/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use base::id::PipelineId;
use crate::messaging::ScriptEventLoopSender;
use crate::task::TaskCanceller;
use crate::task_source::{TaskSource, TaskSourceName};
#[derive(JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf)]
enum TaskCancellers {
/// A shared canceller that is used for workers, which can create multiple TaskManagers, but all
/// of them need to have the same canceller flag for all task sources.
/// For `Window` each `TaskSource` has its own canceller.
OnePerTaskSource(RefCell<HashMap<TaskSourceName, TaskCanceller>>),
impl TaskCancellers {
fn get(&self, name: TaskSourceName) -> TaskCanceller {
match self {
Self::Shared(canceller) => canceller.clone(),
Self::OnePerTaskSource(map) => map.borrow_mut().entry(name).or_default().clone(),
fn cancel_all_tasks_and_ignore_future_tasks(&self) {
match self {
Self::Shared(canceller) => canceller.cancelled.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst),
Self::OnePerTaskSource(..) => {
// We must create the canceller if they aren't created because we want future
// tasks to be ignored completely.
for task_source_name in TaskSourceName::all() {
.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst)
fn cancel_pending_tasks_for_source(&self, task_source_name: TaskSourceName) {
let Self::OnePerTaskSource(map) = self else {
"It isn't possible to cancel pending tasks for Worker \
TaskManager's without ignoring future tasks."
// Remove the canceller from the map so that the next time a task like this is
// queued, it has a fresh, uncancelled canceller.
if let Some(canceller) = map.borrow_mut().remove(&task_source_name) {
// Cancel any tasks that use the current canceller.
canceller.cancelled.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
macro_rules! task_source_functions {
($self:ident, $task_source:ident, $task_source_name:ident) => {
pub(crate) fn $task_source(&$self) -> TaskSource {
TaskSource {
task_manager: $self,
name: TaskSourceName::$task_source_name,
#[derive(JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf)]
pub(crate) struct TaskManager {
sender: RefCell<Option<ScriptEventLoopSender>>,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
cancellers: TaskCancellers,
impl TaskManager {
pub(crate) fn new(
sender: Option<ScriptEventLoopSender>,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
shared_canceller: Option<TaskCanceller>,
) -> Self {
let cancellers = match shared_canceller {
Some(shared_canceller) => TaskCancellers::Shared(shared_canceller),
None => TaskCancellers::OnePerTaskSource(Default::default()),
let sender = RefCell::new(sender);
TaskManager {
pub(crate) fn pipeline_id(&self) -> PipelineId {
pub(crate) fn sender(&self) -> Ref<Option<ScriptEventLoopSender>> {
pub(crate) fn canceller(&self, name: TaskSourceName) -> TaskCanceller {
/// Update the sender for this [`TaskSource`]. This is used by dedicated workers, which only have a
/// sender while handling messages (as their sender prevents the main thread Worker object from being
/// garbage collected).
pub(crate) fn set_sender(&self, sender: Option<ScriptEventLoopSender>) {
*self.sender.borrow_mut() = sender;
/// Cancel all queued but unexecuted tasks and ignore all subsequently queued tasks.
pub(crate) fn cancel_all_tasks_and_ignore_future_tasks(&self) {
/// Cancel all queued but unexecuted tasks for the given task source, but subsequently queued
/// tasks will not be ignored.
pub(crate) fn cancel_pending_tasks_for_source(&self, task_source_name: TaskSourceName) {
task_source_functions!(self, canvas_blob_task_source, Canvas);
task_source_functions!(self, dom_manipulation_task_source, DOMManipulation);
task_source_functions!(self, file_reading_task_source, FileReading);
task_source_functions!(self, font_loading_task_source, FontLoading);
task_source_functions!(self, gamepad_task_source, Gamepad);
task_source_functions!(self, media_element_task_source, MediaElement);
task_source_functions!(self, networking_task_source, Networking);
task_source_functions!(self, performance_timeline_task_source, PerformanceTimeline);
task_source_functions!(self, port_message_queue, PortMessage);
task_source_functions!(self, remote_event_task_source, RemoteEvent);
task_source_functions!(self, rendering_task_source, Rendering);
task_source_functions!(self, timer_task_source, Timer);
task_source_functions!(self, user_interaction_task_source, UserInteraction);
task_source_functions!(self, websocket_task_source, WebSocket);