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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::{LazyLock, RwLock};
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
static RES: LazyLock<RwLock<Option<Box<dyn ResourceReaderMethods + Sync + Send>>>> =
LazyLock::new(|| {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(servo_production, target_env = "ohos"))] {
} else {
// Static assert that this is really a non-production build, rather
// than a failure of the build script’s production check.
const _: () = assert!(cfg!(servo_do_not_use_in_production));
pub fn set(reader: Box<dyn ResourceReaderMethods + Sync + Send>) {
*RES.write().unwrap() = Some(reader);
pub fn read_bytes(res: Resource) -> Vec<u8> {
.expect("Resource reader not set.")
pub fn read_string(res: Resource) -> String {
pub fn sandbox_access_files() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
.expect("Resource reader not set.")
pub fn sandbox_access_files_dirs() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
.expect("Resource reader not set.")
pub enum Resource {
/// A list of GATT services that are blocked from being used by web bluetooth.
/// The format of the file is a list of UUIDs, one per line, with an optional second word to specify the
/// type of blocklist.
/// It can be empty but then all GATT services will be allowed.
/// A list of domain names that are considered public suffixes, typically obtained from <https://publicsuffix.org/list/>.
/// The Public Suffix List is a cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes
/// that are under the control of a registry. This is used to prevent cookies from being set for top-level
/// domains that are not controlled by the same entity as the website.
/// It can be empty but all domain names will be considered not public suffixes.
/// A preloaded list of HTTP Strict Transport Security. It can be an empty list and
/// `HstsList::default()` will be called.
/// A HTML page to display when `net_traits::NetworkError::SslValidation` network error is
/// reported.
/// The page contains placeholder `${reason}` for the error code and `${bytes}` for the certificate bytes,
/// and also `${secret}` for the privileged secret.
/// It can be empty but then nothing will be displayed when a certificate error occurs.
/// A HTML page to display when any network error occurs that is not related to SSL validation.
/// The message can contain a placeholder `${reason}` for the error code.
/// It can be empty but then nothing will be displayed when an internal error occurs.
/// A CSS file to style the user agent stylesheet.
/// It can be empty but then there's simply no user agent stylesheet.
/// A CSS file to style the Servo browser.
/// It can be empty but several features might not work as expected.
/// A CSS file to style the presentational hints.
/// It can be empty but then presentational hints will not be styled.
/// A CSS file to style the quirks mode.
/// It can be empty but then quirks mode will not be styled.
/// A placeholder image to display if we couldn't get the requested image.
/// ## Safety
/// Servo will crash if this is an invalid image. Check `resources/rippy.png` in Servo codebase to see what
/// a default rippy png should look like.
/// A CSS file to style the media controls.
/// It can be empty but then media controls will not be styled.
/// A JS file to control the media controls.
/// It can be empty but then media controls will not work.
/// A placeholder HTML page to display when the code responsible for rendering a page panics and the original
/// page can no longer be displayed.
/// The message can contain a placeholder `${details}` for the error details.
/// It can be empty but then nothing will be displayed when a crash occurs.
/// A HTML page to display when a directory listing is requested.
/// The page contains a js function `setData` that will then be used to build the list of directory.
/// It can be empty but then nothing will be displayed when a directory listing is requested.
/// A HTML page that is used for the about:memory url.
impl Resource {
pub fn filename(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Resource::BluetoothBlocklist => "gatt_blocklist.txt",
Resource::DomainList => "public_domains.txt",
Resource::HstsPreloadList => "hsts_preload.json",
Resource::BadCertHTML => "badcert.html",
Resource::NetErrorHTML => "neterror.html",
Resource::UserAgentCSS => "user-agent.css",
Resource::ServoCSS => "servo.css",
Resource::PresentationalHintsCSS => "presentational-hints.css",
Resource::QuirksModeCSS => "quirks-mode.css",
Resource::RippyPNG => "rippy.png",
Resource::MediaControlsCSS => "media-controls.css",
Resource::MediaControlsJS => "media-controls.js",
Resource::CrashHTML => "crash.html",
Resource::DirectoryListingHTML => "directory-listing.html",
Resource::AboutMemoryHTML => "about-memory.html",
pub trait ResourceReaderMethods {
fn read(&self, res: Resource) -> Vec<u8>;
fn sandbox_access_files(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf>;
fn sandbox_access_files_dirs(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf>;
/// Bake all of our resources into this crate for tests, unless we are `cfg!(servo_production)`.
/// Local non-production embedder builds (e.g. servoshell) can still override these with [`set`].
/// On OpenHarmony we never want to include files, since we ship all the files in the application
/// bundle anyway.
#[cfg(not(any(servo_production, target_env = "ohos")))]
fn resources_for_tests() -> Box<dyn ResourceReaderMethods + Sync + Send> {
struct ResourceReader;
impl ResourceReaderMethods for ResourceReader {
fn sandbox_access_files(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
fn sandbox_access_files_dirs(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
fn read(&self, file: Resource) -> Vec<u8> {
match file {
Resource::BluetoothBlocklist => {
Resource::DomainList => {
Resource::HstsPreloadList => {
Resource::BadCertHTML => &include_bytes!("../../../resources/badcert.html")[..],
Resource::NetErrorHTML => &include_bytes!("../../../resources/neterror.html")[..],
Resource::UserAgentCSS => &include_bytes!("../../../resources/user-agent.css")[..],
Resource::ServoCSS => &include_bytes!("../../../resources/servo.css")[..],
Resource::PresentationalHintsCSS => {
Resource::QuirksModeCSS => {
Resource::RippyPNG => &include_bytes!("../../../resources/rippy.png")[..],
Resource::MediaControlsCSS => {
Resource::MediaControlsJS => {
Resource::CrashHTML => &include_bytes!("../../../resources/crash.html")[..],
Resource::DirectoryListingHTML => {
Resource::AboutMemoryHTML => {