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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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//! The Accessibility actor is responsible for the Accessibility tab in the DevTools page. Right
//! now it is a placeholder for future functionality.
use std::net::TcpStream;
use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json::{Map, Value};
use crate::StreamId;
use crate::actor::{Actor, ActorMessageStatus, ActorRegistry};
use crate::protocol::JsonPacketStream;
struct BootstrapState {
enabled: bool,
struct BootstrapReply {
from: String,
state: BootstrapState,
struct GetSimulatorReply {
from: String,
simulator: ActorMsg,
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct AccessibilityTraits {
tabbing_order: bool,
struct GetTraitsReply {
from: String,
traits: AccessibilityTraits,
struct ActorMsg {
actor: String,
struct GetWalkerReply {
from: String,
walker: ActorMsg,
pub struct AccessibilityActor {
name: String,
impl Actor for AccessibilityActor {
fn name(&self) -> String {
/// The accesibility actor can handle the following messages:
/// - `bootstrap`: It is required but it doesn't do anything yet
/// - `getSimulator`: Returns a new Simulator actor
/// - `getTraits`: Informs the DevTools client about the configuration of the accessibility actor
/// - `getWalker`: Returns a new AccessibleWalker actor (not to be confused with the general
/// inspector Walker actor)
fn handle_message(
registry: &ActorRegistry,
msg_type: &str,
_msg: &Map<String, Value>,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
_id: StreamId,
) -> Result<ActorMessageStatus, ()> {
Ok(match msg_type {
"bootstrap" => {
let msg = BootstrapReply {
state: BootstrapState { enabled: false },
let _ = stream.write_json_packet(&msg);
"getSimulator" => {
// TODO: Create actual simulator
let simulator = registry.new_name("simulator");
let msg = GetSimulatorReply {
simulator: ActorMsg { actor: simulator },
let _ = stream.write_json_packet(&msg);
"getTraits" => {
let msg = GetTraitsReply {
traits: AccessibilityTraits {
tabbing_order: true,
let _ = stream.write_json_packet(&msg);
"getWalker" => {
// TODO: Create actual accessible walker
let walker = registry.new_name("accesiblewalker");
let msg = GetWalkerReply {
walker: ActorMsg { actor: walker },
let _ = stream.write_json_packet(&msg);
_ => ActorMessageStatus::Ignored,
impl AccessibilityActor {
pub fn new(name: String) -> Self {
Self { name }