/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::default::Default;
use base::id::BrowsingContextId;
use constellation_traits::{WindowSizeData, WindowSizeType};
use euclid::{Scale, Size2D};
use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use script_layout_interface::IFrameSizes;
use script_traits::IFrameSizeMsg;
use style_traits::CSSPixel;
use webrender_api::units::DevicePixel;
use crate::dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use crate::dom::bindings::root::{Dom, DomRoot};
use crate::dom::htmliframeelement::HTMLIFrameElement;
use crate::dom::node::{Node, ShadowIncluding};
use crate::dom::types::Document;
use crate::script_thread::with_script_thread;
#[derive(JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf)]
#[cfg_attr(crown, crown::unrooted_must_root_lint::must_root)]
pub(crate) struct IFrame {
pub(crate) element: Dom<HTMLIFrameElement>,
pub(crate) size: Option<Size2D<f32, CSSPixel>>,
#[derive(Default, JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf)]
#[cfg_attr(crown, crown::unrooted_must_root_lint::must_root)]
pub(crate) struct IFrameCollection {
/// The version of the [`Document`] that this collection refers to. When the versions
/// do not match, the collection will need to be rebuilt.
document_version: Cell<u64>,
/// The `<iframe>`s in the collection.
iframes: Vec<IFrame>,
impl IFrameCollection {
/// Validate that the collection is up-to-date with the given [`Document`]. If it isn't up-to-date
/// rebuild it.
pub(crate) fn validate(&mut self, document: &Document) {
// TODO: Whether the DOM has changed at all can lead to rebuilding this collection
// when it isn't necessary. A better signal might be if any `<iframe>` nodes have
// been connected or disconnected.
let document_node = DomRoot::from_ref(document.upcast::<Node>());
let document_version = document_node.inclusive_descendants_version();
if document_version == self.document_version.get() {
// Preserve any old sizes, but only for `<iframe>`s that already have a
// BrowsingContextId and a set size.
let mut old_sizes: FnvHashMap<_, _> = self
|iframe| match (iframe.element.browsing_context_id(), iframe.size) {
(Some(browsing_context_id), Some(size)) => Some((browsing_context_id, size)),
_ => None,
self.iframes = document_node
.map(|element| {
let size = element
.and_then(|browsing_context_id| old_sizes.remove(&browsing_context_id));
IFrame {
element: element.as_traced(),
pub(crate) fn get(&self, browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId) -> Option<&IFrame> {
.find(|iframe| iframe.element.browsing_context_id() == Some(browsing_context_id))
pub(crate) fn get_mut(
&mut self,
browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId,
) -> Option<&mut IFrame> {
.find(|iframe| iframe.element.browsing_context_id() == Some(browsing_context_id))
/// Set the size of an `<iframe>` in the collection given its `BrowsingContextId` and
/// the new size. Returns the old size.
pub(crate) fn set_size(
&mut self,
browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId,
new_size: Size2D<f32, CSSPixel>,
) -> Option<Size2D<f32, CSSPixel>> {
.expect("Tried to set a size for an unknown <iframe>")
/// Update the recorded iframe sizes of the contents of layout. Return a
/// [`Vec<IFrameSizeMsg>`] containing the messages to send to the `Constellation`. A
/// message is only sent when the size actually changes.
pub(crate) fn handle_new_iframe_sizes_after_layout(
&mut self,
new_iframe_sizes: IFrameSizes,
device_pixel_ratio: Scale<f32, CSSPixel, DevicePixel>,
) -> Vec<IFrameSizeMsg> {
if new_iframe_sizes.is_empty() {
return vec![];
.filter_map(|(browsing_context_id, size)| {
// Batch resize message to any local `Pipeline`s now, rather than waiting for them
// to filter asynchronously through the `Constellation`. This allows the new value
// to be reflected immediately in layout.
let new_size = size.size;
with_script_thread(|script_thread| {
WindowSizeData {
initial_viewport: new_size,
let old_size = self.set_size(browsing_context_id, new_size);
// The `Constellation` should be up-to-date even when the in-ScriptThread pipelines
// might not be.
if old_size == Some(size.size) {
return None;
let size_type = match old_size {
Some(_) => WindowSizeType::Resize,
None => WindowSizeType::Initial,
Some(IFrameSizeMsg {
size: new_size,
type_: size_type,
pub(crate) fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = DomRoot<HTMLIFrameElement>> + use<'_> {
self.iframes.iter().map(|iframe| iframe.element.as_rooted())