/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::iter::Enumerate;
use std::vec::IntoIter;
use super::Node;
use crate::dom::bindings::root::DomRoot;
/// The context during evaluation of an XPath expression.
pub(crate) struct EvaluationCtx {
/// Where we started at
pub(crate) starting_node: DomRoot<Node>,
/// The "current" node in the evaluation
pub(crate) context_node: DomRoot<Node>,
/// Details needed for evaluating a predicate list
pub(crate) predicate_ctx: Option<PredicateCtx>,
/// The nodes we're currently matching against
pub(crate) predicate_nodes: Option<Vec<DomRoot<Node>>>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct PredicateCtx {
pub(crate) index: usize,
pub(crate) size: usize,
impl EvaluationCtx {
/// Prepares the context used while evaluating the XPath expression
pub(crate) fn new(context_node: &Node) -> EvaluationCtx {
EvaluationCtx {
starting_node: DomRoot::from_ref(context_node),
context_node: DomRoot::from_ref(context_node),
predicate_ctx: None,
predicate_nodes: None,
/// Creates a new context using the provided node as the context node
pub(crate) fn subcontext_for_node(&self, node: &Node) -> EvaluationCtx {
EvaluationCtx {
starting_node: self.starting_node.clone(),
context_node: DomRoot::from_ref(node),
predicate_ctx: self.predicate_ctx,
predicate_nodes: self.predicate_nodes.clone(),
pub(crate) fn update_predicate_nodes(&self, nodes: Vec<&Node>) -> EvaluationCtx {
EvaluationCtx {
starting_node: self.starting_node.clone(),
context_node: self.context_node.clone(),
predicate_ctx: None,
predicate_nodes: Some(nodes.into_iter().map(DomRoot::from_ref).collect()),
pub(crate) fn subcontext_iter_for_nodes(&self) -> EvalNodesetIter {
let size = self.predicate_nodes.as_ref().map_or(0, |v| v.len());
EvalNodesetIter {
ctx: self,
nodes_iter: self
.map_or_else(|| Vec::new().into_iter(), |v| v.clone().into_iter())
/// When evaluating predicates, we need to keep track of the current node being evaluated and
/// the index of that node in the nodeset we're operating on.
pub(crate) struct EvalNodesetIter<'a> {
ctx: &'a EvaluationCtx,
nodes_iter: Enumerate<IntoIter<DomRoot<Node>>>,
size: usize,
impl Iterator for EvalNodesetIter<'_> {
type Item = EvaluationCtx;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<EvaluationCtx> {
self.nodes_iter.next().map(|(idx, node)| EvaluationCtx {
starting_node: self.ctx.starting_node.clone(),
context_node: node.clone(),
predicate_nodes: self.ctx.predicate_nodes.clone(),
predicate_ctx: Some(PredicateCtx {
index: idx + 1,
size: self.size,