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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//! Implements parallel traversal over the DOM tree.
//! This traversal is based on Rayon, and therefore its safety is largely
//! verified by the type system.
//! The primary trickiness and fine print for the above relates to the
//! thread safety of the DOM nodes themselves. Accessing a DOM element
//! concurrently on multiple threads is actually mostly "safe", since all
//! the mutable state is protected by an AtomicRefCell, and so we'll
//! generally panic if something goes wrong. Still, we try to to enforce our
//! thread invariants at compile time whenever possible. As such, TNode and
//! TElement are not Send, so ordinary style system code cannot accidentally
//! share them with other threads. In the parallel traversal, we explicitly
//! invoke |unsafe { SendNode::new(n) }| to put nodes in containers that may
//! be sent to other threads. This occurs in only a handful of places and is
//! easy to grep for. At the time of this writing, there is no other unsafe
//! code in the parallel traversal.
use crate::context::{StyleContext, ThreadLocalStyleContext};
use crate::dom::{OpaqueNode, SendNode, TElement};
use crate::scoped_tls::ScopedTLS;
use crate::traversal::{DomTraversal, PerLevelTraversalData};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
/// The minimum stack size for a thread in the styling pool, in kilobytes.
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
pub const STYLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_KB: usize = 256;
/// The minimum stack size for a thread in the styling pool, in kilobytes.
/// Servo requires a bigger stack in debug builds.
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
pub const STYLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_KB: usize = 512;
/// The stack margin. If we get this deep in the stack, we will skip recursive
/// optimizations to ensure that there is sufficient room for non-recursive work.
/// We allocate large safety margins because certain OS calls can use very large
/// amounts of stack space [1]. Reserving a larger-than-necessary stack costs us
/// address space, but if we keep our safety margin big, we will generally avoid
/// committing those extra pages, and only use them in edge cases that would
/// otherwise cause crashes.
/// When measured with 128KB stacks and 40KB margin, we could support 53
/// levels of recursion before the limiter kicks in, on x86_64-Linux [2]. When
/// we doubled the stack size, we added it all to the safety margin, so we should
/// be able to get the same amount of recursion.
/// [1]
/// [2] See Gecko bug 1376883 for more discussion on the measurements.
pub const STACK_SAFETY_MARGIN_KB: usize = 168;
/// A callback to create our thread local context. This needs to be
/// out of line so we don't allocate stack space for the entire struct
/// in the caller.
pub(crate) fn create_thread_local_context<'scope, E>(slot: &mut Option<ThreadLocalStyleContext<E>>)
E: TElement + 'scope,
*slot = Some(ThreadLocalStyleContext::new());
// Sends one chunk of work to the thread-pool.
fn distribute_one_chunk<'a, 'scope, E, D>(
items: VecDeque<SendNode<E::ConcreteNode>>,
traversal_root: OpaqueNode,
work_unit_max: usize,
traversal_data: PerLevelTraversalData,
scope: &'a rayon::ScopeFifo<'scope>,
traversal: &'scope D,
tls: &'scope ScopedTLS<'scope, ThreadLocalStyleContext<E>>,
) where
E: TElement + 'scope,
D: DomTraversal<E>,
scope.spawn_fifo(move |scope| {
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
gecko_profiler_label!(Layout, StyleComputation);
let mut tlc = tls.ensure(create_thread_local_context);
let mut context = StyleContext {
shared: traversal.shared_context(),
thread_local: &mut *tlc,
&mut context,
/// Distributes all items into the thread pool, in `work_unit_max` chunks.
fn distribute_work<'a, 'scope, E, D>(
mut items: impl Iterator<Item = SendNode<E::ConcreteNode>>,
traversal_root: OpaqueNode,
work_unit_max: usize,
traversal_data: PerLevelTraversalData,
scope: &'a rayon::ScopeFifo<'scope>,
traversal: &'scope D,
tls: &'scope ScopedTLS<'scope, ThreadLocalStyleContext<E>>,
) where
E: TElement + 'scope,
D: DomTraversal<E>,
use std::iter::FromIterator;
loop {
let chunk = VecDeque::from_iter(items.by_ref().take(work_unit_max));
if chunk.is_empty() {
/// Processes `discovered` items, possibly spawning work in other threads as needed.
pub fn style_trees<'a, 'scope, E, D>(
context: &mut StyleContext<E>,
mut discovered: VecDeque<SendNode<E::ConcreteNode>>,
traversal_root: OpaqueNode,
work_unit_max: usize,
mut traversal_data: PerLevelTraversalData,
scope: Option<&'a rayon::ScopeFifo<'scope>>,
traversal: &'scope D,
tls: &'scope ScopedTLS<'scope, ThreadLocalStyleContext<E>>,
) where
E: TElement + 'scope,
D: DomTraversal<E>,
let local_queue_size = if tls.current_thread_index() == 0 {
} else {
} as usize;
let mut nodes_remaining_at_current_depth = discovered.len();
while let Some(node) = discovered.pop_front() {
let mut children_to_process = 0isize;
traversal.process_preorder(&traversal_data, context, *node, |n| {
children_to_process += 1;
discovered.push_back(unsafe { SendNode::new(n) });
traversal.handle_postorder_traversal(context, traversal_root, *node, children_to_process);
nodes_remaining_at_current_depth -= 1;
// If we have enough children at the next depth in the DOM, spawn them to a different job
// relatively soon, while keeping always at least `local_queue_size` worth of work for
// ourselves.
let discovered_children = discovered.len() - nodes_remaining_at_current_depth;
if discovered_children >= work_unit_max &&
discovered.len() >= local_queue_size + work_unit_max &&
let kept_work = std::cmp::max(nodes_remaining_at_current_depth, local_queue_size);
let mut traversal_data_copy = traversal_data.clone();
traversal_data_copy.current_dom_depth += 1;
if nodes_remaining_at_current_depth == 0 {
traversal_data.current_dom_depth += 1;
nodes_remaining_at_current_depth = discovered.len();