/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
//! This actor represents one DOM node. It is created by the Walker actor when it is traversing the
//! document tree.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::TcpStream;
use base::id::PipelineId;
use devtools_traits::DevtoolScriptControlMsg::{GetChildren, GetDocumentElement, ModifyAttribute};
use devtools_traits::{DevtoolScriptControlMsg, NodeInfo, ShadowRootMode};
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcSender};
use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json::{self, Map, Value};
use crate::actor::{Actor, ActorMessageStatus, ActorRegistry};
use crate::actors::inspector::walker::WalkerActor;
use crate::protocol::JsonPacketStream;
use crate::{EmptyReplyMsg, StreamId};
/// Text node type constant. This is defined again to avoid depending on `script`, where it is defined originally.
/// See `script::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::NodeBinding::NodeConstants`.
const TEXT_NODE: u16 = 3;
/// The maximum length of a text node for it to appear as an inline child in the inspector.
const MAX_INLINE_LENGTH: usize = 50;
struct GetUniqueSelectorReply {
from: String,
value: String,
#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
struct AttrMsg {
name: String,
value: String,
#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct NodeActorMsg {
pub actor: String,
/// The ID of the shadow host of this node, if it is
/// a shadow root
host: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "baseURI")]
base_uri: String,
causes_overflow: bool,
container_type: Option<()>,
pub display_name: String,
display_type: Option<String>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
inline_text_child: Option<Box<NodeActorMsg>>,
is_after_pseudo_element: bool,
is_anonymous: bool,
is_before_pseudo_element: bool,
is_direct_shadow_host_child: Option<bool>,
is_displayed: bool,
#[serde(rename = "isInHTMLDocument")]
is_in_html_document: Option<bool>,
is_marker_pseudo_element: bool,
is_native_anonymous: bool,
is_scrollable: bool,
is_shadow_host: bool,
is_shadow_root: bool,
is_top_level_document: bool,
node_name: String,
node_type: u16,
node_value: Option<String>,
pub num_children: usize,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty")]
parent: String,
shadow_root_mode: Option<String>,
traits: HashMap<String, ()>,
attrs: Vec<AttrMsg>,
pub struct NodeActor {
name: String,
pub script_chan: IpcSender<DevtoolScriptControlMsg>,
pub pipeline: PipelineId,
pub walker: String,
pub style_rules: RefCell<HashMap<(String, usize), String>>,
impl Actor for NodeActor {
fn name(&self) -> String {
/// The node actor can handle the following messages:
/// - `modifyAttributes`: Asks the script to change a value in the attribute of the
/// corresponding node
/// - `getUniqueSelector`: Returns the display name of this node
fn handle_message(
registry: &ActorRegistry,
msg_type: &str,
msg: &Map<String, Value>,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
_id: StreamId,
) -> Result<ActorMessageStatus, ()> {
Ok(match msg_type {
"modifyAttributes" => {
let mods = msg.get("modifications").ok_or(())?.as_array().ok_or(())?;
let modifications: Vec<_> = mods
.filter_map(|json_mod| {
let walker = registry.find::<WalkerActor>(&self.walker);
walker.new_mutations(stream, &self.name, &modifications);
.map_err(|_| ())?;
let reply = EmptyReplyMsg { from: self.name() };
let _ = stream.write_json_packet(&reply);
"getUniqueSelector" => {
let (tx, rx) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
.send(GetDocumentElement(self.pipeline, tx))
let doc_elem_info = rx.recv().map_err(|_| ())?.ok_or(())?;
let node = doc_elem_info.encode(
let msg = GetUniqueSelectorReply {
from: self.name(),
value: node.display_name,
let _ = stream.write_json_packet(&msg);
_ => ActorMessageStatus::Ignored,
pub trait NodeInfoToProtocol {
fn encode(
actors: &ActorRegistry,
display: bool,
script_chan: IpcSender<DevtoolScriptControlMsg>,
pipeline: PipelineId,
walker: String,
) -> NodeActorMsg;
impl NodeInfoToProtocol for NodeInfo {
fn encode(
actors: &ActorRegistry,
display: bool,
script_chan: IpcSender<DevtoolScriptControlMsg>,
pipeline: PipelineId,
walker: String,
) -> NodeActorMsg {
let get_or_register_node_actor = |id: &str| {
if !actors.script_actor_registered(id.to_string()) {
let name = actors.new_name("node");
actors.register_script_actor(id.to_string(), name.clone());
let node_actor = NodeActor {
name: name.clone(),
script_chan: script_chan.clone(),
walker: walker.clone(),
style_rules: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
} else {
let actor = get_or_register_node_actor(&self.unique_id);
let host = self
.map(|host_id| get_or_register_node_actor(host_id));
let name = actors.actor_to_script(actor.clone());
// If a node only has a single text node as a child whith a small enough text,
// return it with this node as an `inlineTextChild`.
let inline_text_child = (|| {
// TODO: Also return if this node is a flex element.
if self.num_children != 1 || self.node_name == "SLOT" {
return None;
let (tx, rx) = ipc::channel().ok()?;
.send(GetChildren(pipeline, name.clone(), tx))
let mut children = rx.recv().ok()??;
let child = children.pop()?;
let msg = child.encode(actors, true, script_chan.clone(), pipeline, walker);
// If the node child is not a text node, do not represent it inline.
if msg.node_type != TEXT_NODE {
return None;
// If the text node child is too big, do not represent it inline.
if msg.node_value.clone().unwrap_or_default().len() > MAX_INLINE_LENGTH {
return None;
NodeActorMsg {
base_uri: self.base_uri,
causes_overflow: false,
container_type: None,
display_name: self.node_name.clone().to_lowercase(),
display_type: self.display,
is_after_pseudo_element: false,
is_anonymous: false,
is_before_pseudo_element: false,
is_direct_shadow_host_child: None,
is_displayed: display,
is_in_html_document: Some(true),
is_marker_pseudo_element: false,
is_native_anonymous: false,
is_scrollable: false,
is_shadow_host: self.is_shadow_host,
is_shadow_root: self.shadow_root_mode.is_some(),
is_top_level_document: self.is_top_level_document,
node_name: self.node_name,
node_type: self.node_type,
node_value: self.node_value,
num_children: self.num_children,
parent: actors.script_to_actor(self.parent.clone()),
shadow_root_mode: self
traits: HashMap::new(),
attrs: self
.map(|attr| AttrMsg {
name: attr.name,
value: attr.value,