/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/// Log an event from constellation at trace level.
/// - To disable tracing: RUST_LOG='compositor<constellation@=off'
/// - To enable tracing: RUST_LOG='compositor<constellation@'
macro_rules! trace_msg_from_constellation {
// This macro only exists to put the docs in the same file as the target prefix,
// so the macro definition is always the same.
($event:expr, $($rest:tt)+) => {
::log::trace!(target: $crate::tracing::LogTarget::log_target(&$event), $($rest)+)
/// Get the log target for an event, as a static string.
pub(crate) trait LogTarget {
fn log_target(&self) -> &'static str;
mod from_constellation {
use super::LogTarget;
macro_rules! target {
($($name:literal)+) => {
concat!("compositor<constellation@", $($name),+)
impl LogTarget for compositing_traits::CompositorMsg {
fn log_target(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::ChangeRunningAnimationsState(..) => target!("ChangeRunningAnimationsState"),
Self::CreateOrUpdateWebView(..) => target!("CreateOrUpdateWebView"),
Self::RemoveWebView(..) => target!("RemoveWebView"),
Self::TouchEventProcessed(..) => target!("TouchEventProcessed"),
Self::CreatePng(..) => target!("CreatePng"),
Self::IsReadyToSaveImageReply(..) => target!("IsReadyToSaveImageReply"),
Self::SetThrottled(..) => target!("SetThrottled"),
Self::NewWebRenderFrameReady(..) => target!("NewWebRenderFrameReady"),
Self::PipelineExited(..) => target!("PipelineExited"),
Self::LoadComplete(..) => target!("LoadComplete"),
Self::WebDriverMouseButtonEvent(..) => target!("WebDriverMouseButtonEvent"),
Self::WebDriverMouseMoveEvent(..) => target!("WebDriverMouseMoveEvent"),
Self::CrossProcess(_) => target!("CrossProcess"),