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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use dom_struct::dom_struct;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::DissimilarOriginLocationBinding::DissimilarOriginLocationMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::error::{Error, ErrorResult, Fallible};
use crate::dom::bindings::reflector::{reflect_dom_object, Reflector};
use crate::dom::bindings::root::{Dom, DomRoot};
use crate::dom::bindings::str::{DOMString, USVString};
use crate::dom::dissimilaroriginwindow::DissimilarOriginWindow;
use crate::script_runtime::CanGc;
/// Represents a dissimilar-origin `Location` that exists in another script thread.
/// Since the `Location` is in a different script thread, we cannot access it
/// directly, but some of its accessors (for example setting `location.href`)
/// still need to function.
pub struct DissimilarOriginLocation {
/// The reflector. Once we have XOWs, this will have a cross-origin
/// wrapper placed around it.
reflector: Reflector,
/// The window associated with this location.
window: Dom<DissimilarOriginWindow>,
impl DissimilarOriginLocation {
fn new_inherited(window: &DissimilarOriginWindow) -> DissimilarOriginLocation {
DissimilarOriginLocation {
reflector: Reflector::new(),
window: Dom::from_ref(window),
pub fn new(window: &DissimilarOriginWindow) -> DomRoot<DissimilarOriginLocation> {
impl DissimilarOriginLocationMethods<crate::DomTypeHolder> for DissimilarOriginLocation {
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-location-href
fn GetHref(&self) -> Fallible<USVString> {
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-location-href
fn SetHref(&self, _: USVString) -> ErrorResult {
// TODO: setting href on a cross-origin window should succeed?
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-location-assign
fn Assign(&self, _: USVString) -> Fallible<()> {
// TODO: setting href on a cross-origin window should succeed?
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-location-replace
fn Replace(&self, _: USVString) -> Fallible<()> {
// TODO: replacing href on a cross-origin window should succeed?
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-location-reload
fn Reload(&self) -> Fallible<()> {
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-location-href
fn Stringifier(&self) -> Fallible<DOMString> {