use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::fmt;
use super::ring_like::agreement;
use super::ring_like::rand::SystemRandom;
use crate::crypto::{ActiveKeyExchange, FfdheGroup, SharedSecret, SupportedKxGroup};
use crate::error::{Error, PeerMisbehaved};
use crate::msgs::enums::NamedGroup;
use crate::rand::GetRandomFailed;
/// A key-exchange group supported by *ring*.
struct KxGroup {
/// The IANA "TLS Supported Groups" name of the group
name: NamedGroup,
/// The corresponding ring agreement::Algorithm
agreement_algorithm: &'static agreement::Algorithm,
/// Whether the algorithm is allowed by FIPS
/// `SupportedKxGroup::fips()` is true if and only if the algorithm is allowed,
/// _and_ the implementation is FIPS-validated.
fips_allowed: bool,
/// aws-lc-rs 1.9 and later accepts more formats of public keys than
/// just uncompressed.
/// That is not compatible with TLS:
/// - TLS1.3 outlaws other encodings,
/// - TLS1.2 negotiates other encodings (we only offer uncompressed), and
/// defaults to uncompressed if negotiation is not done.
/// This function should return `true` if the basic shape of its argument
/// is consistent with an uncompressed point encoding. It does not need
/// to verify that the point is on the curve (if the curve requires that
/// for security); aws-lc-rs/ring must do that.
pub_key_validator: fn(&[u8]) -> bool,
impl SupportedKxGroup for KxGroup {
fn start(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn ActiveKeyExchange>, Error> {
let rng = SystemRandom::new();
let priv_key = agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey::generate(self.agreement_algorithm, &rng)
.map_err(|_| GetRandomFailed)?;
let pub_key = priv_key
.map_err(|_| GetRandomFailed)?;
Ok(Box::new(KeyExchange {
name: self.name,
agreement_algorithm: self.agreement_algorithm,
pub_key_validator: self.pub_key_validator,
fn ffdhe_group(&self) -> Option<FfdheGroup<'static>> {
fn name(&self) -> NamedGroup {
fn fips(&self) -> bool {
self.fips_allowed && super::fips()
impl fmt::Debug for KxGroup {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Ephemeral ECDH on curve25519 (see RFC7748)
pub static X25519: &dyn SupportedKxGroup = &KxGroup {
name: NamedGroup::X25519,
agreement_algorithm: &agreement::X25519,
// "Curves that are included in SP 800-186 but not included in SP 800-56Arev3 are
// not approved for key agreement. E.g., the ECDH X25519 and X448 key agreement
// schemes (defined in RFC 7748) that use Curve25519 and Curve448, respectively,
// are not compliant to SP 800-56Arev3."
// -- <https://csrc.nist.gov/csrc/media/Projects/cryptographic-module-validation-program/documents/fips%20140-3/FIPS%20140-3%20IG.pdf>
fips_allowed: false,
pub_key_validator: |point: &[u8]| point.len() == 32,
/// Ephemeral ECDH on secp256r1 (aka NIST-P256)
pub static SECP256R1: &dyn SupportedKxGroup = &KxGroup {
name: NamedGroup::secp256r1,
agreement_algorithm: &agreement::ECDH_P256,
fips_allowed: true,
pub_key_validator: uncompressed_point,
/// Ephemeral ECDH on secp384r1 (aka NIST-P384)
pub static SECP384R1: &dyn SupportedKxGroup = &KxGroup {
name: NamedGroup::secp384r1,
agreement_algorithm: &agreement::ECDH_P384,
fips_allowed: true,
pub_key_validator: uncompressed_point,
fn uncompressed_point(point: &[u8]) -> bool {
// See `UncompressedPointRepresentation`, which is a retelling of
// SEC1 section 2.3.3 "Elliptic-Curve-Point-to-Octet-String Conversion"
// <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8446#section->
matches!(point.first(), Some(0x04))
/// An in-progress key exchange. This has the algorithm,
/// our private key, and our public key.
struct KeyExchange {
name: NamedGroup,
agreement_algorithm: &'static agreement::Algorithm,
priv_key: agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey,
pub_key: agreement::PublicKey,
pub_key_validator: fn(&[u8]) -> bool,
impl ActiveKeyExchange for KeyExchange {
/// Completes the key exchange, given the peer's public key.
fn complete(self: Box<Self>, peer: &[u8]) -> Result<SharedSecret, Error> {
if !(self.pub_key_validator)(peer) {
return Err(PeerMisbehaved::InvalidKeyShare.into());
let peer_key = agreement::UnparsedPublicKey::new(self.agreement_algorithm, peer);
super::ring_shim::agree_ephemeral(self.priv_key, &peer_key)
.map_err(|_| PeerMisbehaved::InvalidKeyShare.into())
fn ffdhe_group(&self) -> Option<FfdheGroup<'static>> {
/// Return the group being used.
fn group(&self) -> NamedGroup {
/// Return the public key being used.
fn pub_key(&self) -> &[u8] {
mod tests {
use std::format;
fn kxgroup_fmt_yields_name() {
assert_eq!("X25519", format!("{:?}", super::X25519));
mod benchmarks {
fn bench_x25519(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
bench_any(b, super::X25519);
fn bench_ecdh_p256(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
bench_any(b, super::SECP256R1);
fn bench_ecdh_p384(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
bench_any(b, super::SECP384R1);
fn bench_any(b: &mut test::Bencher, kxg: &dyn super::SupportedKxGroup) {
b.iter(|| {
let akx = kxg.start().unwrap();
let pub_key = akx.pub_key().to_vec();