/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use ipc_channel::ipc::IpcSender;
use crate::WebView;
pub struct StringRequest {
pub(crate) result_sender: IpcSender<Result<String, String>>,
response_sent: bool,
impl StringRequest {
pub fn success(mut self, string: String) {
let _ = self.result_sender.send(Ok(string));
self.response_sent = true;
pub fn failure(mut self, message: String) {
let _ = self.result_sender.send(Err(message));
self.response_sent = true;
impl From<IpcSender<Result<String, String>>> for StringRequest {
fn from(result_sender: IpcSender<Result<String, String>>) -> Self {
Self {
response_sent: false,
impl Drop for StringRequest {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.response_sent {
let _ = self
.send(Err("No response sent to request.".into()));
/// A delegate that is responsible for accessing the system clipboard. On Mac, Windows, and
/// Linux if the `clipboard` feature is enabled, a default delegate is automatically used
/// that implements clipboard support. An embedding application can override this delegate
/// by using this trait.
pub trait ClipboardDelegate {
/// A request to clear all contents of the system clipboard.
fn clear(&self, _webview: WebView) {}
/// A request to get the text contents of the system clipboard. Once the contents are
/// retrieved the embedder should call [`StringRequest::success`] with the text or
/// [`StringRequest::failure`] with a failure message.
fn get_text(&self, _webview: WebView, _request: StringRequest) {}
/// A request to set the text contents of the system clipboard to `new_contents`.
fn set_text(&self, _webview: WebView, _new_contents: String) {}
pub(crate) struct DefaultClipboardDelegate;
impl ClipboardDelegate for DefaultClipboardDelegate {
fn clear(&self, _webview: WebView) {
fn get_text(&self, _webview: WebView, request: StringRequest) {
fn set_text(&self, _webview: WebView, new_contents: String) {
feature = "clipboard",
not(any(target_os = "android", target_env = "ohos"))
mod clipboard {
use std::sync::OnceLock;
use arboard::Clipboard;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use super::StringRequest;
/// A shared clipboard for use by the [`DefaultClipboardDelegate`]. This is protected by
/// a mutex so that it can only be used by one thread at a time. The `arboard` documentation
/// suggests that more than one thread shouldn't try to access the Windows clipboard at a
/// time. See <https://docs.rs/arboard/latest/arboard/struct.Clipboard.html>.
static SHARED_CLIPBOARD: OnceLock<Option<Mutex<Clipboard>>> = OnceLock::new();
fn with_shared_clipboard(callback: impl FnOnce(&mut Clipboard)) {
if let Some(clipboard_mutex) =
SHARED_CLIPBOARD.get_or_init(|| Clipboard::new().ok().map(Mutex::new))
callback(&mut clipboard_mutex.lock())
pub(super) fn clear() {
with_shared_clipboard(|clipboard| {
let _ = clipboard.clear();
pub(super) fn get_text(request: StringRequest) {
with_shared_clipboard(move |clipboard| match clipboard.get_text() {
Ok(text) => request.success(text),
Err(error) => request.failure(format!("{error:?}")),
pub(super) fn set_text(new_contents: String) {
with_shared_clipboard(move |clipboard| {
let _ = clipboard.set_text(new_contents);
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "clipboard"), target_os = "android", target_env = "ohos"))]
mod clipboard {
use super::StringRequest;
pub(super) fn clear() {}
pub(super) fn get_text(_: StringRequest) {}
pub(super) fn set_text(_: String) {}