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//! The constellation uses logging to perform crash reporting.
//! The constellation receives all `warn!`, `error!` and `panic!` messages,
//! and generates a crash report when it receives a panic.
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use backtrace::Backtrace;
use base::id::WebViewId;
use constellation_traits::{ConstellationMsg as FromCompositorMsg, LogEntry};
use crossbeam_channel::Sender;
use log::{Level, LevelFilter, Log, Metadata, Record};
use parking_lot::ReentrantMutex;
use script_traits::{ScriptMsg as FromScriptMsg, ScriptToConstellationChan};
/// A logger directed at the constellation from content processes
/// #[derive(Clone)]
pub struct FromScriptLogger {
/// A channel to the constellation
pub script_to_constellation_chan: Arc<ReentrantMutex<ScriptToConstellationChan>>,
/// A logger directed at the constellation from content processes
impl FromScriptLogger {
/// Create a new constellation logger.
pub fn new(script_to_constellation_chan: ScriptToConstellationChan) -> FromScriptLogger {
FromScriptLogger {
script_to_constellation_chan: Arc::new(ReentrantMutex::new(
/// The maximum log level the constellation logger is interested in.
pub fn filter(&self) -> LevelFilter {
impl Log for FromScriptLogger {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool {
metadata.level() <= Level::Warn
fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
if let Some(entry) = log_entry(record) {
let thread_name = thread::current().name().map(ToOwned::to_owned);
let msg = FromScriptMsg::LogEntry(thread_name, entry);
let chan = self.script_to_constellation_chan.lock();
let _ = chan.send(msg);
fn flush(&self) {}
/// A logger directed at the constellation from the compositor
pub struct FromCompositorLogger {
/// A channel to the constellation
pub constellation_chan: Arc<ReentrantMutex<Sender<FromCompositorMsg>>>,
impl FromCompositorLogger {
/// Create a new constellation logger.
pub fn new(constellation_chan: Sender<FromCompositorMsg>) -> FromCompositorLogger {
FromCompositorLogger {
constellation_chan: Arc::new(ReentrantMutex::new(constellation_chan)),
/// The maximum log level the constellation logger is interested in.
pub fn filter(&self) -> LevelFilter {
impl Log for FromCompositorLogger {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool {
metadata.level() <= Level::Warn
fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
if let Some(entry) = log_entry(record) {
let top_level_id = WebViewId::installed();
let thread_name = thread::current().name().map(ToOwned::to_owned);
let msg = FromCompositorMsg::LogEntry(top_level_id, thread_name, entry);
let chan = self.constellation_chan.lock();
let _ = chan.send(msg);
fn flush(&self) {}
/// Rust uses `Record` for storing logging, but servo converts that to
/// a `LogEntry`. We do this so that we can record panics as well as log
/// messages, and because `Record` does not implement serde (de)serialization,
/// so cannot be used over an IPC channel.
fn log_entry(record: &Record) -> Option<LogEntry> {
match record.level() {
Level::Error if thread::panicking() => Some(LogEntry::Panic(
format!("{}", record.args()),
format!("{:?}", Backtrace::new()),
Level::Error => Some(LogEntry::Error(format!("{}", record.args()))),
Level::Warn => Some(LogEntry::Warn(format!("{}", record.args()))),
_ => None,