK_MASK) != 0
/// Returns the Bidi_Class of `c`.
pub fn bidi_class(&self, c: char) -> BidiClass {
/// Returns the Joining_Type of `c`.
pub fn joining_type(&self, c: char) -> JoiningType {
/// See the [method of the same name in `icu_normalizer`][1] for the
/// exact semantics.
/// [1]: https://docs.rs/icu_normalizer/latest/icu_normalizer/uts46/struct.Uts46Mapper.html#method.map_normalize
pub fn map_normalize<'delegate, I: Iterator<Item = char> + 'delegate>(
&'delegate self,
iter: I,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = char> + 'delegate {
/// See the [method of the same name in `icu_normalizer`][1] for the
/// exact semantics.
/// [1]: https://docs.rs/icu_normalizer/latest/icu_normalizer/uts46/struct.Uts46Mapper.html#method.normalize_validate
pub fn normalize_validate<'delegate, I: Iterator<Item = char> + 'delegate>(
&'delegate self,
iter: I,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = char> + 'delegate {