/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use log::warn;
use style::properties::longhands::list_style_type::computed_value::T as ListStyleType;
use style::properties::style_structs;
use style::values::computed::Image;
use crate::context::LayoutContext;
use crate::dom::NodeExt;
use crate::dom_traversal::{NodeAndStyleInfo, PseudoElementContentItem};
use crate::replaced::ReplacedContents;
/// <https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists/#content-property>
pub(crate) fn make_marker<'dom, Node>(
context: &LayoutContext,
info: &NodeAndStyleInfo<Node>,
) -> Option<Vec<PseudoElementContentItem>>
Node: NodeExt<'dom>,
let style = info.style.get_list();
let node = match info.node {
Some(node) => node,
None => {
warn!("Tried to make a marker for an anonymous node!");
return None;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists/#marker-image
let marker_image = || match &style.list_style_image {
Image::Url(url) => Some(vec![
node, context, url,
PseudoElementContentItem::Text(" ".into()),
// XXX: Non-None image types unimplemented.
Image::ImageSet(..) |
Image::Gradient(..) |
Image::CrossFade(..) |
Image::PaintWorklet(..) |
Image::None => None,
marker_image().or_else(|| {
/// <https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists/#marker-string>
fn marker_string(style: &style_structs::List) -> Option<&'static str> {
match style.list_style_type {
ListStyleType::None => None,
// TODO: Using non-breaking space here is a bit of a hack to give a bit of margin to outside
// markers, but really we should be setting `white-space: pre` on them instead.
// See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4891.
ListStyleType::Disc => Some("•\u{00a0}"),
ListStyleType::Circle => Some("◦\u{00a0}"),
ListStyleType::Square => Some("▪\u{00a0}"),
ListStyleType::DisclosureOpen => Some("▾\u{00a0}"),
ListStyleType::DisclosureClosed => Some("‣\u{00a0}"),
ListStyleType::Decimal |
ListStyleType::LowerAlpha |
ListStyleType::UpperAlpha |
ListStyleType::ArabicIndic |
ListStyleType::Bengali |
ListStyleType::Cambodian |
ListStyleType::CjkDecimal |
ListStyleType::Devanagari |
ListStyleType::Gujarati |
ListStyleType::Gurmukhi |
ListStyleType::Kannada |
ListStyleType::Khmer |
ListStyleType::Lao |
ListStyleType::Malayalam |
ListStyleType::Mongolian |
ListStyleType::Myanmar |
ListStyleType::Oriya |
ListStyleType::Persian |
ListStyleType::Telugu |
ListStyleType::Thai |
ListStyleType::Tibetan |
ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch |
ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem |
ListStyleType::LowerGreek |
ListStyleType::Hiragana |
ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha |
ListStyleType::Katakana |
ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha => {
// TODO: Implement support for counters.