use std::{
ptr::{self, NonNull}, sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use allocator_api2::alloc::{AllocError, Allocator, Global};
const CHUNK_ALIGNMENT: usize = 32;
const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 128 * 1024;
pub struct BumpAllocator {
current_chunk: NonNull<Chunk>,
allocation_count: i32,
chunk_pool: Arc<ChunkPool>,
stats: Stats,
impl BumpAllocator {
pub fn new(chunk_pool: Arc<ChunkPool>) -> Self {
let mut stats = Stats::default();
let first_chunk = chunk_pool.allocate_chunk(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE).unwrap();
stats.chunks = 1;
stats.reserved_bytes += DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
BumpAllocator {
current_chunk: first_chunk,
allocation_count: 0,
pub fn get_stats(&mut self) -> Stats {
self.stats.chunk_utilization = self.stats.chunks as f32 - 1.0 + Chunk::utilization(self.current_chunk);
pub fn reset_stats(&mut self) {
let chunks = self.stats.chunks;
let reserved_bytes = self.stats.reserved_bytes;
self.stats = Stats::default();
self.stats.chunks = chunks;
self.stats.reserved_bytes = reserved_bytes;
pub fn allocate_item(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
self.stats.allocations += 1;
self.stats.allocated_bytes += layout.size();
if let Ok(alloc) = Chunk::allocate_item(self.current_chunk, layout) {
self.allocation_count += 1;
return Ok(alloc);
match Chunk::allocate_item(self.current_chunk, layout) {
Ok(alloc) => {
self.allocation_count += 1;
return Ok(alloc);
Err(_) => {
return Err(AllocError);
pub fn deallocate_item(&mut self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
self.stats.deallocations += 1;
if Chunk::contains_item(self.current_chunk, ptr) {
unsafe { Chunk::deallocate_item(self.current_chunk, ptr, layout); }
self.allocation_count -= 1;
debug_assert!(self.allocation_count >= 0);
pub unsafe fn grow_item(&mut self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
new_layout.size() >= old_layout.size(),
"`new_layout.size()` must be greater than or equal to `old_layout.size()`"
self.stats.reallocations += 1;
if Chunk::contains_item(self.current_chunk, ptr) {
if let Ok(alloc) = Chunk::grow_item(self.current_chunk, ptr, old_layout, new_layout) {
self.stats.in_place_reallocations += 1;
return Ok(alloc);
let new_alloc = if let Ok(alloc) = Chunk::allocate_item(self.current_chunk, new_layout) {
} else {
Chunk::allocate_item(self.current_chunk, new_layout).map_err(|_| AllocError)?
self.stats.reallocated_bytes += old_layout.size();
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr.as_ptr(), new_alloc.as_ptr().cast(), old_layout.size());
pub unsafe fn shrink_item(&mut self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
new_layout.size() <= old_layout.size(),
"`new_layout.size()` must be smaller than or equal to `old_layout.size()`"
if Chunk::contains_item(self.current_chunk, ptr) {
return unsafe { Ok(Chunk::shrink_item(self.current_chunk, ptr, old_layout, new_layout)) };
Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(ptr, old_layout.size()))
fn alloc_chunk(&mut self, item_size: usize) -> Result<(), AllocError> {
let chunk_size = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE.max(align(item_size, CHUNK_ALIGNMENT) + CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
self.stats.reserved_bytes += chunk_size;
let chunk = self.chunk_pool.allocate_chunk(chunk_size)?;
unsafe {
(*chunk.as_ptr()).previous = Some(self.current_chunk);
self.current_chunk = chunk;
self.stats.chunks += 1;
impl Drop for BumpAllocator {
fn drop(&mut self) {
assert!(self.allocation_count == 0);
unsafe {
pub struct Chunk {
previous: Option<NonNull<Chunk>>,
cursor: *mut u8,
chunk_end: *mut u8,
size: usize,
impl Chunk {
pub fn allocate_item(this: NonNull<Chunk>, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, ()> {
debug_assert!(CHUNK_ALIGNMENT % layout.align() == 0);
debug_assert!(layout.align() > 0);
let size = align(layout.size(), CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
unsafe {
let cursor = (*this.as_ptr()).cursor;
let end = (*this.as_ptr()).chunk_end;
let available_size = end.offset_from(cursor);
if size as isize > available_size {
return Err(());
let next = cursor.add(size);
(*this.as_ptr()).cursor = next;
let cursor = NonNull::new(cursor).unwrap();
let suballocation: NonNull<[u8]> = NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(cursor, size);
pub unsafe fn deallocate_item(this: NonNull<Chunk>, item: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
debug_assert!(Chunk::contains_item(this, item));
unsafe {
let size = align(layout.size(), CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
let item_end = item.as_ptr().add(size);
if item_end == (*this.as_ptr()).cursor {
(*this.as_ptr()).cursor = item.as_ptr();
pub unsafe fn grow_item(this: NonNull<Chunk>, item: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, ()> {
debug_assert!(Chunk::contains_item(this, item));
let old_size = align(old_layout.size(), CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
let new_size = align(new_layout.size(), CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
let old_item_end = item.as_ptr().add(old_size);
if old_item_end != (*this.as_ptr()).cursor {
return Err(());
let chunk_end = (*this.as_ptr()).chunk_end;
let available_size = chunk_end.offset_from(item.as_ptr());
if new_size as isize > available_size {
return Err(());
let new_item_end = item.as_ptr().add(new_size);
(*this.as_ptr()).cursor = new_item_end;
Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(item, new_size))
pub unsafe fn shrink_item(this: NonNull<Chunk>, item: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> NonNull<[u8]> {
debug_assert!(Chunk::contains_item(this, item));
let old_size = align(old_layout.size(), CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
let new_size = align(new_layout.size(), CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
let old_item_end = item.as_ptr().add(old_size);
if old_item_end == (*this.as_ptr()).cursor {
let new_item_end = item.as_ptr().add(new_size);
(*this.as_ptr()).cursor = new_item_end;
NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(item, new_size)
pub fn contains_item(this: NonNull<Chunk>, item: NonNull<u8>) -> bool {
unsafe {
let start: *mut u8 = this.cast::<u8>().as_ptr().add(CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
let end: *mut u8 = (*this.as_ptr()).chunk_end;
let item = item.as_ptr();
start <= item && item < end
fn available_size(this: NonNull<Chunk>) -> usize {
unsafe {
let this = this.as_ptr();
(*this).chunk_end.offset_from((*this).cursor) as usize
fn utilization(this: NonNull<Chunk>) -> f32 {
let size = unsafe { (*this.as_ptr()).size } as f32;
(size - Chunk::available_size(this) as f32) / size
fn align(val: usize, alignment: usize) -> usize {
let rem = val % alignment;
if rem == 0 {
return val;
val.checked_add(alignment).unwrap() - rem
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Stats {
pub chunks: u32,
pub chunk_utilization: f32,
pub allocations: u32,
pub deallocations: u32,
pub reallocations: u32,
pub in_place_reallocations: u32,
pub reallocated_bytes: usize,
pub allocated_bytes: usize,
pub reserved_bytes: usize,
pub struct ChunkPool {
inner: Mutex<ChunkPoolInner>,
struct ChunkPoolInner {
first: Option<NonNull<RecycledChunk>>,
count: i32,
struct RecycledChunk {
next: Option<NonNull<RecycledChunk>>,
impl ChunkPool {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ChunkPool {
inner: Mutex::new(ChunkPoolInner {
first: None,
count: 0,
pub fn allocate_chunk(&self, size: usize) -> Result<NonNull<Chunk>, AllocError> {
let chunk: Option<NonNull<RecycledChunk>> = if size == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
let mut chunk = inner.first.take();
inner.first = chunk.as_mut().and_then(|chunk| unsafe { chunk.as_mut().next.take() });
if chunk.is_some() {
inner.count -= 1;
debug_assert!(inner.count >= 0);
} else {
let chunk: NonNull<Chunk> = match chunk {
Some(chunk) => chunk.cast(),
None => {
let layout = match Layout::from_size_align(size, CHUNK_ALIGNMENT) {
Ok(layout) => layout,
Err(_) => {
return Err(AllocError);
let alloc = Global.allocate(layout)?;
let chunk_start: *mut u8 = chunk.cast().as_ptr();
unsafe {
let chunk_end = chunk_start.add(size);
let cursor = chunk_start.add(CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
Chunk {
previous: None,
unsafe fn recycle_chunks(&self, chunk: NonNull<Chunk>) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
let mut iter = Some(chunk);
while let Some(mut chunk) = iter {
iter = unsafe { chunk.as_mut().previous.take() };
unsafe {
let size = chunk.as_ref().size;
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size, CHUNK_ALIGNMENT).unwrap();
Global.deallocate(chunk.cast(), layout);
let recycled: NonNull<RecycledChunk> = chunk.cast();
unsafe {
ptr::write(recycled.as_ptr(), RecycledChunk {
next: inner.first,
inner.first = Some(recycled);
inner.count += 1;
pub fn purge_chunks(&self, target: u32, mut count: u32) -> bool {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
assert!(inner.count >= 0);
while inner.count as u32 > target {
unsafe {
let chunk = inner.first.unwrap();
inner.first = chunk.as_ref().next;
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(
Global.deallocate(chunk.cast(), layout);
inner.count -= 1;
count -= 1;
if count == 0 {
return false;
return true;
pub fn purge_all_chunks(&self) {
self.purge_chunks(0, u32::MAX);
impl Drop for ChunkPool {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe impl Send for ChunkPoolInner {}