1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
//! Contains TrackCounts used to keep track of the number of tracks in the explicit and implicit grids.
//! Also contains coordinate conversion functions which depend on those counts
//! Taffy uses two coordinate systems to refer to grid lines (the gaps/gutters between rows/columns):
//! "CSS Grid Line" coordinates are those used in grid-row/grid-column in the CSS grid spec:
//! - 0 is not a valid index
//! - The line at left hand (or top) edge of the explicit grid is line 1
//! (and counts up from there)
//! - The line at the right hand (or bottom) edge of the explicit grid in -1
//! (and counts down from there)
//! "OriginZero" coordinates are a normalized form:
//! - The line at left hand (or top) edge of the explicit grid is line 0
//! - The next line to the right (or down) is 1, and so on
//! - The next line to the left (or up) is -1, and so on
//! Taffy also uses two coordinate systems to refer to grid tracks (rows/columns):
//! Both of these systems represent the entire implicit grid, not just the explicit grid.
//! "CellOccupancyMatrix track indices":
//! - These are indexes into the CellOccupancyMatrix
//! - The CellOccupancyMatrix stores only tracks
//! - 0 is the leftmost track of the implicit grid, and indexes count up there
//! "GridTrackVec track indices":
//! - The GridTrackVecs store both lines and tracks, so:
//! - even indices (0, 2, 4, etc) represent lines
//! - odd indices (1, 3, 5, etc) represent tracks
//! - These is always an odd number of
//! - Index 1 is the leftmost track of the implicit grid. Index 3 is the second leftmost track, etc.
//! - Index 0 is the leftmost grid line. Index 2 is the second leftmost line, etc.
use crate::{compute::grid::OriginZeroLine, geometry::Line};
use core::ops::Range;
/// Stores the number of tracks in a given dimension.
/// Stores separately the number of tracks in the implicit and explicit grids
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Default)]
pub(crate) struct TrackCounts {
/// The number of track in the implicit grid before the explicit grid
pub negative_implicit: u16,
/// The number of tracks in the explicit grid
pub explicit: u16,
/// The number of tracks in the implicit grid after the explicit grid
pub positive_implicit: u16,
impl TrackCounts {
/// Create a TrackCounts instance from raw track count numbers
pub fn from_raw(negative_implicit: u16, explicit: u16, positive_implicit: u16) -> Self {
Self { negative_implicit, explicit, positive_implicit }
/// Count the total number of tracks in the axis
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
(self.negative_implicit + self.explicit + self.positive_implicit) as usize
/// The OriginZeroLine representing the start of the implicit grid
pub fn implicit_start_line(&self) -> OriginZeroLine {
OriginZeroLine(-(self.negative_implicit as i16))
/// The OriginZeroLine representing the end of the implicit grid
pub fn implicit_end_line(&self) -> OriginZeroLine {
OriginZeroLine((self.explicit + self.positive_implicit) as i16)
/// Conversion functions between OriginZero coordinates and CellOccupancyMatrix track indexes
impl TrackCounts {
/// Converts a grid line in OriginZero coordinates into the track immediately
/// following that grid line as an index into the CellOccupancyMatrix.
pub fn oz_line_to_next_track(&self, index: OriginZeroLine) -> i16 {
index.0 + (self.negative_implicit as i16)
/// Converts start and end grid lines in OriginZero coordinates into a range of tracks
/// as indexes into the CellOccupancyMatrix
pub fn oz_line_range_to_track_range(&self, input: Line<OriginZeroLine>) -> Range<i16> {
let start = self.oz_line_to_next_track(input.start);
let end = self.oz_line_to_next_track(input.end); // Don't subtract 1 as output range is exclusive
/// Converts a track as an index into the CellOccupancyMatrix into the grid line immediately
/// preceding that track in OriginZero coordinates.
pub fn track_to_prev_oz_line(&self, index: u16) -> OriginZeroLine {
OriginZeroLine((index as i16) - (self.negative_implicit as i16))
/// Converts a range of tracks as indexes into the CellOccupancyMatrix into
/// start and end grid lines in OriginZero coordinates
pub fn track_range_to_oz_line_range(&self, input: Range<i16>) -> Line<OriginZeroLine> {
let start = self.track_to_prev_oz_line(input.start as u16);
let end = self.track_to_prev_oz_line(input.end as u16); // Don't add 1 as input range is exclusive
Line { start, end }