/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::fs::{DirEntry, Metadata, ReadDir};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use chrono::{DateTime, Local};
use embedder_traits::resources::{Resource, read_string};
use headers::{ContentType, HeaderMapExt};
use net_traits::request::Request;
use net_traits::response::{Response, ResponseBody};
use net_traits::{NetworkError, ResourceFetchTiming};
use servo_config::pref;
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use url::Url;
pub fn fetch(request: &mut Request, url: ServoUrl, path_buf: PathBuf) -> Response {
if !pref!(network_local_directory_listing_enabled) {
// If you want to be able to browse local directories, configure Servo prefs so that
// "network.local_directory_listing.enabled" is set to true.
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal(
"Local directory listing feature has not been enabled in preferences".into(),
if !request.origin.is_opaque() {
// Checking for an opaque origin as a shorthand for user activation
// as opposed to a request originating from a script.
// TODO(32534): carefully consider security of this approach.
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal(
"Cannot request local directory listing from non-local origin.".into(),
let directory_contents = match std::fs::read_dir(path_buf.clone()) {
Ok(directory_contents) => directory_contents,
Err(error) => {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal(format!(
"Unable to access directory: {error}"
let output = build_html_directory_listing(url.as_url(), path_buf, directory_contents);
let mut response = Response::new(url, ResourceFetchTiming::new(request.timing_type()));
*response.body.lock().unwrap() = ResponseBody::Done(output.into_bytes());
/// Returns an the string of an JavaScript `<script>` tag calling the `setData` function with the
/// contents of the given [`ReadDir`] directory listing.
/// # Arguments
/// * `url` - the original URL of the request that triggered this directory listing.
/// * `path` - the full path to the local directory.
/// * `directory_contents` - a [`ReadDir`] with the contents of the directory.
pub fn build_html_directory_listing(
url: &Url,
path: PathBuf,
directory_contents: ReadDir,
) -> String {
let mut page_html = String::with_capacity(1024);
page_html.push_str("<!DOCTYPE html>");
let mut parent_url_string = String::new();
if path.parent().is_some() {
let mut parent_url = url.clone();
if let Ok(mut path_segments) = parent_url.path_segments_mut() {
parent_url.as_str().clone_into(&mut parent_url_string);
"setData({:?}, {:?}, [",
for directory_entry in directory_contents {
let Ok(directory_entry) = directory_entry else {
let Ok(metadata) = directory_entry.metadata() else {
write_directory_entry(directory_entry, metadata, url, &mut page_html);
fn write_directory_entry(entry: DirEntry, metadata: Metadata, url: &Url, output: &mut String) {
let Ok(name) = entry.file_name().into_string() else {
let mut file_url = url.clone();
let Ok(mut path_segments) = file_url.path_segments_mut() else {
let class = if metadata.is_dir() {
} else if metadata.is_symlink() {
} else {
let file_url_string = &file_url.to_string();
let file_size = metadata_to_file_size_string(&metadata);
let last_modified = metadata
.map(|time| time.format("%F %r").to_string())
"[{class:?}, {name:?}, {file_url_string:?}, {file_size:?}, {last_modified:?}],"
pub fn metadata_to_file_size_string(metadata: &Metadata) -> String {
if !metadata.is_file() {
return String::new();
let mut float_size = metadata.len() as f64;
let mut prefix_power = 0;
while float_size > 1000.0 && prefix_power < 3 {
float_size /= 1000.0;
prefix_power += 1;
let prefix = match prefix_power {
0 => "B",
1 => "KB",
2 => "MB",
_ => "GB",
format!("{:.2} {prefix}", float_size)