//! Debugging helpers to handle `WAYLAND_DEBUG` env variable.
use std::{
time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH},
use crate::protocol::Argument;
/// The `WAYLAND_DEBUG` env variable is set to debug client.
pub fn has_debug_client_env() -> bool {
matches!(std::env::var_os("WAYLAND_DEBUG"), Some(str) if str == "1" || str == "client")
/// Print the dispatched message to stderr in a following format:
/// `[timestamp] <- interface@id.msg_name(args)`
#[cfg_attr(coverage, coverage(off))]
pub fn print_dispatched_message<Id: Display, Fd: AsRawFd>(
interface: &str,
id: u32,
msg_name: &str,
args: &[Argument<Id, Fd>],
) {
// Add timestamp to output.
eprint!(" <- {}@{}.{}, ({})", interface, id, msg_name, DisplaySlice(args));
// Add a new line.
/// Print the send message to stderr in a following format:
/// `[timestamp] -> interface@id.msg_name(args)`
#[cfg_attr(coverage, coverage(off))]
pub fn print_send_message<Id: Display, Fd: AsRawFd>(
interface: &str,
id: u32,
msg_name: &str,
args: &[Argument<Id, Fd>],
discarded: bool,
) {
// Add timestamp to output.
if discarded {
eprint!(" -> {}@{}.{}({})", interface, id, msg_name, DisplaySlice(args));
// Add a new line.
pub(crate) struct DisplaySlice<'a, D>(pub &'a [D]);
impl<D: Display> Display for DisplaySlice<'_, D> {
#[cfg_attr(coverage, coverage(off))]
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut it = self.0.iter();
if let Some(val) = it.next() {
write!(f, "{}", val)?;
for val in it {
write!(f, ", {}", val)?;
/// Print timestamp in seconds.microseconds format.
#[cfg_attr(coverage, coverage(off))]
fn print_timestamp() {
if let Ok(timestamp) = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) {
// NOTE this is all to make timestamps the same with libwayland, so the log doesn't look
// out of place when sys tries to log on their own.
let time = (timestamp.as_secs() * 1000000 + timestamp.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1000) as u32;
// NOTE annotate timestamp so we know which library emmited the log entry.
eprint!("[{:7}.{:03}][rs]", time / 1000, time % 1000);