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//! Machinery for [task-queue](
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::default::Default;
use base::id::PipelineId;
use crossbeam_channel::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use crate::dom::bindings::cell::DomRefCell;
use crate::dom::worker::TrustedWorkerAddress;
use crate::script_runtime::ScriptThreadEventCategory;
use crate::script_thread::ScriptThread;
use crate::task::TaskBox;
use crate::task_source::TaskSourceName;
pub(crate) type QueuedTask = (
Box<dyn TaskBox>,
/// Defining the operations used to convert from a msg T to a QueuedTask.
pub(crate) trait QueuedTaskConversion {
fn task_source_name(&self) -> Option<&TaskSourceName>;
fn pipeline_id(&self) -> Option<PipelineId>;
fn into_queued_task(self) -> Option<QueuedTask>;
fn from_queued_task(queued_task: QueuedTask) -> Self;
fn inactive_msg() -> Self;
fn wake_up_msg() -> Self;
fn is_wake_up(&self) -> bool;
pub(crate) struct TaskQueue<T> {
/// The original port on which the task-sources send tasks as messages.
port: Receiver<T>,
/// A sender to ensure the port doesn't block on select while there are throttled tasks.
wake_up_sender: Sender<T>,
/// A queue from which the event-loop can drain tasks.
msg_queue: DomRefCell<VecDeque<T>>,
/// A "business" counter, reset for each iteration of the event-loop
taken_task_counter: Cell<u64>,
/// Tasks that will be throttled for as long as we are "busy".
throttled: DomRefCell<HashMap<TaskSourceName, VecDeque<QueuedTask>>>,
/// Tasks for not fully-active documents.
inactive: DomRefCell<HashMap<PipelineId, VecDeque<QueuedTask>>>,
impl<T: QueuedTaskConversion> TaskQueue<T> {
pub(crate) fn new(port: Receiver<T>, wake_up_sender: Sender<T>) -> TaskQueue<T> {
TaskQueue {
msg_queue: DomRefCell::new(VecDeque::new()),
taken_task_counter: Default::default(),
throttled: Default::default(),
inactive: Default::default(),
/// Release previously held-back tasks for documents that are now fully-active.
/// <>
fn release_tasks_for_fully_active_documents(
fully_active: &HashSet<PipelineId>,
) -> Vec<T> {
.filter(|(pipeline_id, _)| fully_active.contains(pipeline_id))
.flat_map(|(_, inactive_queue)| {
.map(|queued_task| T::from_queued_task(queued_task))
/// Hold back tasks for currently not fully-active documents.
/// <>
fn store_task_for_inactive_pipeline(&self, msg: T, pipeline_id: &PipelineId) {
let mut inactive = self.inactive.borrow_mut();
let inactive_queue = inactive.entry(*pipeline_id).or_default();
.expect("Incoming messages should always be convertible into queued tasks"),
let mut msg_queue = self.msg_queue.borrow_mut();
if msg_queue.is_empty() {
// Ensure there is at least one message.
// Otherwise if the just stored inactive message
// was the first and last of this iteration,
// it will result in a spurious wake-up of the event-loop.
/// Process incoming tasks, immediately sending priority ones downstream,
/// and categorizing potential throttles.
fn process_incoming_tasks(&self, first_msg: T, fully_active: &HashSet<PipelineId>) {
// 1. Make any previously stored task from now fully-active document available.
let mut incoming = self.release_tasks_for_fully_active_documents(fully_active);
// 2. Process the first message(artifact of the fact that select always returns a message).
if !first_msg.is_wake_up() {
// 3. Process any other incoming message.
while let Ok(msg) = self.port.try_recv() {
if !msg.is_wake_up() {
// 4. Filter tasks from non-priority task-sources.
// TODO: This can use `extract_if` once that is stabilized.
let mut to_be_throttled = Vec::new();
let mut index = 0;
while index != incoming.len() {
index += 1; // By default we go to the next index of the vector.
let task_source = match incoming[index - 1].task_source_name() {
Some(task_source) => task_source,
None => continue,
match task_source {
TaskSourceName::PerformanceTimeline => {
to_be_throttled.push(incoming.remove(index - 1));
index -= 1; // We've removed an element, so the next has the same index.
_ => {
// A task that will not be throttled, start counting "business"
.set(self.taken_task_counter.get() + 1);
for msg in incoming {
// Always run "update the rendering" tasks,
// TODO: fix "fully active" concept for iframes.
if let Some(TaskSourceName::Rendering) = msg.task_source_name() {
if let Some(pipeline_id) = msg.pipeline_id() {
if !fully_active.contains(&pipeline_id) {
self.store_task_for_inactive_pipeline(msg, &pipeline_id);
// Immediately send non-throttled tasks for processing.
for msg in to_be_throttled {
// Categorize tasks per task queue.
let (worker, category, boxed, pipeline_id, task_source) = match msg.into_queued_task() {
Some(queued_task) => queued_task,
None => unreachable!(
"A message to be throttled should always be convertible into a queued task"
let mut throttled_tasks = self.throttled.borrow_mut();
/// Reset the queue for a new iteration of the event-loop,
/// returning the port about whose readiness we want to be notified.
pub(crate) fn select(&self) -> &crossbeam_channel::Receiver<T> {
// This is a new iteration of the event-loop, so we reset the "business" counter.
// We want to be notified when the script-port is ready to receive.
// Hence that's the one we need to include in the select.
/// Take a message from the front of the queue, without waiting if empty.
pub(crate) fn recv(&self) -> Result<T, ()> {
/// Take all tasks again and then run `recv()`.
pub(crate) fn take_tasks_and_recv(&self) -> Result<T, ()> {
/// Drain the queue for the current iteration of the event-loop.
/// Holding-back throttles above a given high-water mark.
pub(crate) fn take_tasks(&self, first_msg: T) {
// High-watermark: once reached, throttled tasks will be held-back.
const PER_ITERATION_MAX: u64 = 5;
let fully_active = ScriptThread::get_fully_active_document_ids();
// Always first check for new tasks, but don't reset 'taken_task_counter'.
self.process_incoming_tasks(first_msg, &fully_active);
let mut throttled = self.throttled.borrow_mut();
let mut throttled_length: usize = throttled.values().map(|queue| queue.len()).sum();
let task_source_names = TaskSourceName::all();
let mut task_source_cycler = task_source_names.iter().cycle();
// "being busy", is defined as having more than x tasks for this loop's iteration.
// As long as we're not busy, and there are throttled tasks left:
loop {
let max_reached = self.taken_task_counter.get() > PER_ITERATION_MAX;
let none_left = throttled_length == 0;
match (max_reached, none_left) {
(_, true) => break,
(true, false) => {
// We have reached the high-watermark for this iteration of the event-loop,
// yet also have throttled messages left in the queue.
// Ensure the select wakes up in the next iteration of the event-loop
let _ = self.wake_up_sender.send(T::wake_up_msg());
(false, false) => {
// Cycle through non-priority task sources, taking one throttled task from each.
let task_source =;
let throttled_queue = match throttled.get_mut(task_source) {
Some(queue) => queue,
None => continue,
let queued_task = match throttled_queue.pop_front() {
Some(queued_task) => queued_task,
None => continue,
let msg = T::from_queued_task(queued_task);
// Hold back tasks for currently inactive documents.
if let Some(pipeline_id) = msg.pipeline_id() {
if !fully_active.contains(&pipeline_id) {
self.store_task_for_inactive_pipeline(msg, &pipeline_id);
// Reduce the length of throttles,
// but don't add the task to "msg_queue",
// and neither increment "taken_task_counter".
throttled_length -= 1;
// Make the task available for the event-loop to handle as a message.
.set(self.taken_task_counter.get() + 1);
throttled_length -= 1;