1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
use core::f32;
use emath::{GuiRounding, Pos2};
use crate::{
emath::TSTransform, InnerResponse, LayerId, Rangef, Rect, Response, Sense, Ui, UiBuilder, Vec2,
/// Creates a transformation that fits a given scene rectangle into the available screen size.
/// The resulting visual scene bounds can be larger, due to letterboxing.
/// Returns the transformation from `scene` to `global` coordinates.
fn fit_to_rect_in_scene(
rect_in_global: Rect,
rect_in_scene: Rect,
zoom_range: Rangef,
) -> TSTransform {
// Compute the scale factor to fit the bounding rectangle into the available screen size:
let scale = rect_in_global.size() / rect_in_scene.size();
// Use the smaller of the two scales to ensure the whole rectangle fits on the screen:
let scale = scale.min_elem();
// Clamp scale to what is allowed
let scale = zoom_range.clamp(scale);
// Compute the translation to center the bounding rect in the screen:
let center_in_global =;
let center_scene =;
// Set the transformation to scale and then translate to center.
TSTransform::from_translation(center_in_global - scale * center_scene)
* TSTransform::from_scaling(scale)
/// A container that allows you to zoom and pan.
/// This is similar to [`crate::ScrollArea`] but:
/// * Supports zooming
/// * Has no scroll bars
/// * Has no limits on the scrolling
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[must_use = "You should call .show()"]
pub struct Scene {
zoom_range: Rangef,
max_inner_size: Vec2,
impl Default for Scene {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
zoom_range: Rangef::new(f32::EPSILON, 1.0),
max_inner_size: Vec2::splat(1000.0),
impl Scene {
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Set the allowed zoom range.
/// The default zoom range is `0.0..=1.0`,
/// which mean you zan make things arbitrarily small, but you cannot zoom in past a `1:1` ratio.
/// If you want to allow zooming in, you can set the zoom range to `0.0..=f32::INFINITY`.
/// Note that text rendering becomes blurry when you zoom in: <>.
pub fn zoom_range(mut self, zoom_range: impl Into<Rangef>) -> Self {
self.zoom_range = zoom_range.into();
/// Set the maximum size of the inner [`Ui`] that will be created.
pub fn max_inner_size(mut self, max_inner_size: impl Into<Vec2>) -> Self {
self.max_inner_size = max_inner_size.into();
/// `scene_rect` contains the view bounds of the inner [`Ui`].
/// `scene_rect` will be mutated by any panning/zooming done by the user.
/// If `scene_rect` is somehow invalid (e.g. `Rect::ZERO`),
/// then it will be reset to the inner rect of the inner ui.
/// You need to store the `scene_rect` in your state between frames.
pub fn show<R>(
parent_ui: &mut Ui,
scene_rect: &mut Rect,
add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
) -> InnerResponse<R> {
let (outer_rect, _outer_response) =
parent_ui.allocate_exact_size(parent_ui.available_size_before_wrap(), Sense::hover());
let mut to_global = fit_to_rect_in_scene(outer_rect, *scene_rect, self.zoom_range);
let scene_rect_was_good =
to_global.is_valid() && scene_rect.is_finite() && scene_rect.size() != Vec2::ZERO;
let mut inner_rect = *scene_rect;
let ret = self.show_global_transform(parent_ui, outer_rect, &mut to_global, |ui| {
let r = add_contents(ui);
inner_rect = ui.min_rect();
if ret.response.changed() {
// Only update if changed, both to avoid numeric drift,
// and to avoid expanding the scene rect unnecessarily.
*scene_rect = to_global.inverse() * outer_rect;
if !scene_rect_was_good {
// Auto-reset if the trsnsformation goes bad somehow (or started bad).
*scene_rect = inner_rect;
fn show_global_transform<R>(
parent_ui: &mut Ui,
outer_rect: Rect,
to_global: &mut TSTransform,
add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
) -> InnerResponse<R> {
// Create a new egui paint layer, where we can draw our contents:
let scene_layer_id = LayerId::new(
// Put the layer directly on-top of the main layer of the ui:
.set_sublayer(parent_ui.layer_id(), scene_layer_id);
let mut local_ui = parent_ui.new_child(
.max_rect(Rect::from_min_size(Pos2::ZERO, self.max_inner_size))
let mut pan_response = local_ui.response();
// Update the `to_global` transform based on use interaction:
self.register_pan_and_zoom(&local_ui, &mut pan_response, to_global);
// Set a correct global clip rect:
local_ui.set_clip_rect(to_global.inverse() * outer_rect);
// Add the actual contents to the area:
let ret = add_contents(&mut local_ui);
// This ensures we catch clicks/drags/pans anywhere on the background.
local_ui.force_set_min_rect((to_global.inverse() * outer_rect).round_ui());
// Tell egui to apply the transform on the layer:
.set_transform_layer(scene_layer_id, *to_global);
InnerResponse {
response: pan_response,
inner: ret,
/// Helper function to handle pan and zoom interactions on a response.
pub fn register_pan_and_zoom(&self, ui: &Ui, resp: &mut Response, to_global: &mut TSTransform) {
if resp.dragged() {
to_global.translation += to_global.scaling * resp.drag_delta();
if let Some(mouse_pos) = ui.input(|i| i.pointer.latest_pos()) {
if resp.contains_pointer() {
let pointer_in_scene = to_global.inverse() * mouse_pos;
let zoom_delta = ui.ctx().input(|i| i.zoom_delta());
let pan_delta = ui.ctx().input(|i| i.smooth_scroll_delta);
// Most of the time we can return early. This is also important to
// avoid `ui_from_scene` to change slightly due to floating point errors.
if zoom_delta == 1.0 && pan_delta == Vec2::ZERO {
if zoom_delta != 1.0 {
// Zoom in on pointer, but only if we are not zoomed in or out too far.
let zoom_delta = zoom_delta.clamp(
self.zoom_range.min / to_global.scaling,
self.zoom_range.max / to_global.scaling,
*to_global = *to_global
* TSTransform::from_translation(pointer_in_scene.to_vec2())
* TSTransform::from_scaling(zoom_delta)
* TSTransform::from_translation(-pointer_in_scene.to_vec2());
// Clamp to exact zoom range.
to_global.scaling = self.zoom_range.clamp(to_global.scaling);
// Pan:
*to_global = TSTransform::from_translation(pan_delta) * *to_global;