/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use app_units::Au;
use euclid::{Point2D, Size2D, Vector2D};
use style::computed_values::background_attachment::SingleComputedValue as BackgroundAttachment;
use style::computed_values::background_clip::single_value::T as Clip;
use style::computed_values::background_origin::single_value::T as Origin;
use style::properties::ComputedValues;
use style::values::computed::LengthPercentage;
use style::values::computed::background::BackgroundSize as Size;
use style::values::specified::background::{
BackgroundRepeat as RepeatXY, BackgroundRepeatKeyword as Repeat,
use webrender_api::{self as wr, units};
use wr::ClipChainId;
use wr::units::LayoutSize;
use crate::replaced::NaturalSizes;
pub(super) struct BackgroundLayer {
pub common: wr::CommonItemProperties,
pub bounds: units::LayoutRect,
pub tile_size: units::LayoutSize,
pub tile_spacing: units::LayoutSize,
pub repeat: bool,
struct Layout1DResult {
repeat: bool,
bounds_origin: f32,
bounds_size: f32,
tile_spacing: f32,
fn get_cyclic<T>(values: &[T], layer_index: usize) -> &T {
&values[layer_index % values.len()]
pub(super) struct BackgroundPainter<'a> {
pub style: &'a ComputedValues,
pub positioning_area_override: Option<units::LayoutRect>,
pub painting_area_override: Option<units::LayoutRect>,
impl<'a> BackgroundPainter<'a> {
/// Get the painting area for this background, which is the actual rectangle in the
/// current coordinate system that the background will be painted.
pub(super) fn painting_area(
fragment_builder: &'a super::BuilderForBoxFragment,
builder: &mut super::DisplayListBuilder,
layer_index: usize,
) -> units::LayoutRect {
let fb = fragment_builder;
if let Some(painting_area_override) = self.painting_area_override.as_ref() {
return *painting_area_override;
if self.positioning_area_override.is_some() {
return fb.border_rect;
let background = self.style.get_background();
if &BackgroundAttachment::Fixed ==
get_cyclic(&background.background_attachment.0, layer_index)
let viewport_size = builder.display_list.compositor_info.viewport_size;
return units::LayoutRect::from_origin_and_size(Point2D::origin(), viewport_size);
match get_cyclic(&background.background_clip.0, layer_index) {
Clip::ContentBox => *fragment_builder.content_rect(),
Clip::PaddingBox => *fragment_builder.padding_rect(),
Clip::BorderBox => fragment_builder.border_rect,
fn clip(
fragment_builder: &'a super::BuilderForBoxFragment,
builder: &mut super::DisplayListBuilder,
layer_index: usize,
) -> Option<ClipChainId> {
if self.painting_area_override.is_some() {
return None;
if self.positioning_area_override.is_some() {
return fragment_builder.border_edge_clip(builder, false);
// The 'backgound-clip' property maps directly to `clip_rect` in `CommonItemProperties`:
let background = self.style.get_background();
let force_clip_creation = get_cyclic(&background.background_attachment.0, layer_index) ==
match get_cyclic(&background.background_clip.0, layer_index) {
Clip::ContentBox => fragment_builder.content_edge_clip(builder, force_clip_creation),
Clip::PaddingBox => fragment_builder.padding_edge_clip(builder, force_clip_creation),
Clip::BorderBox => fragment_builder.border_edge_clip(builder, force_clip_creation),
/// Get the [`wr::CommonItemProperties`] for this background. This includes any clipping
/// established by border radii as well as special clipping and spatial node assignment
/// necessary for `background-attachment`.
pub(super) fn common_properties(
fragment_builder: &'a super::BuilderForBoxFragment,
builder: &mut super::DisplayListBuilder,
layer_index: usize,
painting_area: units::LayoutRect,
) -> wr::CommonItemProperties {
let clip = self.clip(fragment_builder, builder, layer_index);
let style = &fragment_builder.fragment.style;
let mut common = builder.common_properties(painting_area, style);
if let Some(clip_chain_id) = clip {
common.clip_chain_id = clip_chain_id;
if &BackgroundAttachment::Fixed ==
get_cyclic(&style.get_background().background_attachment.0, layer_index)
common.spatial_id = builder.current_reference_frame_scroll_node_id.spatial_id;
/// Get the positioning area of the background which is the rectangle that defines where
/// the origin of the background content is, regardless of where the background is actual
/// painted.
pub(super) fn positioning_area(
fragment_builder: &'a super::BuilderForBoxFragment,
layer_index: usize,
) -> units::LayoutRect {
if let Some(positioning_area_override) = self.positioning_area_override {
return positioning_area_override;
match get_cyclic(
) {
BackgroundAttachment::Scroll => match get_cyclic(
) {
Origin::ContentBox => *fragment_builder.content_rect(),
Origin::PaddingBox => *fragment_builder.padding_rect(),
Origin::BorderBox => fragment_builder.border_rect,
BackgroundAttachment::Fixed => {
// This isn't the viewport size because that rects larger than the viewport might be
// transformed down into areas smaller than the viewport.
LayoutSize::new(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
pub(super) fn layout_layer(
fragment_builder: &mut super::BuilderForBoxFragment,
painter: &BackgroundPainter,
builder: &mut super::DisplayListBuilder,
layer_index: usize,
natural_sizes: NaturalSizes,
) -> Option<BackgroundLayer> {
let painting_area = painter.painting_area(fragment_builder, builder, layer_index);
let positioning_area = painter.positioning_area(fragment_builder, layer_index);
let common = painter.common_properties(fragment_builder, builder, layer_index, painting_area);
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds/#background-size
enum ContainOrCover {
let size_contain_or_cover = |background_size| {
let mut tile_size = positioning_area.size();
if let Some(natural_ratio) = natural_sizes.ratio {
let positioning_ratio = positioning_area.size().width / positioning_area.size().height;
// Whether the tile width (as opposed to height)
// is scaled to that of the positioning area
let fit_width = match background_size {
ContainOrCover::Contain => positioning_ratio <= natural_ratio,
ContainOrCover::Cover => positioning_ratio > natural_ratio,
// The other dimension needs to be adjusted
if fit_width {
tile_size.height = tile_size.width / natural_ratio
} else {
tile_size.width = tile_size.height * natural_ratio
let b = painter.style.get_background();
let mut tile_size = match get_cyclic(&b.background_size.0, layer_index) {
Size::Contain => size_contain_or_cover(ContainOrCover::Contain),
Size::Cover => size_contain_or_cover(ContainOrCover::Cover),
Size::ExplicitSize { width, height } => {
let mut width = width.non_auto().map(|lp| {
let mut height = height.non_auto().map(|lp| {
if width.is_none() && height.is_none() {
// Both computed values are 'auto':
// use natural sizes, treating missing width or height as 'auto'
width = natural_sizes.width;
height = natural_sizes.height;
match (width, height) {
(Some(w), Some(h)) => units::LayoutSize::new(w.to_f32_px(), h.to_f32_px()),
(Some(w), None) => {
let h = if let Some(natural_ratio) = natural_sizes.ratio {
w.scale_by(1.0 / natural_ratio)
} else if let Some(natural_height) = natural_sizes.height {
} else {
// Treated as 100%
units::LayoutSize::new(w.to_f32_px(), h.to_f32_px())
(None, Some(h)) => {
let w = if let Some(natural_ratio) = natural_sizes.ratio {
} else if let Some(natural_width) = natural_sizes.width {
} else {
// Treated as 100%
units::LayoutSize::new(w.to_f32_px(), h.to_f32_px())
// Both comptued values were 'auto', and neither natural size is present
(None, None) => size_contain_or_cover(ContainOrCover::Contain),
if tile_size.width == 0.0 || tile_size.height == 0.0 {
return None;
let RepeatXY(repeat_x, repeat_y) = *get_cyclic(&b.background_repeat.0, layer_index);
let result_x = layout_1d(
&mut tile_size.width,
get_cyclic(&b.background_position_x.0, layer_index),
painting_area.min.x - positioning_area.min.x,
let result_y = layout_1d(
&mut tile_size.height,
get_cyclic(&b.background_position_y.0, layer_index),
painting_area.min.y - positioning_area.min.y,
let bounds = units::LayoutRect::from_origin_and_size(
positioning_area.min + Vector2D::new(result_x.bounds_origin, result_y.bounds_origin),
Size2D::new(result_x.bounds_size, result_y.bounds_size),
let tile_spacing = units::LayoutSize::new(result_x.tile_spacing, result_y.tile_spacing);
Some(BackgroundLayer {
repeat: result_x.repeat || result_y.repeat,
/// Abstract over the horizontal or vertical dimension
/// Coordinates (0, 0) for the purpose of this function are the positioning area’s origin.
fn layout_1d(
tile_size: &mut f32,
mut repeat: Repeat,
position: &LengthPercentage,
painting_area_origin: f32,
painting_area_size: f32,
positioning_area_size: f32,
) -> Layout1DResult {
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds/#background-repeat
if let Repeat::Round = repeat {
*tile_size = positioning_area_size / (positioning_area_size / *tile_size).round();
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds/#background-position
let mut position = position
.to_used_value(Au::from_f32_px(positioning_area_size - *tile_size))
let mut tile_spacing = 0.0;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds/#background-repeat
if let Repeat::Space = repeat {
// The most entire tiles we can fit
let tile_count = (positioning_area_size / *tile_size).floor();
if tile_count >= 2.0 {
position = 0.0;
// Make the outsides of the first and last of that many tiles
// touch the edges of the positioning area:
let total_space = positioning_area_size - *tile_size * tile_count;
let spaces_count = tile_count - 1.0;
tile_spacing = total_space / spaces_count;
} else {
repeat = Repeat::NoRepeat
match repeat {
Repeat::Repeat | Repeat::Round | Repeat::Space => {
// WebRender’s `RepeatingImageDisplayItem` contains a `bounds` rectangle and:
// * The tiling is clipped to the intersection of `clip_rect` and `bounds`
// * The origin (top-left corner) of `bounds` is the position
// of the “first” (top-left-most) tile.
// In the general case that first tile is not the one that is positioned by
// `background-position`.
// We want it to be the top-left-most tile that intersects with `clip_rect`.
// We find it by offsetting by a whole number of strides,
// then compute `bounds` such that:
// * Its bottom-right is the bottom-right of `clip_rect`
// * Its top-left is the top-left of first tile.
let tile_stride = *tile_size + tile_spacing;
let offset = position - painting_area_origin;
let bounds_origin = position - tile_stride * (offset / tile_stride).ceil();
let bounds_end = painting_area_origin + painting_area_size;
let bounds_size = bounds_end - bounds_origin;
Layout1DResult {
repeat: true,
Repeat::NoRepeat => {
// `RepeatingImageDisplayItem` always repeats in both dimension.
// When we want only one of the dimensions to repeat,
// we use the `bounds` rectangle to clip the tiling to one tile
// in that dimension.
Layout1DResult {
repeat: false,
bounds_origin: position,
bounds_size: *tile_size,
tile_spacing: 0.0,