/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use dom_struct::dom_struct;
use js::rust::HandleObject;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::CharacterDataBinding::CharacterDataMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::DocumentBinding::DocumentMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::NodeBinding::NodeMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::TextBinding::TextMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::WindowBinding::WindowMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::error::{Error, Fallible};
use crate::dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use crate::dom::bindings::root::{Dom, DomRoot};
use crate::dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
use crate::dom::characterdata::CharacterData;
use crate::dom::document::Document;
use crate::dom::globalscope::GlobalScope;
use crate::dom::htmlslotelement::{HTMLSlotElement, Slottable};
use crate::dom::node::Node;
use crate::dom::window::Window;
use crate::script_runtime::CanGc;
/// An HTML text node.
pub(crate) struct Text {
characterdata: CharacterData,
impl Text {
pub(crate) fn new_inherited(text: DOMString, document: &Document) -> Text {
Text {
characterdata: CharacterData::new_inherited(text, document),
pub(crate) fn new(text: DOMString, document: &Document, can_gc: CanGc) -> DomRoot<Text> {
Self::new_with_proto(text, document, None, can_gc)
fn new_with_proto(
text: DOMString,
document: &Document,
proto: Option<HandleObject>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> DomRoot<Text> {
Box::new(Text::new_inherited(text, document)),
impl TextMethods<crate::DomTypeHolder> for Text {
// https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-text-text
fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject>,
can_gc: CanGc,
text: DOMString,
) -> Fallible<DomRoot<Text>> {
let document = window.Document();
Ok(Text::new_with_proto(text, &document, proto, can_gc))
// https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-text-splittext
// https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-text-split
fn SplitText(&self, offset: u32, can_gc: CanGc) -> Fallible<DomRoot<Text>> {
let cdata = self.upcast::<CharacterData>();
// Step 1.
let length = cdata.Length();
if offset > length {
// Step 2.
return Err(Error::IndexSize);
// Step 3.
let count = length - offset;
// Step 4.
let new_data = cdata.SubstringData(offset, count).unwrap();
// Step 5.
let node = self.upcast::<Node>();
let owner_doc = node.owner_doc();
let new_node = owner_doc.CreateTextNode(new_data, can_gc);
// Step 6.
let parent = node.GetParentNode();
if let Some(ref parent) = parent {
// Step 7.1.
.InsertBefore(new_node.upcast(), node.GetNextSibling().as_deref())
// Steps 7.2-3.
.move_to_following_text_sibling_above(node, offset, new_node.upcast());
// Steps 7.4-5.
parent.ranges().increment_at(parent, node.index() + 1);
// Step 8.
cdata.DeleteData(offset, count).unwrap();
// Step 9.
// https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-text-wholetext
fn WholeText(&self) -> DOMString {
let first = self
.take_while(|node| node.is::<Text>())
let nodes = first
.take_while(|node| node.is::<Text>());
let mut text = String::new();
for ref node in nodes {
let cdata = node.downcast::<CharacterData>().unwrap();
/// <https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-slotable-assignedslot>
fn GetAssignedSlot(&self) -> Option<DomRoot<HTMLSlotElement>> {
let cx = GlobalScope::get_cx();
// > The assignedSlot getter steps are to return the result of
// > find a slot given this and with the open flag set.
rooted!(in(*cx) let slottable = Slottable(Dom::from_ref(self.upcast::<Node>())));