//! Title renderer using ab_glyph.
//! Requires no dynamically linked dependencies.
//! Can fallback to a embedded Cantarell-Regular.ttf font (SIL Open Font Licence v1.1)
//! if the system font doesn't work.
use crate::title::{config, font_preference::FontPreference};
use ab_glyph::{point, Font, FontRef, Glyph, PxScale, PxScaleFont, ScaleFont, VariableFont};
use std::{fs::File, process::Command};
use tiny_skia::{Color, Pixmap, PremultipliedColorU8};
const CANTARELL: &[u8] = include_bytes!("Cantarell-Regular.ttf");
pub struct AbGlyphTitleText {
title: String,
font: Option<(memmap2::Mmap, FontPreference)>,
original_px_size: f32,
size: PxScale,
color: Color,
pixmap: Option<Pixmap>,
impl AbGlyphTitleText {
pub fn new(color: Color) -> Self {
let font_pref = config::titlebar_font().unwrap_or_default();
let font_pref_pt_size = font_pref.pt_size;
let font = font_file_matching(&font_pref)
.and_then(|f| mmap(&f))
.map(|mmap| (mmap, font_pref));
let size = parse_font(&font)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
log::error!("invalid font units_per_em");
PxScale { x: 17.6, y: 17.6 }
Self {
title: <_>::default(),
original_px_size: size.x,
pixmap: None,
pub fn update_scale(&mut self, scale: u32) {
let new_scale = PxScale::from(self.original_px_size * scale as f32);
if (self.size.x - new_scale.x).abs() > f32::EPSILON {
self.size = new_scale;
self.pixmap = self.render();
pub fn update_title(&mut self, title: impl Into<String>) {
let new_title = title.into();
if new_title != self.title {
self.title = new_title;
self.pixmap = self.render();
pub fn update_color(&mut self, color: Color) {
if color != self.color {
self.color = color;
self.pixmap = self.render();
pub fn pixmap(&self) -> Option<&Pixmap> {
/// Render returning the new `Pixmap`.
fn render(&self) -> Option<Pixmap> {
let font = parse_font(&self.font);
let font = font.as_scaled(self.size);
let glyphs = self.layout(&font);
let last_glyph = glyphs.last()?;
// + 2 because ab_glyph likes to draw outside of its area,
// so we add 1px border around the pixmap
let width = (last_glyph.position.x + font.h_advance(last_glyph.id)).ceil() as u32 + 2;
let height = font.height().ceil() as u32 + 2;
let mut pixmap = Pixmap::new(width, height)?;
let pixels = pixmap.pixels_mut();
for glyph in glyphs {
if let Some(outline) = font.outline_glyph(glyph) {
let bounds = outline.px_bounds();
let left = bounds.min.x as u32;
let top = bounds.min.y as u32;
outline.draw(|x, y, c| {
// `ab_glyph` may return values greater than 1.0, but they are defined to be
// same as 1.0. For our purposes, we need to constrain this value.
let c = c.min(1.0);
// offset the index by 1, so it is in the center of the pixmap
let p_idx = (top + y + 1) * width + (left + x + 1);
let Some(pixel) = pixels.get_mut(p_idx as usize) else {
log::warn!("Ignoring out of range pixel (pixel id: {p_idx}");
let old_alpha_u8 = pixel.alpha();
let new_alpha = c + (old_alpha_u8 as f32 / 255.0);
if let Some(px) = PremultipliedColorU8::from_rgba(
(self.color.red() * new_alpha * 255.0) as _,
(self.color.green() * new_alpha * 255.0) as _,
(self.color.blue() * new_alpha * 255.0) as _,
(new_alpha * 255.0) as _,
) {
*pixel = px;
/// Simple single-line glyph layout.
fn layout(&self, font: &PxScaleFont<impl Font>) -> Vec<Glyph> {
let mut caret = point(0.0, font.ascent());
let mut last_glyph: Option<Glyph> = None;
let mut target = Vec::new();
for c in self.title.chars() {
if c.is_control() {
let mut glyph = font.scaled_glyph(c);
if let Some(previous) = last_glyph.take() {
caret.x += font.kern(previous.id, glyph.id);
glyph.position = caret;
last_glyph = Some(glyph.clone());
caret.x += font.h_advance(glyph.id);
/// Parse the memmapped system font or fallback to built-in cantarell.
fn parse_font(sys_font: &Option<(memmap2::Mmap, FontPreference)>) -> FontRef<'_> {
match sys_font {
Some((mmap, font_pref)) => {
.map(|mut f| {
// basic "bold" handling for variable fonts
if font_pref
.map_or(false, |s| s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("bold"))
f.set_variation(b"wght", 700.0);
.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
// We control the default font, so I guess it's fine to unwrap it
// We control the default font, so I guess it's fine to unwrap it
_ => FontRef::try_from_slice(CANTARELL).unwrap(),
/// Font-config without dynamically linked dependencies
fn font_file_matching(pref: &FontPreference) -> Option<File> {
let mut pattern = pref.name.clone();
if let Some(style) = &pref.style {
.and_then(|out| String::from_utf8(out.stdout).ok())
.and_then(|path| File::open(path.trim()).ok())
fn mmap(file: &File) -> Option<memmap2::Mmap> {
// Safety: System font files are not expected to be mutated during use
unsafe { memmap2::Mmap::map(file).ok() }