macro_rules! impl_get_set {
($ty_name:ident, $name:ident, $with:ident, $without:ident $(, $extra_doc:literal)? $(,)?) => {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.")]
$(#[doc = concat!("
", $extra_doc, "
#[doc = concat!("
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::nothing();
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), false);
pub fn $name(&self) -> bool {
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `true`.
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::nothing();
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), true);
pub fn $with(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = true;
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `false`.
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::everything();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), false);
pub fn $without(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = false;
($ty_name:ident, $name:ident, $with:ident, $without:ident, UpdateKind $(, $extra_doc:literal)? $(,)?) => {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.")]
$(#[doc = concat!("
", $extra_doc, "
#[doc = concat!("
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", UpdateKind};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::nothing();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
pub fn $name(&self) -> UpdateKind {
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", UpdateKind};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::nothing();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
pub fn $with(mut self, kind: UpdateKind) -> Self {
self.$name = kind;
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `UpdateKind::Never`.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", UpdateKind};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::everything();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
pub fn $without(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = UpdateKind::Never;
($ty_name:ident, $name:ident, $with:ident, $without:ident, $typ:ty $(,)?) => {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", ", stringify!($typ), "};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::nothing();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(", stringify!($typ), "::everything());
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
pub fn $name(&self) -> Option<$typ> {
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `Some(...)`.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", ", stringify!($typ), "};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::nothing();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(", stringify!($typ), "::everything());
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), true);
pub fn $with(mut self, kind: $typ) -> Self {
self.$name = Some(kind);
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `None`.
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::everything();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
pub fn $without(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = None;
pub(crate) use impl_get_set;