// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
// (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
mod common;
mod error;
pub mod hour_cycle;
mod item;
pub mod reference;
pub mod runtime;
use crate::fields;
pub use error::PatternError;
pub use hour_cycle::CoarseHourCycle;
use icu_provider::prelude::*;
pub use item::{GenericPatternItem, PatternItem};
/// The granularity of time represented in a pattern item.
/// Ordered from least granular to most granular for comparison.
Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, yoke::Yokeable, zerofrom::ZeroFrom,
feature = "datagen",
derive(serde::Serialize, databake::Bake),
databake(path = icu_datetime::pattern),
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize))]
pub enum TimeGranularity {
impl Default for TimeGranularity {
fn default() -> Self {
impl TimeGranularity {
/// Returns [`true`] if the most granular time being displayed will align with
/// the top of the hour, otherwise returns [`false`].
/// e.g. `12:00:00` is at the top of the hour for any display granularity.
/// e.g. `12:00:05` is only at the top of the hour if the seconds are not displayed.
pub fn is_top_of_hour(self, minute: u8, second: u8, nanosecond: u32) -> bool {
match self {
Self::None | Self::Hours => true,
Self::Minutes => minute == 0,
Self::Seconds => minute + second == 0,
Self::Nanoseconds => minute as u32 + second as u32 + nanosecond == 0,
pub(crate) fn from_ordinal(ordinal: u8) -> TimeGranularity {
use TimeGranularity::*;
match ordinal {
1 => Hours,
2 => Minutes,
3 => Seconds,
4 => Nanoseconds,
_ => None,
pub(crate) const fn ordinal(self) -> u8 {
use TimeGranularity::*;
match self {
None => 0,
Hours => 1,
Minutes => 2,
Seconds => 3,
Nanoseconds => 4,
impl From<&PatternItem> for TimeGranularity {
/// Retrieves the granularity of time represented by a [`PatternItem`].
/// If the [`PatternItem`] is not time-related, returns [`None`].
fn from(item: &PatternItem) -> Self {
match item {
PatternItem::Field(field) => match field.symbol {
fields::FieldSymbol::Hour(_) => Self::Hours,
fields::FieldSymbol::Minute => Self::Minutes,
fields::FieldSymbol::Second(s) => match s {
fields::Second::FractionalSecond => Self::Nanoseconds,
fields::Second::Millisecond | fields::Second::Second => Self::Seconds,
_ => Self::None,
_ => Self::None,