/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_env = "ohos")))]
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use servo::net_traits::pub_domains::is_reg_domain;
use servo::servo_url::ServoUrl;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_env = "ohos")))]
pub fn parse_url_or_filename(cwd: &Path, input: &str) -> Result<ServoUrl, ()> {
match ServoUrl::parse(input) {
Ok(url) => Ok(url),
Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase) => {
Err(_) => Err(()),
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_env = "ohos")))]
pub fn get_default_url(
url_opt: Option<&str>,
cwd: impl AsRef<Path>,
exists: impl FnOnce(&PathBuf) -> bool,
preferences: &crate::prefs::ServoShellPreferences,
) -> ServoUrl {
// If the url is not provided, we fallback to the homepage in prefs,
// or a blank page in case the homepage is not set either.
let mut new_url = None;
let cmdline_url = url_opt.map(|s| s.to_string()).and_then(|url_string| {
parse_url_or_filename(cwd.as_ref(), &url_string)
.inspect_err(|&error| {
log::warn!("URL parsing failed ({:?}).", error);
if let Some(url) = cmdline_url.clone() {
// Check if the URL path corresponds to a file
match (url.scheme(), url.host(), url.to_file_path()) {
("file", None, Ok(ref path)) if exists(path) => {
new_url = cmdline_url;
_ => {},
if new_url.is_none() && url_opt.is_some() {
new_url = location_bar_input_to_url(url_opt.unwrap(), &preferences.searchpage);
let pref_url = parse_url_or_filename(cwd.as_ref(), &preferences.homepage).ok();
let blank_url = ServoUrl::parse("about:blank").ok();
/// Interpret an input URL.
/// If this is not a valid URL, try to "fix" it by adding a scheme or if all else fails,
/// interpret the string as a search term.
pub(crate) fn location_bar_input_to_url(request: &str, searchpage: &str) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
let request = request.trim();
.or_else(|| try_as_file(request))
.or_else(|| try_as_domain(request))
.or_else(|| try_as_search_page(request, searchpage))
fn try_as_file(request: &str) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
if request.starts_with('/') {
return ServoUrl::parse(&format!("file://{}", request)).ok();
fn try_as_domain(request: &str) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
fn is_domain_like(s: &str) -> bool {
!s.starts_with('/') && s.contains('/') ||
(!s.contains(' ') && !s.starts_with('.') && s.split('.').count() > 1)
if !request.contains(' ') && is_reg_domain(request) || is_domain_like(request) {
return ServoUrl::parse(&format!("https://{}", request)).ok();
fn try_as_search_page(request: &str, searchpage: &str) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
if request.is_empty() {
return None;
ServoUrl::parse(&searchpage.replace("%s", request)).ok()