/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cell::Cell;
use dom_struct::dom_struct;
use style::shared_lock::SharedRwLock;
use style::stylesheets::{CssRule as StyleCssRule, CssRuleType};
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::CSSRuleBinding::CSSRuleMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use crate::dom::bindings::reflector::Reflector;
use crate::dom::bindings::root::{Dom, DomRoot};
use crate::dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
use crate::dom::cssfontfacerule::CSSFontFaceRule;
use crate::dom::cssimportrule::CSSImportRule;
use crate::dom::csskeyframerule::CSSKeyframeRule;
use crate::dom::csskeyframesrule::CSSKeyframesRule;
use crate::dom::csslayerblockrule::CSSLayerBlockRule;
use crate::dom::csslayerstatementrule::CSSLayerStatementRule;
use crate::dom::cssmediarule::CSSMediaRule;
use crate::dom::cssnamespacerule::CSSNamespaceRule;
use crate::dom::cssstylerule::CSSStyleRule;
use crate::dom::cssstylesheet::CSSStyleSheet;
use crate::dom::csssupportsrule::CSSSupportsRule;
use crate::dom::window::Window;
use crate::script_runtime::CanGc;
pub(crate) struct CSSRule {
reflector_: Reflector,
parent_stylesheet: Dom<CSSStyleSheet>,
/// Whether the parentStyleSheet attribute should return null.
/// We keep parent_stylesheet in that case because insertRule needs it
/// for the stylesheet’s base URL and namespace prefixes.
parent_stylesheet_removed: Cell<bool>,
impl CSSRule {
#[cfg_attr(crown, allow(crown::unrooted_must_root))]
pub(crate) fn new_inherited(parent_stylesheet: &CSSStyleSheet) -> CSSRule {
CSSRule {
reflector_: Reflector::new(),
parent_stylesheet: Dom::from_ref(parent_stylesheet),
parent_stylesheet_removed: Cell::new(false),
pub(crate) fn as_specific(&self) -> &dyn SpecificCSSRule {
if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSStyleRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSFontFaceRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSKeyframesRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSMediaRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSNamespaceRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSKeyframeRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSImportRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSSupportsRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSLayerBlockRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else if let Some(rule) = self.downcast::<CSSLayerStatementRule>() {
rule as &dyn SpecificCSSRule
} else {
// Given a StyleCssRule, create a new instance of a derived class of
// CSSRule based on which rule it is
pub(crate) fn new_specific(
window: &Window,
parent_stylesheet: &CSSStyleSheet,
rule: StyleCssRule,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> DomRoot<CSSRule> {
// be sure to update the match in as_specific when this is updated
match rule {
StyleCssRule::Import(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSImportRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::Style(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSStyleRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::FontFace(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSFontFaceRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::FontFeatureValues(_) => unimplemented!(),
StyleCssRule::CounterStyle(_) => unimplemented!(),
StyleCssRule::Keyframes(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSKeyframesRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::Media(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSMediaRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::Namespace(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSNamespaceRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::Supports(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSSupportsRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::Page(_) => unreachable!(),
StyleCssRule::Container(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::Document(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::LayerBlock(s) => {
DomRoot::upcast(CSSLayerBlockRule::new(window, parent_stylesheet, s, can_gc))
StyleCssRule::LayerStatement(s) => DomRoot::upcast(CSSLayerStatementRule::new(
StyleCssRule::FontPaletteValues(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::Property(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::Margin(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::Scope(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::StartingStyle(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::PositionTry(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
StyleCssRule::NestedDeclarations(_) => unimplemented!(), // TODO
/// Sets owner sheet/rule to null
pub(crate) fn detach(&self) {
// should set parent rule to None when we add parent rule support
/// Sets owner sheet to null (and does the same for all children)
pub(crate) fn deparent(&self) {
// https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/722
// Spec doesn't ask us to do this, but it makes sense
// and browsers implement this behavior
pub(crate) fn parent_stylesheet(&self) -> &CSSStyleSheet {
pub(crate) fn shared_lock(&self) -> &SharedRwLock {
impl CSSRuleMethods<crate::DomTypeHolder> for CSSRule {
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssrule-type
fn Type(&self) -> u16 {
let rule_type = self.as_specific().ty() as u16;
// Per https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssrule-type for constants > 15
// we return 0.
if rule_type > 15 { 0 } else { rule_type }
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssrule-parentstylesheet
fn GetParentStyleSheet(&self) -> Option<DomRoot<CSSStyleSheet>> {
if self.parent_stylesheet_removed.get() {
} else {
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssrule-csstext
fn CssText(&self) -> DOMString {
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssrule-csstext
fn SetCssText(&self, _: DOMString) {
// do nothing
pub(crate) trait SpecificCSSRule {
fn ty(&self) -> CssRuleType;
fn get_css(&self) -> DOMString;
/// Remove parentStylesheet from all transitive children
fn deparent_children(&self) {
// most CSSRules do nothing here