use super::error::{err, Error};
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct ITimestamp {
pub(crate) second: i64,
pub(crate) nanosecond: i32,
impl ITimestamp {
const MIN: ITimestamp =
ITimestamp { second: -377705023201, nanosecond: 0 };
const MAX: ITimestamp =
ITimestamp { second: 253402207200, nanosecond: 999_999_999 };
pub(crate) const fn from_second(second: i64) -> ITimestamp {
ITimestamp { second, nanosecond: 0 }
pub(crate) const fn to_datetime(&self, offset: IOffset) -> IDateTime {
let ITimestamp { mut second, mut nanosecond } = *self;
second += offset.second as i64;
let mut epoch_day = second.div_euclid(86_400) as i32;
second = second.rem_euclid(86_400);
if nanosecond < 0 {
if second > 0 {
second -= 1;
nanosecond += 1_000_000_000;
} else {
epoch_day -= 1;
second += 86_399;
nanosecond += 1_000_000_000;
let date = IEpochDay { epoch_day }.to_date();
let mut time = ITimeSecond { second: second as i32 }.to_time();
time.subsec_nanosecond = nanosecond;
IDateTime { date, time }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct IOffset {
pub(crate) second: i32,
impl IOffset {
pub(crate) const UTC: IOffset = IOffset { second: 0 };
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct IDateTime {
pub(crate) date: IDate,
pub(crate) time: ITime,
impl IDateTime {
const MIN: IDateTime = IDateTime { date: IDate::MIN, time: ITime::MIN };
const MAX: IDateTime = IDateTime { date: IDate::MAX, time: ITime::MAX };
pub(crate) fn to_timestamp(&self, offset: IOffset) -> ITimestamp {
let epoch_day =;
let mut second = (epoch_day as i64) * 86_400
+ (self.time.to_second().second as i64);
let mut nanosecond = self.time.subsec_nanosecond;
second -= offset.second as i64;
if epoch_day < 0 && nanosecond != 0 {
second += 1;
nanosecond -= 1_000_000_000;
ITimestamp { second, nanosecond }
pub(crate) fn to_timestamp_checked(
offset: IOffset,
) -> Option<ITimestamp> {
let ts = self.to_timestamp(offset);
if !(ITimestamp::MIN <= ts && ts <= ITimestamp::MAX) {
return None;
pub(crate) fn saturating_add_seconds(&self, seconds: i32) -> IDateTime {
self.checked_add_seconds(seconds).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
if seconds < 0 {
} else {
pub(crate) fn checked_add_seconds(
seconds: i32,
) -> Result<IDateTime, Error> {
let day_second =
|| err!("adding `{seconds}s` to datetime overflowed"),
let days = day_second.div_euclid(86400);
let second = day_second.rem_euclid(86400);
let date =;
let time = ITimeSecond { second }.to_time();
Ok(IDateTime { date, time })
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct IEpochDay {
pub(crate) epoch_day: i32,
impl IEpochDay {
const MIN: IEpochDay = IEpochDay { epoch_day: -4371587 };
const MAX: IEpochDay = IEpochDay { epoch_day: 2932896 };
#[allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)] pub(crate) const fn to_date(&self) -> IDate {
const s: u32 = 82;
const K: u32 = 719468 + 146097 * s;
const L: u32 = 400 * s;
let N_U = self.epoch_day as u32;
let N = N_U.wrapping_add(K);
let N_1 = 4 * N + 3;
let C = N_1 / 146097;
let N_C = (N_1 % 146097) / 4;
let N_2 = 4 * N_C + 3;
let P_2 = 2939745 * (N_2 as u64);
let Z = (P_2 / 4294967296) as u32;
let N_Y = (P_2 % 4294967296) as u32 / 2939745 / 4;
let Y = 100 * C + Z;
let N_3 = 2141 * N_Y + 197913;
let M = N_3 / 65536;
let D = (N_3 % 65536) / 2141;
let J = N_Y >= 306;
let year = Y.wrapping_sub(L).wrapping_add(J as u32) as i16;
let month = (if J { M - 12 } else { M }) as i8;
let day = (D + 1) as i8;
IDate { year, month, day }
pub(crate) const fn weekday(&self) -> IWeekday {
(self.epoch_day + 3).rem_euclid(7) as i8
pub(crate) fn checked_add(&self, amount: i32) -> Result<IEpochDay, Error> {
let epoch_day = self.epoch_day;
let sum = epoch_day.checked_add(amount).ok_or_else(|| {
err!("adding `{amount}` to epoch day `{epoch_day}` overflowed i32")
let ret = IEpochDay { epoch_day: sum };
if !(IEpochDay::MIN <= ret && ret <= IEpochDay::MAX) {
return Err(err!(
"adding `{amount}` to epoch day `{epoch_day}` \
resulted in `{sum}`, which is not in the required \
epoch day range of `{min}..={max}`",
min = IEpochDay::MIN.epoch_day,
max = IEpochDay::MAX.epoch_day,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct IDate {
pub(crate) year: i16,
pub(crate) month: i8,
pub(crate) day: i8,
impl IDate {
const MIN: IDate = IDate { year: -9999, month: 1, day: 1 };
const MAX: IDate = IDate { year: 9999, month: 12, day: 31 };
pub(crate) fn try_new(
year: i16,
month: i8,
day: i8,
) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
if day > 28 {
let max_day = days_in_month(year, month);
if day > max_day {
return Err(err!(
"day={day} is out of range for year={year} \
and month={month}, must be in range 1..={max_day}",
Ok(IDate { year, month, day })
pub(crate) fn from_day_of_year(
year: i16,
day: i16,
) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
if !(1 <= day && day <= 366) {
return Err(err!(
"day-of-year={day} is out of range for year={year}, \
must be in range 1..={max_day}",
max_day = days_in_year(year),
let start = IDate { year, month: 1, day: 1 }.to_epoch_day();
let end = start
.checked_add(i32::from(day) - 1)
.map_err(|_| {
"failed to find date for \
year={year} and day-of-year={day}: \
adding `{day}` to `{start}` overflows \
Jiff's range",
start = start.epoch_day,
if year != end.year {
debug_assert_eq!(day, 366);
return Err(err!(
"day-of-year={day} is out of range for year={year}, \
must be in range 1..={max_day}",
max_day = days_in_year(year),
pub(crate) fn from_day_of_year_no_leap(
year: i16,
mut day: i16,
) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
if !(1 <= day && day <= 365) {
return Err(err!(
"day-of-year={day} is out of range for year={year}, \
must be in range 1..=365",
if day >= 60 && is_leap_year(year) {
day += 1;
Ok(IDate::from_day_of_year(year, day).unwrap())
#[allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)] pub(crate) const fn to_epoch_day(&self) -> IEpochDay {
const s: u32 = 82;
const K: u32 = 719468 + 146097 * s;
const L: u32 = 400 * s;
let year = self.year as u32;
let month = self.month as u32;
let day = as u32;
let J = month <= 2;
let Y = year.wrapping_add(L).wrapping_sub(J as u32);
let M = if J { month + 12 } else { month };
let D = day - 1;
let C = Y / 100;
let y_star = 1461 * Y / 4 - C + C / 4;
let m_star = (979 * M - 2919) / 32;
let N = y_star + m_star + D;
let N_U = N.wrapping_sub(K);
let epoch_day = N_U as i32;
IEpochDay { epoch_day }
pub(crate) const fn weekday(&self) -> IWeekday {
pub(crate) fn nth_weekday_of_month(
nth: i8,
weekday: IWeekday,
) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
if nth == 0 || !(-5 <= nth && nth <= 5) {
return Err(err!(
"got nth weekday of `{nth}`, but \
must be non-zero and in range `-5..=5`",
if nth > 0 {
let first_weekday = self.first_of_month().weekday();
let diff = weekday.since(first_weekday);
let day = diff + 1 + (nth - 1) * 7;
IDate::try_new(self.year, self.month, day)
} else {
let last = self.last_of_month();
let last_weekday = last.weekday();
let diff = last_weekday.since(weekday);
let day = - diff - (nth.abs() - 1) * 7;
if day < 1 {
return Err(err!(
"day={day} is out of range for year={year} \
and month={month}, must be in range 1..={max_day}",
year = self.year,
month = self.month,
max_day = days_in_month(self.year, self.month),
IDate::try_new(self.year, self.month, day)
pub(crate) fn yesterday(self) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
if == 1 {
if self.month == 1 {
let year = self.year - 1;
if year <= -10000 {
return Err(err!(
"returning yesterday for -9999-01-01 is not \
possible because it is less than Jiff's supported
minimum date",
return Ok(IDate { year, month: 12, day: 31 });
let month = self.month - 1;
let day = days_in_month(self.year, month);
return Ok(IDate { month, day, ..self });
Ok(IDate { day: - 1, ..self })
pub(crate) fn tomorrow(self) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
if >= 28 && == days_in_month(self.year, self.month) {
if self.month == 12 {
let year = self.year + 1;
if year >= 10000 {
return Err(err!(
"returning tomorrow for 9999-12-31 is not \
possible because it is greater than Jiff's supported
maximum date",
return Ok(IDate { year, month: 1, day: 1 });
let month = self.month + 1;
return Ok(IDate { month, day: 1, ..self });
Ok(IDate { day: + 1, ..self })
pub(crate) fn prev_year(self) -> Result<i16, Error> {
let year = self.year - 1;
if year <= -10_000 {
return Err(err!(
"returning previous year for {year:04}-{month:02}-{day:02} is \
not possible because it is less than Jiff's supported \
minimum date",
year = self.year,
month = self.month,
day =,
pub(crate) fn next_year(self) -> Result<i16, Error> {
let year = self.year + 1;
if year >= 10_000 {
return Err(err!(
"returning next year for {year:04}-{month:02}-{day:02} is \
not possible because it is greater than Jiff's supported \
maximum date",
year = self.year,
month = self.month,
day =,
pub(crate) fn checked_add_days(
amount: i32,
) -> Result<IDate, Error> {
match amount {
0 => Ok(*self),
-1 => self.yesterday(),
1 => self.tomorrow(),
n => self.to_epoch_day().checked_add(n).map(|d| d.to_date()),
fn first_of_month(&self) -> IDate {
IDate { day: 1, ..*self }
fn last_of_month(&self) -> IDate {
IDate { day: days_in_month(self.year, self.month), ..*self }
pub(crate) fn at(
hour: i8,
minute: i8,
second: i8,
subsec_nanosecond: i32,
) -> IDateTime {
let time = ITime { hour, minute, second, subsec_nanosecond };
IDateTime { date: *self, time }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct ITime {
pub(crate) hour: i8,
pub(crate) minute: i8,
pub(crate) second: i8,
pub(crate) subsec_nanosecond: i32,
impl ITime {
pub(crate) const ZERO: ITime =
ITime { hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, subsec_nanosecond: 0 };
pub(crate) const MIN: ITime =
ITime { hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, subsec_nanosecond: 0 };
pub(crate) const MAX: ITime = ITime {
hour: 23,
minute: 59,
second: 59,
subsec_nanosecond: 999_999_999,
pub(crate) const fn to_second(&self) -> ITimeSecond {
let mut second: i32 = 0;
second += (self.hour as i32) * 3600;
second += (self.minute as i32) * 60;
second += self.second as i32;
ITimeSecond { second }
pub(crate) const fn to_nanosecond(&self) -> ITimeNanosecond {
let mut nanosecond: i64 = 0;
nanosecond += (self.hour as i64) * 3_600_000_000_000;
nanosecond += (self.minute as i64) * 60_000_000_000;
nanosecond += (self.second as i64) * 1_000_000_000;
nanosecond += self.subsec_nanosecond as i64;
ITimeNanosecond { nanosecond }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct ITimeSecond {
pub(crate) second: i32,
impl ITimeSecond {
pub(crate) const fn to_time(&self) -> ITime {
let mut second = self.second;
let mut time = ITime::ZERO;
if second != 0 {
time.hour = (second / 3600) as i8;
second %= 3600;
if second != 0 {
time.minute = (second / 60) as i8;
time.second = (second % 60) as i8;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct ITimeNanosecond {
pub(crate) nanosecond: i64,
impl ITimeNanosecond {
pub(crate) const fn to_time(&self) -> ITime {
let mut nanosecond = self.nanosecond;
let mut time = ITime::ZERO;
if nanosecond != 0 {
time.hour = (nanosecond / 3_600_000_000_000) as i8;
nanosecond %= 3_600_000_000_000;
if nanosecond != 0 {
time.minute = (nanosecond / 60_000_000_000) as i8;
nanosecond %= 60_000_000_000;
if nanosecond != 0 {
time.second = (nanosecond / 1_000_000_000) as i8;
time.subsec_nanosecond =
(nanosecond % 1_000_000_000) as i32;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct IWeekday {
offset: i8,
impl IWeekday {
pub(crate) const fn from_monday_zero_offset(offset: i8) -> IWeekday {
assert!(0 <= offset && offset <= 6);
IWeekday::from_monday_one_offset(offset + 1)
pub(crate) const fn from_monday_one_offset(offset: i8) -> IWeekday {
assert!(1 <= offset && offset <= 7);
IWeekday { offset }
pub(crate) const fn from_sunday_zero_offset(offset: i8) -> IWeekday {
assert!(0 <= offset && offset <= 6);
IWeekday::from_monday_zero_offset((offset - 1).rem_euclid(7))
#[cfg(test)] #[inline]
pub(crate) const fn from_sunday_one_offset(offset: i8) -> IWeekday {
assert!(1 <= offset && offset <= 7);
IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(offset - 1)
pub(crate) const fn to_monday_zero_offset(self) -> i8 {
self.to_monday_one_offset() - 1
pub(crate) const fn to_monday_one_offset(self) -> i8 {
#[cfg(test)] #[inline]
pub(crate) const fn to_sunday_zero_offset(self) -> i8 {
(self.to_monday_zero_offset() + 1) % 7
#[cfg(test)] #[inline]
pub(crate) const fn to_sunday_one_offset(self) -> i8 {
self.to_sunday_zero_offset() + 1
pub(crate) const fn since(self, other: IWeekday) -> i8 {
(self.to_monday_zero_offset() - other.to_monday_zero_offset())
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum IAmbiguousOffset {
Unambiguous { offset: IOffset },
Gap { before: IOffset, after: IOffset },
Fold { before: IOffset, after: IOffset },
pub(crate) const fn is_leap_year(year: i16) -> bool {
let d = if year % 25 != 0 { 4 } else { 16 };
(year % d) == 0
pub(crate) const fn days_in_year(year: i16) -> i16 {
if is_leap_year(year) {
} else {
pub(crate) const fn days_in_month(year: i16, month: i8) -> i8 {
if month == 2 {
if is_leap_year(year) {
} else {
} else {
30 | (month ^ month >> 3)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn roundtrip_epochday_date() {
for year in -9999..=9999 {
for month in 1..=12 {
for day in 1..=days_in_month(year, month) {
let date = IDate { year, month, day };
let epoch_day = date.to_epoch_day();
let date_roundtrip = epoch_day.to_date();
assert_eq!(date, date_roundtrip);
fn roundtrip_second_time() {
for second in 0..=86_399 {
let second = ITimeSecond { second };
let time = second.to_time();
let second_roundtrip = time.to_second();
assert_eq!(second, second_roundtrip);
fn roundtrip_nanosecond_time() {
for second in 0..=86_399 {
for nanosecond in
[0, 250_000_000, 500_000_000, 750_000_000, 900_000_000]
let nanosecond = ITimeNanosecond {
nanosecond: (second * 1_000_000_000 + nanosecond),
let time = nanosecond.to_time();
let nanosecond_roundtrip = time.to_nanosecond();
assert_eq!(nanosecond, nanosecond_roundtrip);
fn nth_weekday() {
let d1 = IDate { year: 2017, month: 3, day: 1 };
let wday = IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(5);
let d2 = d1.nth_weekday_of_month(2, wday).unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2017, month: 3, day: 10 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 2024, month: 3, day: 1 };
let wday = IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(4);
let d2 = d1.nth_weekday_of_month(-1, wday).unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2024, month: 3, day: 28 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 2024, month: 3, day: 25 };
let wday = IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(1);
assert!(d1.nth_weekday_of_month(5, wday).is_err());
assert!(d1.nth_weekday_of_month(-5, wday).is_err());
fn weekday() {
let wday = IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(0);
assert_eq!(wday.to_monday_one_offset(), 7);
let wday = IWeekday::from_monday_one_offset(7);
assert_eq!(wday.to_sunday_zero_offset(), 0);
let wday = IWeekday::from_sunday_one_offset(1);
assert_eq!(wday.to_monday_zero_offset(), 6);
let wday = IWeekday::from_monday_zero_offset(6);
assert_eq!(wday.to_sunday_one_offset(), 1);
fn weekday_since() {
let wday1 = IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(0);
let wday2 = IWeekday::from_sunday_zero_offset(6);
assert_eq!(wday2.since(wday1), 6);
assert_eq!(wday1.since(wday2), 1);
fn leap_year() {
fn number_of_days_in_month() {
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 1), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 2), 29);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 3), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 4), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 5), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 6), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 7), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 8), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 9), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 10), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 11), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2024, 12), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 1), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 2), 28);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 3), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 4), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 5), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 6), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 7), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 8), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 9), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 10), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 11), 30);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2025, 12), 31);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(1900, 2), 28);
assert_eq!(days_in_month(2000, 2), 29);
fn yesterday() {
let d1 = IDate { year: 2025, month: 4, day: 7 };
let d2 = d1.yesterday().unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2025, month: 4, day: 6 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 2025, month: 4, day: 1 };
let d2 = d1.yesterday().unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2025, month: 3, day: 31 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 2025, month: 1, day: 1 };
let d2 = d1.yesterday().unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2024, month: 12, day: 31 });
let d1 = IDate { year: -9999, month: 1, day: 1 };
assert_eq!(d1.yesterday().ok(), None);
fn tomorrow() {
let d1 = IDate { year: 2025, month: 4, day: 7 };
let d2 = d1.tomorrow().unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2025, month: 4, day: 8 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 2025, month: 3, day: 31 };
let d2 = d1.tomorrow().unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2025, month: 4, day: 1 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 2025, month: 12, day: 31 };
let d2 = d1.tomorrow().unwrap();
assert_eq!(d2, IDate { year: 2026, month: 1, day: 1 });
let d1 = IDate { year: 9999, month: 12, day: 31 };
assert_eq!(d1.tomorrow().ok(), None);