// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{ffi, gobject_ffi, prelude::*, subclass::prelude::*, translate::*, TypeModule};
pub trait TypeModuleImpl: ObjectImpl + TypeModuleImplExt {
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Loads the module, registers one or more object subclasses using
/// [`register_dynamic_type`] and registers one or more object interfaces
/// using [`register_dynamic_interface`] (see [`TypeModule`]).
/// [`register_dynamic_type`]: ../types/fn.register_dynamic_type.html
/// [`register_dynamic_interface`]: ../interface/fn.register_dynamic_interface.html
/// [`TypeModule`]: ../../gobject/auto/type_module/struct.TypeModule.html
fn load(&self) -> bool;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Unloads the module (see [`TypeModuleExt::unuse`]).
/// [`TypeModuleExt::unuse`]: ../../gobject/auto/type_module/trait.TypeModuleExt.html#method.unuse
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next-stop
fn unload(&self);
pub trait TypeModuleImplExt: ObjectSubclass {
fn parent_load(&self) -> bool;
fn parent_unload(&self);
impl<T: TypeModuleImpl> TypeModuleImplExt for T {
fn parent_load(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
let data = T::type_data();
let parent_class = data.as_ref().parent_class() as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeModuleClass;
let f = (*parent_class)
.expect("No parent class implementation for \"load\"");
fn parent_unload(&self) {
unsafe {
let data = T::type_data();
let parent_class = data.as_ref().parent_class() as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeModuleClass;
let f = (*parent_class)
.expect("No parent class implementation for \"unload\"");
unsafe impl<T: TypeModuleImpl> IsSubclassable<T> for TypeModule {
fn class_init(class: &mut crate::Class<Self>) {
let klass = class.as_mut();
klass.load = Some(load::<T>);
klass.unload = Some(unload::<T>);
unsafe extern "C" fn load<T: TypeModuleImpl>(
type_module: *mut gobject_ffi::GTypeModule,
) -> ffi::gboolean {
let instance = &*(type_module as *mut T::Instance);
let imp = instance.imp();
let res = imp.load();
// GLib type system expects a module to never be disposed if types has been
// successfully loaded.
// The following code prevents the Rust wrapper (`glib::TypeModule` subclass)
// to dispose the module when dropped by ensuring the reference count is > 1.
// Nothing is done if loading types has failed, allowing application to drop
// and dispose the invalid module.
if res && (*(type_module as *const gobject_ffi::GObject)).ref_count == 1 {
unsafe {
gobject_ffi::g_object_ref(type_module as _);
unsafe extern "C" fn unload<T: TypeModuleImpl>(type_module: *mut gobject_ffi::GTypeModule) {
let instance = &*(type_module as *mut T::Instance);
let imp = instance.imp();
mod tests {
use crate as glib;
use super::*;
mod imp {
use super::*;
pub struct SimpleModule;
impl ObjectSubclass for SimpleModule {
const NAME: &'static str = "SimpleModule";
type Type = super::SimpleModule;
type ParentType = TypeModule;
type Interfaces = (crate::TypePlugin,);
impl ObjectImpl for SimpleModule {}
impl TypePluginImpl for SimpleModule {}
impl TypeModuleImpl for SimpleModule {
fn load(&self) -> bool {
// register types on implementation load
fn unload(&self) {
// unregister types on implementation unload
pub struct SimpleModuleType;
impl ObjectSubclass for SimpleModuleType {
const NAME: &'static str = "SimpleModuleType";
type Type = super::SimpleModuleType;
impl ObjectImpl for SimpleModuleType {}
crate::wrapper! {
pub struct SimpleModule(ObjectSubclass<imp::SimpleModule>)
@extends TypeModule, @implements crate::TypePlugin;
crate::wrapper! {
pub struct SimpleModuleType(ObjectSubclass<imp::SimpleModuleType>);
fn test_module() {
let simple_module = glib::Object::new::<SimpleModule>();
// simulates the GLib type system to load the module.