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use std::{any::Any, sync::Arc};
use crate::*;
/// Information passed along with [`PaintCallback`] ([`Shape::Callback`]).
pub struct PaintCallbackInfo {
/// Viewport in points.
/// This specifies where on the screen to paint, and the borders of this
/// Rect is the [-1, +1] of the Normalized Device Coordinates.
/// Note than only a portion of this may be visible due to [`Self::clip_rect`].
/// This comes from [`PaintCallback::rect`].
pub viewport: Rect,
/// Clip rectangle in points.
pub clip_rect: Rect,
/// Pixels per point.
pub pixels_per_point: f32,
/// Full size of the screen, in pixels.
pub screen_size_px: [u32; 2],
fn test_viewport_rounding() {
for i in 0..=10_000 {
// Two adjacent viewports should never overlap:
let x = i as f32 / 97.0;
let left = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(0.0, 0.0), pos2(100.0, 100.0)).with_max_x(x);
let right = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(0.0, 0.0), pos2(100.0, 100.0)).with_min_x(x);
for pixels_per_point in [0.618, 1.0, std::f32::consts::PI] {
let left = ViewportInPixels::from_points(&left, pixels_per_point, [100, 100]);
let right = ViewportInPixels::from_points(&right, pixels_per_point, [100, 100]);
assert_eq!(left.left_px + left.width_px, right.left_px);
impl PaintCallbackInfo {
/// The viewport rectangle. This is what you would use in e.g. `glViewport`.
pub fn viewport_in_pixels(&self) -> ViewportInPixels {
ViewportInPixels::from_points(&self.viewport, self.pixels_per_point, self.screen_size_px)
/// The "scissor" or "clip" rectangle. This is what you would use in e.g. `glScissor`.
pub fn clip_rect_in_pixels(&self) -> ViewportInPixels {
ViewportInPixels::from_points(&self.clip_rect, self.pixels_per_point, self.screen_size_px)
/// If you want to paint some 3D shapes inside an egui region, you can use this.
/// This is advanced usage, and is backend specific.
pub struct PaintCallback {
/// Where to paint.
/// This will become [`PaintCallbackInfo::viewport`].
pub rect: Rect,
/// Paint something custom (e.g. 3D stuff).
/// The concrete value of `callback` depends on the rendering backend used. For instance, the
/// `glow` backend requires that callback be an `egui_glow::CallbackFn` while the `wgpu`
/// backend requires a `egui_wgpu::Callback`.
/// If the type cannot be downcast to the type expected by the current backend the callback
/// will not be drawn.
/// The rendering backend is responsible for first setting the active viewport to
/// [`Self::rect`].
/// The rendering backend is also responsible for restoring any state, such as the bound shader
/// program, vertex array, etc.
/// Shape has to be clone, therefore this has to be an `Arc` instead of a `Box`.
pub callback: Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>,
impl std::fmt::Debug for PaintCallback {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("rect", &self.rect)
impl std::cmp::PartialEq for PaintCallback {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.rect.eq(&other.rect) && Arc::ptr_eq(&self.callback, &other.callback)
impl From<PaintCallback> for Shape {
fn from(shape: PaintCallback) -> Self {