// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
// (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
use crate::complex::ComplexPayloads;
use crate::indices::{Latin1Indices, Utf16Indices};
use crate::provider::*;
use crate::WordType;
use core::str::CharIndices;
use utf8_iter::Utf8CharIndices;
/// A trait allowing for RuleBreakIterator to be generalized to multiple string
/// encoding methods and granularity such as grapheme cluster, word, etc.
pub trait RuleBreakType<'l, 's> {
/// The iterator over characters.
type IterAttr: Iterator<Item = (usize, Self::CharType)> + Clone + core::fmt::Debug;
/// The character type.
type CharType: Copy + Into<u32> + core::fmt::Debug;
fn get_current_position_character_len(iter: &RuleBreakIterator<'l, 's, Self>) -> usize;
fn handle_complex_language(
iter: &mut RuleBreakIterator<'l, 's, Self>,
left_codepoint: Self::CharType,
) -> Option<usize>;
/// Implements the [`Iterator`] trait over the segmenter boundaries of the given string.
/// Lifetimes:
/// - `'l` = lifetime of the segmenter object from which this iterator was created
/// - `'s` = lifetime of the string being segmented
/// The [`Iterator::Item`] is an [`usize`] representing index of a code unit
/// _after_ the boundary (for a boundary at the end of text, this index is the length
/// of the [`str`] or array of code units).
pub struct RuleBreakIterator<'l, 's, Y: RuleBreakType<'l, 's> + ?Sized> {
pub(crate) iter: Y::IterAttr,
pub(crate) len: usize,
pub(crate) current_pos_data: Option<(usize, Y::CharType)>,
pub(crate) result_cache: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>,
pub(crate) data: &'l RuleBreakDataV1<'l>,
pub(crate) complex: Option<&'l ComplexPayloads>,
pub(crate) boundary_property: u8,
impl<'l, 's, Y: RuleBreakType<'l, 's> + ?Sized> Iterator for RuleBreakIterator<'l, 's, Y> {
type Item = usize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// If we have break point cache by previous run, return this result
if let Some(&first_result) = self.result_cache.first() {
let mut i = 0;
loop {
if i == first_result {
self.result_cache = self.result_cache.iter().skip(1).map(|r| r - i).collect();
return self.get_current_position();
i += Y::get_current_position_character_len(self);
if self.is_eof() {
self.boundary_property = self.data.complex_property;
return Some(self.len);
if self.is_eof() {
if self.is_eof() && self.len == 0 {
// Empty string. Since `self.current_pos_data` is always going to be empty,
// we never read `self.len` except for here, so we can use it to mark that
// we have already returned the single empty-string breakpoint.
self.len = 1;
return Some(0);
let Some(right_prop) = self.get_current_break_property() else {
// iterator already reaches to EOT. Reset boundary property for word-like.
self.boundary_property = 0;
return None;
// SOT x anything
if matches!(
self.get_break_state_from_table(self.data.sot_property, right_prop),
BreakState::Break | BreakState::NoMatch
) {
self.boundary_property = 0; // SOT is special type
return self.get_current_position();
'a: loop {
let left_codepoint = self.get_current_codepoint()?;
let left_prop = self.get_break_property(left_codepoint);
let Some(right_prop) = self.get_current_break_property() else {
self.boundary_property = left_prop;
return Some(self.len);
// Some segmenter rules doesn't have language-specific rules, we have to use LSTM (or dictionary) segmenter.
// If property is marked as SA, use it
if right_prop == self.data.complex_property {
if left_prop != self.data.complex_property {
// break before SA
self.boundary_property = left_prop;
return self.get_current_position();
let break_offset = Y::handle_complex_language(self, left_codepoint);
if break_offset.is_some() {
return break_offset;
match self.get_break_state_from_table(left_prop, right_prop) {
BreakState::Keep => continue,
BreakState::Break | BreakState::NoMatch => {
self.boundary_property = left_prop;
return self.get_current_position();
BreakState::Index(mut index) | BreakState::Intermediate(mut index) => {
// This isn't simple rule set. We need marker to restore iterator to previous position.
let mut previous_iter = self.iter.clone();
let mut previous_pos_data = self.current_pos_data;
let mut previous_left_prop = left_prop;
loop {
let Some(prop) = self.get_current_break_property() else {
// Reached EOF. But we are analyzing multiple characters now, so next break may be previous point.
self.boundary_property = index;
if self.get_break_state_from_table(index, self.data.eot_property)
== BreakState::NoMatch
self.boundary_property = previous_left_prop;
self.iter = previous_iter;
self.current_pos_data = previous_pos_data;
return self.get_current_position();
// EOF
return Some(self.len);
let previous_break_state_is_cp_prop =
index <= self.data.last_codepoint_property;
match self.get_break_state_from_table(index, prop) {
BreakState::Keep => continue 'a,
BreakState::NoMatch => {
self.boundary_property = previous_left_prop;
self.iter = previous_iter;
self.current_pos_data = previous_pos_data;
return self.get_current_position();
BreakState::Break => return self.get_current_position(),
BreakState::Intermediate(i) => {
index = i;
if previous_break_state_is_cp_prop {
// Move marker
previous_left_prop = index;
previous_iter = self.iter.clone();
previous_pos_data = self.current_pos_data;
BreakState::Index(i) => {
index = i;
if previous_break_state_is_cp_prop {
// Move marker
previous_iter = self.iter.clone();
previous_pos_data = self.current_pos_data;
previous_left_prop = index;
impl<'l, 's, Y: RuleBreakType<'l, 's> + ?Sized> RuleBreakIterator<'l, 's, Y> {
pub(crate) fn advance_iter(&mut self) {
self.current_pos_data = self.iter.next();
pub(crate) fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn get_current_break_property(&self) -> Option<u8> {
.map(|c| self.get_break_property(c))
pub(crate) fn get_current_position(&self) -> Option<usize> {
self.current_pos_data.map(|(pos, _)| pos)
pub(crate) fn get_current_codepoint(&self) -> Option<Y::CharType> {
self.current_pos_data.map(|(_, codepoint)| codepoint)
fn get_break_property(&self, codepoint: Y::CharType) -> u8 {
// Note: Default value is 0 == UNKNOWN
fn get_break_state_from_table(&self, left: u8, right: u8) -> BreakState {
let idx = left as usize * self.data.property_count as usize + right as usize;
// We use unwrap_or to fall back to the base case and prevent panics on bad data.
/// Return the status value of break boundary.
/// If segmenter isn't word, always return WordType::None
pub fn word_type(&self) -> WordType {
if self.result_cache.first().is_some() {
// Dictionary type (CJ and East Asian) is letter.
return WordType::Letter;
if self.boundary_property == 0 {
// break position is SOT / Any
return WordType::None;
.get((self.boundary_property - 1) as usize)
/// Return true when break boundary is word-like such as letter/number/CJK
/// If segmenter isn't word, return false
pub fn is_word_like(&self) -> bool {
pub struct RuleBreakTypeUtf8;
impl<'l, 's> RuleBreakType<'l, 's> for RuleBreakTypeUtf8 {
type IterAttr = CharIndices<'s>;
type CharType = char;
fn get_current_position_character_len(iter: &RuleBreakIterator<Self>) -> usize {
iter.get_current_codepoint().map_or(0, |c| c.len_utf8())
fn handle_complex_language(
_: &mut RuleBreakIterator<Self>,
_: Self::CharType,
) -> Option<usize> {
pub struct RuleBreakTypePotentiallyIllFormedUtf8;
impl<'l, 's> RuleBreakType<'l, 's> for RuleBreakTypePotentiallyIllFormedUtf8 {
type IterAttr = Utf8CharIndices<'s>;
type CharType = char;
fn get_current_position_character_len(iter: &RuleBreakIterator<Self>) -> usize {
iter.get_current_codepoint().map_or(0, |c| c.len_utf8())
fn handle_complex_language(
_: &mut RuleBreakIterator<Self>,
_: Self::CharType,
) -> Option<usize> {
pub struct RuleBreakTypeLatin1;
impl<'l, 's> RuleBreakType<'l, 's> for RuleBreakTypeLatin1 {
type IterAttr = Latin1Indices<'s>;
type CharType = u8;
fn get_current_position_character_len(_: &RuleBreakIterator<Self>) -> usize {
fn handle_complex_language(
_: &mut RuleBreakIterator<Self>,
_: Self::CharType,
) -> Option<usize> {
pub struct RuleBreakTypeUtf16;
impl<'l, 's> RuleBreakType<'l, 's> for RuleBreakTypeUtf16 {
type IterAttr = Utf16Indices<'s>;
type CharType = u32;
fn get_current_position_character_len(iter: &RuleBreakIterator<Self>) -> usize {
match iter.get_current_codepoint() {
None => 0,
Some(ch) if ch >= 0x10000 => 2,
_ => 1,
fn handle_complex_language(
_: &mut RuleBreakIterator<Self>,
_: Self::CharType,
) -> Option<usize> {