//! Computes size using styles and measure functions
use crate::geometry::{Point, Size};
use crate::style::{AvailableSpace, Overflow, Position};
use crate::tree::{CollapsibleMarginSet, RunMode};
use crate::tree::{LayoutInput, LayoutOutput, SizingMode};
use crate::util::debug::debug_log;
use crate::util::sys::f32_max;
use crate::util::MaybeMath;
use crate::util::{MaybeResolve, ResolveOrZero};
use crate::{BoxSizing, CoreStyle};
use core::unreachable;
/// Compute the size of a leaf node (node with no children)
pub fn compute_leaf_layout<MeasureFunction>(
inputs: LayoutInput,
style: &impl CoreStyle,
measure_function: MeasureFunction,
) -> LayoutOutput
MeasureFunction: FnOnce(Size<Option<f32>>, Size<AvailableSpace>) -> Size<f32>,
let LayoutInput { known_dimensions, parent_size, available_space, sizing_mode, run_mode, .. } = inputs;
// Note: both horizontal and vertical percentage padding/borders are resolved against the container's inline size (i.e. width).
// This is not a bug, but is how CSS is specified (see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/padding#values)
let margin = style.margin().resolve_or_zero(parent_size.width);
let padding = style.padding().resolve_or_zero(parent_size.width);
let border = style.border().resolve_or_zero(parent_size.width);
let padding_border = padding + border;
let pb_sum = padding_border.sum_axes();
let box_sizing_adjustment = if style.box_sizing() == BoxSizing::ContentBox { pb_sum } else { Size::ZERO };
// Resolve node's preferred/min/max sizes (width/heights) against the available space (percentages resolve to pixel values)
// For ContentSize mode, we pretend that the node has no size styles as these should be ignored.
let (node_size, node_min_size, node_max_size, aspect_ratio) = match sizing_mode {
SizingMode::ContentSize => {
let node_size = known_dimensions;
let node_min_size = Size::NONE;
let node_max_size = Size::NONE;
(node_size, node_min_size, node_max_size, None)
SizingMode::InherentSize => {
let aspect_ratio = style.aspect_ratio();
let style_size = style
let style_min_size = style
let style_max_size = style.max_size().maybe_resolve(parent_size).maybe_add(box_sizing_adjustment);
let node_size = known_dimensions.or(style_size);
(node_size, style_min_size, style_max_size, aspect_ratio)
// Scrollbar gutters are reserved when the `overflow` property is set to `Overflow::Scroll`.
// However, the axis are switched (transposed) because a node that scrolls vertically needs
// *horizontal* space to be reserved for a scrollbar
let scrollbar_gutter = style.overflow().transpose().map(|overflow| match overflow {
Overflow::Scroll => style.scrollbar_width(),
_ => 0.0,
// TODO: make side configurable based on the `direction` property
let mut content_box_inset = padding_border;
content_box_inset.right += scrollbar_gutter.x;
content_box_inset.bottom += scrollbar_gutter.y;
let has_styles_preventing_being_collapsed_through = !style.is_block()
|| style.overflow().x.is_scroll_container()
|| style.overflow().y.is_scroll_container()
|| style.position() == Position::Absolute
|| padding.top > 0.0
|| padding.bottom > 0.0
|| border.top > 0.0
|| border.bottom > 0.0
|| matches!(node_size.height, Some(h) if h > 0.0)
|| matches!(node_min_size.height, Some(h) if h > 0.0);
debug_log!("node_size", dbg:node_size);
debug_log!("min_size ", dbg:node_min_size);
debug_log!("max_size ", dbg:node_max_size);
// Return early if both width and height are known
if run_mode == RunMode::ComputeSize && has_styles_preventing_being_collapsed_through {
if let Size { width: Some(width), height: Some(height) } = node_size {
let size = Size { width, height }
.maybe_clamp(node_min_size, node_max_size)
return LayoutOutput {
#[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
content_size: Size::ZERO,
first_baselines: Point::NONE,
top_margin: CollapsibleMarginSet::ZERO,
bottom_margin: CollapsibleMarginSet::ZERO,
margins_can_collapse_through: false,
// Compute available space
let available_space = Size {
width: known_dimensions
.map_definite_value(|size| {
size.maybe_clamp(node_min_size.width, node_max_size.width) - content_box_inset.horizontal_axis_sum()
height: known_dimensions
.map_definite_value(|size| {
size.maybe_clamp(node_min_size.height, node_max_size.height) - content_box_inset.vertical_axis_sum()
// Measure node
let measured_size = measure_function(
match run_mode {
RunMode::ComputeSize => known_dimensions,
RunMode::PerformLayout => Size::NONE,
RunMode::PerformHiddenLayout => unreachable!(),
let clamped_size = known_dimensions
.unwrap_or(measured_size + content_box_inset.sum_axes())
.maybe_clamp(node_min_size, node_max_size);
let size = Size {
width: clamped_size.width,
height: f32_max(clamped_size.height, aspect_ratio.map(|ratio| clamped_size.width / ratio).unwrap_or(0.0)),
let size = size.maybe_max(padding_border.sum_axes().map(Some));
LayoutOutput {
#[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
content_size: measured_size + padding.sum_axes(),
first_baselines: Point::NONE,
top_margin: CollapsibleMarginSet::ZERO,
bottom_margin: CollapsibleMarginSet::ZERO,
margins_can_collapse_through: !has_styles_preventing_being_collapsed_through
&& size.height == 0.0
&& measured_size.height == 0.0,