// This file contains generated code. Do not edit directly.
// To regenerate this, run 'make'.
//! Bindings to the `BigRequests` X11 extension.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::utils::RawFdContainer;
use crate::x11_utils::{Request, RequestHeader, Serialize, TryParse, TryParseFd};
use std::io::IoSlice;
use crate::connection::RequestConnection;
use crate::connection::Connection as X11Connection;
use crate::cookie::{Cookie, CookieWithFds, VoidCookie};
use crate::errors::ConnectionError;
use crate::errors::ReplyOrIdError;
pub use x11rb_protocol::protocol::bigreq::*;
/// Get the major opcode of this extension
fn major_opcode<Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized>(conn: &Conn) -> Result<u8, ConnectionError> {
let info = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?;
let info = info.ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
/// Enable the BIG-REQUESTS extension.
/// This enables the BIG-REQUESTS extension, which allows for requests larger than
/// 262140 bytes in length. When enabled, if the 16-bit length field is zero, it
/// is immediately followed by a 32-bit length field specifying the length of the
/// request in 4-byte units.
pub fn enable<Conn>(conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, EnableReply>, ConnectionError>
Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
let request0 = EnableRequest;
let (bytes, fds) = request0.serialize(major_opcode(conn)?);
let slices = [IoSlice::new(&bytes[0])];
assert_eq!(slices.len(), bytes.len());
conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
/// Extension trait defining the requests of this extension.
pub trait ConnectionExt: RequestConnection {
/// Enable the BIG-REQUESTS extension.
/// This enables the BIG-REQUESTS extension, which allows for requests larger than
/// 262140 bytes in length. When enabled, if the 16-bit length field is zero, it
/// is immediately followed by a 32-bit length field specifying the length of the
/// request in 4-byte units.
fn bigreq_enable(&self) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, EnableReply>, ConnectionError>
impl<C: RequestConnection + ?Sized> ConnectionExt for C {}