//! A [Font Variations Table](
//! https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/fvar) implementation.
use core::num::NonZeroU16;
use crate::parser::{f32_bound, Fixed, FromData, LazyArray16, Offset, Offset16, Stream};
use crate::{NormalizedCoordinate, Tag};
/// A [variation axis](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/fvar#variationaxisrecord).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct VariationAxis {
pub tag: Tag,
pub min_value: f32,
pub def_value: f32,
pub max_value: f32,
/// An axis name in the `name` table.
pub name_id: u16,
pub hidden: bool,
impl FromData for VariationAxis {
const SIZE: usize = 20;
fn parse(data: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
let mut s = Stream::new(data);
let tag = s.read::<Tag>()?;
let min_value = s.read::<Fixed>()?;
let def_value = s.read::<Fixed>()?;
let max_value = s.read::<Fixed>()?;
let flags = s.read::<u16>()?;
let name_id = s.read::<u16>()?;
Some(VariationAxis {
min_value: def_value.0.min(min_value.0),
def_value: def_value.0,
max_value: def_value.0.max(max_value.0),
hidden: (flags >> 3) & 1 == 1,
impl VariationAxis {
/// Returns a normalized variation coordinate for this axis.
pub(crate) fn normalized_value(&self, mut v: f32) -> NormalizedCoordinate {
// Based on
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/avar#overview
v = f32_bound(self.min_value, v, self.max_value);
if v == self.def_value {
v = 0.0;
} else if v < self.def_value {
v = (v - self.def_value) / (self.def_value - self.min_value);
} else {
v = (v - self.def_value) / (self.max_value - self.def_value);
/// A [Font Variations Table](
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/fvar).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Table<'a> {
/// A list of variation axes.
pub axes: LazyArray16<'a, VariationAxis>,
impl<'a> Table<'a> {
/// Parses a table from raw data.
pub fn parse(data: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Self> {
let mut s = Stream::new(data);
let version = s.read::<u32>()?;
if version != 0x00010000 {
return None;
let axes_array_offset = s.read::<Offset16>()?;
s.skip::<u16>(); // reserved
let axis_count = s.read::<u16>()?;
// 'If axisCount is zero, then the font is not functional as a variable font,
// and must be treated as a non-variable font;
// any variation-specific tables or data is ignored.'
let axis_count = NonZeroU16::new(axis_count)?;
let mut s = Stream::new_at(data, axes_array_offset.to_usize())?;
let axes = s.read_array16::<VariationAxis>(axis_count.get())?;
Some(Table { axes })