use std::sync::Arc;
pub(crate) struct OnInformational(Arc<dyn OnInformationalCallback + Send + Sync>);
/// Add a callback for 1xx informational responses.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # let some_body = ();
/// let mut req = hyper::Request::new(some_body);
/// hyper::ext::on_informational(&mut req, |res| {
/// println!("informational: {:?}", res.status());
/// });
/// // send request on a client connection...
/// ```
pub fn on_informational<B, F>(req: &mut http::Request<B>, callback: F)
F: Fn(Response<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
on_informational_raw(req, OnInformationalClosure(callback));
pub(crate) fn on_informational_raw<B, C>(req: &mut http::Request<B>, callback: C)
C: OnInformationalCallback + Send + Sync + 'static,
// Sealed, not actually nameable bounds
pub(crate) trait OnInformationalCallback {
fn on_informational(&self, res: http::Response<()>);
impl OnInformational {
pub(crate) fn call(&self, res: http::Response<()>) {
struct OnInformationalClosure<F>(F);
impl<F> OnInformationalCallback for OnInformationalClosure<F>
F: Fn(Response<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
fn on_informational(&self, res: http::Response<()>) {
let res = Response(&res);
// A facade over http::Response.
// It purposefully hides being able to move the response out of the closure,
// while also not being able to expect it to be a reference `&Response`.
// (Otherwise, a closure can be written as `|res: &_|`, and then be broken if
// we make the closure take ownership.)
// With the type not being nameable, we could change from being a facade to
// being either a real reference, or moving the http::Response into the closure,
// in a backwards-compatible change in the future.
pub struct Response<'a>(&'a http::Response<()>);
impl Response<'_> {
pub fn status(&self) -> http::StatusCode {
pub fn version(&self) -> http::Version {
pub fn headers(&self) -> &http::HeaderMap {