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/// What sort of interaction is a widget sensitive to?
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct Sense(u8);
bitflags::bitflags! {
impl Sense: u8 {
const HOVER = 0;
/// Buttons, sliders, windows, …
const CLICK = 1<<0;
/// Sliders, windows, scroll bars, scroll areas, …
const DRAG = 1<<1;
/// This widget wants focus.
/// Anything interactive + labels that can be focused
/// for the benefit of screen readers.
const FOCUSABLE = 1<<2;
impl std::fmt::Debug for Sense {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Sense {{")?;
if self.senses_click() {
write!(f, " click")?;
if self.senses_drag() {
write!(f, " drag")?;
if self.is_focusable() {
write!(f, " focusable")?;
write!(f, " }}")
impl Sense {
/// Senses no clicks or drags. Only senses mouse hover.
#[doc(alias = "none")]
pub fn hover() -> Self {
/// Senses no clicks or drags, but can be focused with the keyboard.
/// Used for labels that can be focused for the benefit of screen readers.
pub fn focusable_noninteractive() -> Self {
/// Sense clicks and hover, but not drags.
pub fn click() -> Self {
/// Sense drags and hover, but not clicks.
pub fn drag() -> Self {
/// Sense both clicks, drags and hover (e.g. a slider or window).
/// Note that this will introduce a latency when dragging,
/// because when the user starts a press egui can't know if this is the start
/// of a click or a drag, and it won't know until the cursor has
/// either moved a certain distance, or the user has released the mouse button.
/// See [`crate::PointerState::is_decidedly_dragging`] for details.
pub fn click_and_drag() -> Self {
Self::CLICK | Self::FOCUSABLE | Self::DRAG
/// Returns true if we sense either clicks or drags.
pub fn interactive(&self) -> bool {
self.intersects(Self::CLICK | Self::DRAG)
pub fn senses_click(&self) -> bool {
pub fn senses_drag(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_focusable(&self) -> bool {