// Copyright 2016 Brian Smith.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
// Modifications copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR ISC
//! The [chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com] AEAD-ish construct.
//! This should only be used by SSH implementations. It has a similar, but
//! different API from `aws_lc_rs::aead` because the construct cannot use the same
//! API as `aws_lc_rs::aead` due to the way the construct handles the encrypted
//! packet length.
//! The concatenation of a and b is denoted `a||b`. `K_1` and `K_2` are defined
//! in the [chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com] specification. `packet_length`,
//! `padding_length`, `payload`, and `random padding` are defined in
//! [RFC 4253]. The term `plaintext` is used as a shorthand for
//! `padding_length||payload||random padding`.
//! [chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com]:
//! http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/ssh/PROTOCOL.chacha20poly1305?annotate=HEAD
//! [RFC 4253]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253
//! # FIPS
//! The APIs offered in this module must not be used.
use super::{poly1305, Nonce, Tag};
use crate::cipher::block::BLOCK_LEN;
use crate::cipher::chacha::{self, ChaCha20Key};
use crate::endian::BigEndian;
use crate::iv::FixedLength;
use crate::{constant_time, error};
/// A key for sealing packets.
pub struct SealingKey {
key: Key,
impl SealingKey {
/// Constructs a new `SealingKey`.
pub fn new(key_material: &[u8; KEY_LEN]) -> SealingKey {
SealingKey {
key: Key::new(key_material),
/// Seals (encrypts and signs) a packet.
/// On input, `plaintext_in_ciphertext_out` must contain the unencrypted
/// `packet_length||plaintext` where `plaintext` is the
/// `padding_length||payload||random padding`. It will be overwritten by
/// `encrypted_packet_length||ciphertext`, where `encrypted_packet_length`
/// is encrypted with `K_1` and `ciphertext` is encrypted by `K_2`.
// # FIPS
// This method must not be used.
pub fn seal_in_place(
sequence_number: u32,
plaintext_in_ciphertext_out: &mut [u8],
tag_out: &mut [u8; TAG_LEN],
) {
let nonce = make_nonce(sequence_number);
let poly_key = derive_poly1305_key(&self.key.k_2, Nonce(FixedLength::from(nonce.as_ref())));
let (len_in_out, data_and_padding_in_out) =
self.key.k_1.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref(), len_in_out, 0);
.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref(), data_and_padding_in_out, 1);
let Tag(tag, tag_len) = poly1305::sign(poly_key, plaintext_in_ciphertext_out);
debug_assert_eq!(TAG_LEN, tag_len);
/// A key for opening packets.
pub struct OpeningKey {
key: Key,
impl OpeningKey {
/// Constructs a new `OpeningKey`.
pub fn new(key_material: &[u8; KEY_LEN]) -> OpeningKey {
OpeningKey {
key: Key::new(key_material),
/// Returns the decrypted, but unauthenticated, packet length.
/// Importantly, the result won't be authenticated until `open_in_place` is
/// called.
// # FIPS
// This method must not be used.
pub fn decrypt_packet_length(
sequence_number: u32,
encrypted_packet_length: [u8; PACKET_LENGTH_LEN],
) -> [u8; PACKET_LENGTH_LEN] {
let mut packet_length = encrypted_packet_length;
let nonce = make_nonce(sequence_number);
.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref(), &mut packet_length, 0);
/// Opens (authenticates and decrypts) a packet.
/// `ciphertext_in_plaintext_out` must be of the form
/// `encrypted_packet_length||ciphertext` where `ciphertext` is the
/// encrypted `plaintext`. When the function succeeds the ciphertext is
/// replaced by the plaintext and the result is `Ok(plaintext)`, where
/// `plaintext` is `&ciphertext_in_plaintext_out[PACKET_LENGTH_LEN..]`;
/// otherwise the contents of `ciphertext_in_plaintext_out` are unspecified
/// and must not be used.
/// # Errors
/// `error::Unspecified` when ciphertext is invalid
// # FIPS
// This method must not be used.
pub fn open_in_place<'a>(
sequence_number: u32,
ciphertext_in_plaintext_out: &'a mut [u8],
tag: &[u8; TAG_LEN],
) -> Result<&'a [u8], error::Unspecified> {
let nonce = make_nonce(sequence_number);
// We must verify the tag before decrypting so that
// `ciphertext_in_plaintext_out` is unmodified if verification fails.
// This is beyond what we guarantee.
let poly_key = derive_poly1305_key(&self.key.k_2, Nonce(FixedLength::from(nonce.as_ref())));
verify(poly_key, ciphertext_in_plaintext_out, tag)?;
let plaintext_in_ciphertext_out = &mut ciphertext_in_plaintext_out[PACKET_LENGTH_LEN..];
.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref(), plaintext_in_ciphertext_out, 1);
struct Key {
k_1: ChaCha20Key,
k_2: ChaCha20Key,
impl Key {
fn new(key_material: &[u8; KEY_LEN]) -> Key {
// The first half becomes K_2 and the second half becomes K_1.
let (k_2, k_1) = key_material.split_at(chacha::KEY_LEN);
let k_1: [u8; chacha::KEY_LEN] = k_1.try_into().unwrap();
let k_2: [u8; chacha::KEY_LEN] = k_2.try_into().unwrap();
Key {
k_1: ChaCha20Key::from(k_1),
k_2: ChaCha20Key::from(k_2),
fn make_nonce(sequence_number: u32) -> Nonce {
/// The length of key.
pub const KEY_LEN: usize = chacha::KEY_LEN * 2;
/// The length in bytes of the `packet_length` field in a SSH packet.
pub const PACKET_LENGTH_LEN: usize = 4; // 32 bits
/// The length in bytes of an authentication tag.
pub const TAG_LEN: usize = BLOCK_LEN;
fn verify(key: poly1305::Key, msg: &[u8], tag: &[u8; TAG_LEN]) -> Result<(), error::Unspecified> {
let Tag(calculated_tag, _) = poly1305::sign(key, msg);
constant_time::verify_slices_are_equal(calculated_tag.as_ref(), tag)
pub(super) fn derive_poly1305_key(chacha_key: &ChaCha20Key, nonce: Nonce) -> poly1305::Key {
let mut key_bytes = [0u8; 2 * BLOCK_LEN];
chacha_key.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref(), &mut key_bytes, 0);
mod tests {
use crate::aead::chacha20_poly1305_openssh::{
derive_poly1305_key, OpeningKey, SealingKey, KEY_LEN, TAG_LEN,
use crate::aead::Nonce;
use crate::cipher::chacha::ChaCha20Key;
use crate::endian::{BigEndian, FromArray, LittleEndian};
use crate::test;
fn derive_poly1305_test() {
let chacha_key =
let expected_poly1305_key =
let chacha_key = chacha_key.as_slice();
let chacha_key_bytes: [u8; 32] = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(chacha_key).unwrap();
let chacha_key = ChaCha20Key::from(chacha_key_bytes);
let iv = Nonce::from(&[45u32, 897, 4567]);
let poly1305_key = derive_poly1305_key(&chacha_key, iv);
assert_eq!(&expected_poly1305_key, &poly1305_key.key_and_nonce);
let iv = Nonce::from(&LittleEndian::<u32>::from_array(&[45u32, 897, 4567]));
let poly1305_key = derive_poly1305_key(&chacha_key, iv);
assert_eq!(&expected_poly1305_key, &poly1305_key.key_and_nonce);
let iv = Nonce::from(&BigEndian::<u32>::from_array(&[45u32, 897, 4567]));
let poly1305_key = derive_poly1305_key(&chacha_key, iv);
assert_ne!(&expected_poly1305_key, &poly1305_key.key_and_nonce);
fn test_decrypt_packet_length() {
let key_bytes: [u8; KEY_LEN] = test::from_dirty_hex("98bef1469be7269837a45bfbc92a5a6ac762\
let sealing_key = SealingKey::new(&key_bytes);
let opening_key = OpeningKey::new(&key_bytes);
let plaintext = b"Hello World!";
let packet_length = plaintext.len() as u32;
let packet_length = packet_length.to_be_bytes();
let mut in_out = Vec::new();
let mut tag = [0u8; TAG_LEN];
sealing_key.seal_in_place(0, &mut in_out, &mut tag);
let encrypted_length: [u8; 4] = in_out[0..4].to_owned().try_into().unwrap();
let decrypted_length = opening_key.decrypt_packet_length(0, encrypted_length);
let decrypted_length = u32::from_be_bytes(decrypted_length);
assert_eq!(plaintext.len() as u32, decrypted_length);
fn test_types() {