//! How to read either a single or a list of layers.
use crate::image::*;
use crate::meta::header::{Header, LayerAttributes};
use crate::error::{Result, UnitResult, Error};
use crate::block::{UncompressedBlock, BlockIndex};
use crate::math::Vec2;
use crate::image::read::image::{ReadLayers, LayersReader};
use crate::block::chunk::TileCoordinates;
use crate::meta::MetaData;
/// Specify to read all channels, aborting if any one is invalid.
/// [`ReadRgbaChannels`] or [`ReadAnyChannels<ReadFlatSamples>`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ReadAllLayers<ReadChannels> {
/// The channel reading specification
pub read_channels: ReadChannels,
/// Specify to read only the first layer which meets the previously specified requirements
// FIXME do not throw error on deep data but just skip it!
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ReadFirstValidLayer<ReadChannels> {
/// The channel reading specification
pub read_channels: ReadChannels,
/// A template that creates a [`ChannelsReader`] once for all channels per layer.
pub trait ReadChannels<'s> {
/// The type of the temporary channels reader
type Reader: ChannelsReader;
/// Create a single reader for all channels of a specific layer
fn create_channels_reader(&'s self, header: &Header) -> Result<Self::Reader>;
/// Read only the first layer which meets the previously specified requirements
/// For example, skips layers with deep data, if specified earlier.
/// Aborts if the image contains no layers.
// TODO test if this filters non-deep layers while ignoring deep data layers!
fn first_valid_layer(self) -> ReadFirstValidLayer<Self> where Self:Sized { ReadFirstValidLayer { read_channels: self } }
// FIXME do not throw error on deep data but just skip it!
/// Reads all layers, including an empty list. Aborts if any of the layers are invalid,
/// even if only one of the layers contains unexpected data.
fn all_layers(self) -> ReadAllLayers<Self> where Self:Sized { ReadAllLayers { read_channels: self } }
// TODO pub fn all_valid_layers(self) -> ReadAllValidLayers<Self> { ReadAllValidLayers { read_channels: self } }
/// Processes pixel blocks from a file and accumulates them into a list of layers.
/// For example, `ChannelsReader` can be
/// [`SpecificChannelsReader`] or [`AnyChannelsReader<FlatSamplesReader>`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AllLayersReader<ChannelsReader> {
layer_readers: SmallVec<[LayerReader<ChannelsReader>; 2]>, // TODO unpack struct?
/// Processes pixel blocks from a file and accumulates them into a single layers, using only the first.
/// For example, `ChannelsReader` can be
/// `SpecificChannelsReader` or `AnyChannelsReader<FlatSamplesReader>`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FirstValidLayerReader<ChannelsReader> {
layer_reader: LayerReader<ChannelsReader>,
layer_index: usize,
/// Processes pixel blocks from a file and accumulates them into a single layers.
/// For example, `ChannelsReader` can be
/// `SpecificChannelsReader` or `AnyChannelsReader<FlatSamplesReader>`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct LayerReader<ChannelsReader> {
channels_reader: ChannelsReader,
attributes: LayerAttributes,
size: Vec2<usize>,
encoding: Encoding
/// Processes pixel blocks from a file and accumulates them into multiple channels per layer.
pub trait ChannelsReader {
/// The type of the resulting channel collection
type Channels;
/// Specify whether a single block of pixels should be loaded from the file
fn filter_block(&self, tile: TileCoordinates) -> bool;
/// Load a single pixel block, which has not been filtered, into the reader, accumulating the channel data
fn read_block(&mut self, header: &Header, block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult;
/// Deliver the final accumulated channel collection for the image
fn into_channels(self) -> Self::Channels;
impl<C> LayerReader<C> {
fn new(header: &Header, channels_reader: C) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(LayerReader {
attributes: header.own_attributes.clone(),
size: header.layer_size,
encoding: Encoding {
compression: header.compression,
line_order: header.line_order,
blocks: match header.blocks {
crate::meta::BlockDescription::ScanLines => Blocks::ScanLines,
crate::meta::BlockDescription::Tiles(TileDescription { tile_size, .. }) => Blocks::Tiles(tile_size)
impl<'s, C> ReadLayers<'s> for ReadAllLayers<C> where C: ReadChannels<'s> {
type Layers = Layers<<C::Reader as ChannelsReader>::Channels>;
type Reader = AllLayersReader<C::Reader>;
fn create_layers_reader(&'s self, headers: &[Header]) -> Result<Self::Reader> {
let readers: Result<_> = headers.iter()
.map(|header| LayerReader::new(header, self.read_channels.create_channels_reader(header)?))
Ok(AllLayersReader {
layer_readers: readers?
impl<C> LayersReader for AllLayersReader<C> where C: ChannelsReader {
type Layers = Layers<C::Channels>;
fn filter_block(&self, _: &MetaData, tile: TileCoordinates, block: BlockIndex) -> bool {
let layer = self.layer_readers.get(block.layer).expect("invalid layer index argument");
fn read_block(&mut self, headers: &[Header], block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult {
.get_mut(block.index.layer).expect("invalid layer index argument")
.channels_reader.read_block(headers.get(block.index.layer).expect("invalid header index in block"), block)
fn into_layers(self) -> Self::Layers {
.map(|layer| Layer {
channel_data: layer.channels_reader.into_channels(),
attributes: layer.attributes,
size: layer.size,
encoding: layer.encoding
impl<'s, C> ReadLayers<'s> for ReadFirstValidLayer<C> where C: ReadChannels<'s> {
type Layers = Layer<<C::Reader as ChannelsReader>::Channels>;
type Reader = FirstValidLayerReader<C::Reader>;
fn create_layers_reader(&'s self, headers: &[Header]) -> Result<Self::Reader> {
.flat_map(|(index, header)|
.and_then(|reader| Ok(FirstValidLayerReader {
layer_reader: LayerReader::new(header, reader)?,
layer_index: index
.ok_or(Error::invalid("no layer in the image matched your specified requirements"))
impl<C> LayersReader for FirstValidLayerReader<C> where C: ChannelsReader {
type Layers = Layer<C::Channels>;
fn filter_block(&self, _: &MetaData, tile: TileCoordinates, block: BlockIndex) -> bool {
block.layer == self.layer_index && self.layer_reader.channels_reader.filter_block(tile)
fn read_block(&mut self, headers: &[Header], block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult {
debug_assert_eq!(block.index.layer, self.layer_index, "block should have been filtered out");
self.layer_reader.channels_reader.read_block(&headers[self.layer_index], block)
fn into_layers(self) -> Self::Layers {
Layer {
channel_data: self.layer_reader.channels_reader.into_channels(),
attributes: self.layer_reader.attributes,
size: self.layer_reader.size,
encoding: self.layer_reader.encoding