/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
//! Various stuff for CSS property use counters.
use crate::properties::{property_counts, CountedUnknownProperty, NonCustomPropertyId};
use std::cell::Cell;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const BITS_PER_ENTRY: usize = 64;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const BITS_PER_ENTRY: usize = 32;
/// One bit per each non-custom CSS property.
pub struct CountedUnknownPropertyUseCounters {
[Cell<usize>; (property_counts::COUNTED_UNKNOWN - 1 + BITS_PER_ENTRY) / BITS_PER_ENTRY],
/// One bit per each non-custom CSS property.
pub struct NonCustomPropertyUseCounters {
storage: [Cell<usize>; (property_counts::NON_CUSTOM - 1 + BITS_PER_ENTRY) / BITS_PER_ENTRY],
macro_rules! property_use_counters_methods {
($id: ident) => {
/// Returns the bucket a given property belongs in, and the bitmask for that
/// property.
fn bucket_and_pattern(id: $id) -> (usize, usize) {
let bit = id.bit();
let bucket = bit / BITS_PER_ENTRY;
let bit_in_bucket = bit % BITS_PER_ENTRY;
(bucket, 1 << bit_in_bucket)
/// Record that a given property ID has been parsed.
pub fn record(&self, id: $id) {
let (bucket, pattern) = Self::bucket_and_pattern(id);
let bucket = &self.storage[bucket];
bucket.set(bucket.get() | pattern)
/// Returns whether a given property ID has been recorded
/// earlier.
pub fn recorded(&self, id: $id) -> bool {
let (bucket, pattern) = Self::bucket_and_pattern(id);
self.storage[bucket].get() & pattern != 0
/// Merge `other` into `self`.
fn merge(&self, other: &Self) {
for (bucket, other_bucket) in self.storage.iter().zip(other.storage.iter()) {
bucket.set(bucket.get() | other_bucket.get())
impl CountedUnknownPropertyUseCounters {
impl NonCustomPropertyUseCounters {
/// The use-counter data related to a given document we want to store.
pub struct UseCounters {
/// The counters for non-custom properties that have been parsed in the
/// document's stylesheets.
pub non_custom_properties: NonCustomPropertyUseCounters,
/// The counters for css properties which we haven't implemented yet.
pub counted_unknown_properties: CountedUnknownPropertyUseCounters,
impl UseCounters {
/// Merge the use counters.
/// Used for parallel parsing, where we parse off-main-thread.
pub fn merge(&self, other: &Self) {