pub const MAJOR_VERSION: i32 = 1;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "v1_22")] {
pub const MINOR_VERSION: i32 = 22;
} else if #[cfg(feature = "v1_20")] {
pub const MINOR_VERSION: i32 = 20;
} else if #[cfg(feature = "v1_18")] {
pub const MINOR_VERSION: i32 = 18;
} else if #[cfg(feature = "v1_16")] {
pub const MINOR_VERSION: i32 = 16;
} else {
pub const MINOR_VERSION: i32 = 14;
macro_rules! plugin_define(
($name:ident, $description:expr, $plugin_init:ident,
$version:expr, $license:expr, $source:expr,
$package:expr, $origin:expr $(, $release_datetime:expr)?) => {
pub mod plugin_desc {
pub struct GstPluginDesc($crate::ffi::GstPluginDesc);
unsafe impl Send for GstPluginDesc {}
unsafe impl Sync for GstPluginDesc {}
static GST_PLUGIN_DESC: GstPluginDesc = GstPluginDesc($crate::ffi::GstPluginDesc {
major_version: $crate::subclass::MAJOR_VERSION,
minor_version: $crate::subclass::MINOR_VERSION,
name: concat!(stringify!($name), "\0") as *const str as *const _,
description: concat!($description, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
plugin_init: Some(plugin_init_trampoline),
version: concat!($version, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
license: concat!($license, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
source: concat!($source, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
package: concat!($package, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
origin: concat!($origin, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
release_datetime: {
enum OptionalPtr<T>{
Some(*const T),
impl<T: Sized> OptionalPtr<T> {
const fn with(self, value: *const T) -> Self {
const fn ptr(self) -> *const T {
match self {
Self::Null => std::ptr::null(),
Self::Some(ptr) => ptr
$(.with(concat!($release_datetime, "\0").as_ptr() as _))?
_gst_reserved: [0 as $crate::glib::ffi::gpointer; 4],
pub fn plugin_register_static() -> Result<(), $crate::glib::BoolError> {
unsafe {
concat!(stringify!($name), "\0") as *const str as *const _,
concat!($description, "\0") as *const str as _,
concat!($version, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
concat!($license, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
concat!($source, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
concat!($package, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
concat!($origin, "\0") as *const str as *const _,
"Failed to register the plugin"
$crate::paste::item! {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn [<gst_plugin_ $name _register>] () {
let _ = plugin_register_static();
pub unsafe extern "C" fn [<gst_plugin_ $name _get_desc>] () -> *const $crate::ffi::GstPluginDesc {
unsafe extern "C" fn plugin_init_trampoline(plugin: *mut $crate::ffi::GstPlugin) -> $crate::glib::ffi::gboolean {
let panic_result = std::panic::catch_unwind(
std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| super::$plugin_init(&$crate::glib::translate::from_glib_borrow(plugin)))
match panic_result {
Ok(register_result) => match register_result {
Ok(_) => $crate::glib::ffi::GTRUE,
Err(err) => {
$crate::error!($crate::CAT_PLUGIN_LOADING, "Failed to register plugin: {}", err);
Err(err) => {
let cause = err.downcast_ref::<&str>().copied()
.or_else(|| err.downcast_ref::<String>().map(|s| s.as_str()));
if let Some(cause) = cause {
$crate::error!($crate::CAT_PLUGIN_LOADING, "Failed to initialize plugin due to panic: {}", cause);
} else {
$crate::error!($crate::CAT_PLUGIN_LOADING, "Failed to initialize plugin due to panic");
pub use self::plugin_desc::plugin_register_static;