use std::ffi::CString;
use std::os::raw::c_long;
use std::{mem, ptr};
use app_units::Au;
use euclid::default::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D};
use freetype_sys::{
FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE, FT_Face, FT_Fixed, FT_Get_Char_Index, FT_Get_Kerning, FT_Get_Sfnt_Table,
FT_Load_Glyph, FT_Long, FT_MulFix, FT_New_Face, FT_New_Memory_Face, FT_Pos,
FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC, FT_Select_Size, FT_Set_Char_Size, FT_Short, FT_Size_Metrics, FT_SizeRec,
FT_UInt, FT_ULong, FT_UShort, FT_Vector, TT_OS2, ft_sfnt_head, ft_sfnt_os2,
use log::debug;
use parking_lot::ReentrantMutex;
use style::Zero;
use style::computed_values::font_stretch::T as FontStretch;
use style::computed_values::font_weight::T as FontWeight;
use style::values::computed::font::FontStyle;
use webrender_api::FontInstanceFlags;
use super::LocalFontIdentifier;
use super::library_handle::FreeTypeLibraryHandle;
use crate::FontData;
use crate::font::{
FontMetrics, FontTableMethods, FontTableTag, FractionalPixel, PlatformFontMethods,
use crate::font_template::FontTemplateDescriptor;
use crate::glyph::GlyphId;
use crate::system_font_service::FontIdentifier;
const FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT: FT_UInt = 1 << 16;
fn fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(fixed: FT_F26Dot6) -> f64 {
fixed as f64 / 64.0
pub struct FontTable {
buffer: Vec<u8>,
impl FontTableMethods for FontTable {
fn buffer(&self) -> &[u8] {
struct OS2Table {
x_average_char_width: FT_Short,
us_weight_class: FT_UShort,
us_width_class: FT_UShort,
y_strikeout_size: FT_Short,
y_strikeout_position: FT_Short,
sx_height: FT_Short,
pub struct PlatformFont {
face: ReentrantMutex<FT_Face>,
requested_face_size: Au,
actual_face_size: Au,
unsafe impl Sync for PlatformFont {}
unsafe impl Send for PlatformFont {}
impl Drop for PlatformFont {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let face = self.face.lock();
unsafe {
let _guard = FreeTypeLibraryHandle::get().lock();
if FT_Done_Face(*face) != 0 {
panic!("FT_Done_Face failed");
impl PlatformFontMethods for PlatformFont {
fn new_from_data(
_font_identifier: FontIdentifier,
font_data: &FontData,
requested_size: Option<Au>,
) -> Result<PlatformFont, &'static str> {
let library = FreeTypeLibraryHandle::get().lock();
let data: &[u8] = font_data.as_ref();
let mut face: FT_Face = ptr::null_mut();
let result = unsafe {
data.len() as FT_Long,
0, &mut face,
if 0 != result || face.is_null() {
return Err("Could not create FreeType face");
let (requested_face_size, actual_face_size) = match requested_size {
Some(requested_size) => (requested_size, face.set_size(requested_size)?),
None => (Au::zero(), Au::zero()),
Ok(PlatformFont {
face: ReentrantMutex::new(face),
fn new_from_local_font_identifier(
font_identifier: LocalFontIdentifier,
requested_size: Option<Au>,
) -> Result<PlatformFont, &'static str> {
let mut face: FT_Face = ptr::null_mut();
let library = FreeTypeLibraryHandle::get().lock();
let filename = CString::new(&*font_identifier.path).expect("filename contains NUL byte!");
let result = unsafe {
font_identifier.index() as FT_Long,
&mut face,
if 0 != result || face.is_null() {
return Err("Could not create FreeType face");
let (requested_face_size, actual_face_size) = match requested_size {
Some(requested_size) => (requested_size, face.set_size(requested_size)?),
None => (Au::zero(), Au::zero()),
Ok(PlatformFont {
face: ReentrantMutex::new(face),
fn descriptor(&self) -> FontTemplateDescriptor {
let face = self.face.lock();
let style = if unsafe { (**face).style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC as c_long != 0 } {
} else {
let os2_table = face.os2_table();
let weight = os2_table
.map(|os2| FontWeight::from_float(os2.us_weight_class as f32))
let stretch = os2_table
.map(|os2| match os2.us_width_class {
1 => FontStretch::ULTRA_CONDENSED,
2 => FontStretch::EXTRA_CONDENSED,
3 => FontStretch::CONDENSED,
4 => FontStretch::SEMI_CONDENSED,
5 => FontStretch::NORMAL,
6 => FontStretch::SEMI_EXPANDED,
7 => FontStretch::EXPANDED,
8 => FontStretch::EXTRA_EXPANDED,
9 => FontStretch::ULTRA_EXPANDED,
_ => FontStretch::NORMAL,
FontTemplateDescriptor::new(weight, stretch, style)
fn glyph_index(&self, codepoint: char) -> Option<GlyphId> {
let face = self.face.lock();
unsafe {
let idx = FT_Get_Char_Index(*face, codepoint as FT_ULong);
if idx != 0 as FT_UInt {
Some(idx as GlyphId)
} else {
"Invalid codepoint: U+{:04X} ('{}')",
codepoint as u32, codepoint
fn glyph_h_kerning(&self, first_glyph: GlyphId, second_glyph: GlyphId) -> FractionalPixel {
let face = self.face.lock();
let mut delta = FT_Vector { x: 0, y: 0 };
unsafe {
&mut delta,
fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(delta.x) * self.unscalable_font_metrics_scale()
fn glyph_h_advance(&self, glyph: GlyphId) -> Option<FractionalPixel> {
let face = self.face.lock();
let load_flags = face.glyph_load_flags();
let result = unsafe { FT_Load_Glyph(*face, glyph as FT_UInt, load_flags) };
if 0 != result {
debug!("Unable to load glyph {}. reason: {:?}", glyph, result);
return None;
let void_glyph = unsafe { (**face).glyph };
let slot: FT_GlyphSlot = void_glyph;
let advance = unsafe { (*slot).metrics.horiAdvance };
Some(fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(advance) * self.unscalable_font_metrics_scale())
fn metrics(&self) -> FontMetrics {
let face_ptr = *self.face.lock();
let face = unsafe { &*face_ptr };
let freetype_size: &FT_SizeRec = unsafe { mem::transmute(&(*face.size)) };
let freetype_metrics: &FT_Size_Metrics = &(freetype_size).metrics;
let mut max_advance;
let mut max_ascent;
let mut max_descent;
let mut line_height;
let mut y_scale = 0.0;
let mut em_height;
if face_ptr.scalable() {
y_scale = freetype_metrics.y_scale as f64 / 65535.0 / 64.0;
max_advance = (face.max_advance_width as f64) * y_scale;
max_ascent = (face.ascender as f64) * y_scale;
max_descent = -(face.descender as f64) * y_scale;
line_height = (face.height as f64) * y_scale;
em_height = (face.units_per_EM as f64) * y_scale;
} else {
max_advance = fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(freetype_metrics.max_advance);
max_ascent = fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(freetype_metrics.ascender);
max_descent = -fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(freetype_metrics.descender);
line_height = fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(freetype_metrics.height);
em_height = freetype_metrics.y_ppem as f64;
let head = unsafe { FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(face_ptr, ft_sfnt_head) as *mut TtHeader };
if !head.is_null() && unsafe { (*head).table_version != 0xffff } {
if face_ptr.color() {
em_height = self.requested_face_size.to_f64_px();
let adjust_scale = em_height / (freetype_metrics.y_ppem as f64);
max_advance *= adjust_scale;
max_descent *= adjust_scale;
max_ascent *= adjust_scale;
line_height *= adjust_scale;
let units_per_em = unsafe { (*head).units_per_em } as f64;
y_scale = em_height / units_per_em;
let leading = line_height - (max_ascent + max_descent);
let underline_size = face.underline_thickness as f64 * y_scale;
let underline_offset = face.underline_position as f64 * y_scale + 0.5;
let mut strikeout_size = underline_size;
let mut strikeout_offset = em_height * 409.0 / 2048.0 + 0.5 * strikeout_size;
let mut x_height = 0.5 * em_height;
let mut average_advance = 0.0;
if let Some(os2) = face_ptr.os2_table() {
if !os2.y_strikeout_size.is_zero() && !os2.y_strikeout_position.is_zero() {
strikeout_size = os2.y_strikeout_size as f64 * y_scale;
strikeout_offset = os2.y_strikeout_position as f64 * y_scale;
if !os2.sx_height.is_zero() {
x_height = os2.sx_height as f64 * y_scale;
if !os2.x_average_char_width.is_zero() {
average_advance = fixed_26_dot_6_to_float(unsafe {
os2.x_average_char_width as FT_F26Dot6,
if average_advance.is_zero() {
average_advance = self
.and_then(|idx| self.glyph_h_advance(idx))
.map_or(max_advance, |advance| advance * y_scale);
let zero_horizontal_advance = self
.and_then(|idx| self.glyph_h_advance(idx))
let ic_horizontal_advance = self
.and_then(|idx| self.glyph_h_advance(idx))
let space_advance = self
.glyph_index(' ')
.and_then(|idx| self.glyph_h_advance(idx))
FontMetrics {
underline_size: Au::from_f64_px(underline_size),
underline_offset: Au::from_f64_px(underline_offset),
strikeout_size: Au::from_f64_px(strikeout_size),
strikeout_offset: Au::from_f64_px(strikeout_offset),
leading: Au::from_f64_px(leading),
x_height: Au::from_f64_px(x_height),
em_size: Au::from_f64_px(em_height),
ascent: Au::from_f64_px(max_ascent),
descent: Au::from_f64_px(max_descent),
max_advance: Au::from_f64_px(max_advance),
average_advance: Au::from_f64_px(average_advance),
line_gap: Au::from_f64_px(line_height),
space_advance: Au::from_f64_px(space_advance),
fn table_for_tag(&self, tag: FontTableTag) -> Option<FontTable> {
let face = self.face.lock();
let tag = tag as FT_ULong;
unsafe {
let mut len = 0;
if 0 != FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(*face, tag, 0, ptr::null_mut(), &mut len) {
return None;
let mut buf = vec![0u8; len as usize];
if 0 != FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(*face, tag, 0, buf.as_mut_ptr(), &mut len) {
return None;
Some(FontTable { buffer: buf })
fn typographic_bounds(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId) -> Rect<f32> {
let face = self.face.lock();
let result = unsafe { FT_Load_Glyph(*face, glyph_id as FT_UInt, load_flags) };
if 0 != result {
debug!("Unable to load glyph {}. reason: {:?}", glyph_id, result);
return Rect::default();
let metrics = unsafe { &(*(**face).glyph).metrics };
metrics.horiBearingX as f32,
(metrics.horiBearingY - metrics.height) as f32,
Size2D::new(metrics.width as f32, metrics.height as f32),
) * (1. / 64.)
fn webrender_font_instance_flags(&self) -> FontInstanceFlags {
impl PlatformFont {
fn unscalable_font_metrics_scale(&self) -> f64 {
self.requested_face_size.to_f64_px() / self.actual_face_size.to_f64_px()
trait FreeTypeFaceHelpers {
fn scalable(self) -> bool;
fn color(self) -> bool;
fn set_size(self, pt_size: Au) -> Result<Au, &'static str>;
fn glyph_load_flags(self) -> FT_Int32;
fn os2_table(self) -> Option<OS2Table>;
impl FreeTypeFaceHelpers for FT_Face {
fn scalable(self) -> bool {
unsafe { (*self).face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE as c_long != 0 }
fn color(self) -> bool {
unsafe { (*self).face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_COLOR as c_long != 0 }
fn set_size(self, requested_size: Au) -> Result<Au, &'static str> {
if self.scalable() {
let size_in_fixed_point = (requested_size.to_f64_px() * 64.0 + 0.5) as FT_F26Dot6;
let result = unsafe { FT_Set_Char_Size(self, size_in_fixed_point, 0, 72, 72) };
if 0 != result {
return Err("FT_Set_Char_Size failed");
return Ok(requested_size);
let requested_size = (requested_size.to_f64_px() * 64.0) as FT_Pos;
let get_size_at_index = |index| unsafe {
(*(*self).available_sizes.offset(index as isize)).x_ppem,
(*(*self).available_sizes.offset(index as isize)).y_ppem,
let mut best_index = 0;
let mut best_size = get_size_at_index(0);
let mut best_dist = best_size.1 - requested_size;
for strike_index in 1..unsafe { (*self).num_fixed_sizes } {
let new_scale = get_size_at_index(strike_index);
let new_distance = new_scale.1 - requested_size;
if (best_dist < 0 && new_distance >= best_dist) || new_distance.abs() <= best_dist {
best_dist = new_distance;
best_size = new_scale;
best_index = strike_index;
if 0 == unsafe { FT_Select_Size(self, best_index) } {
Ok(Au::from_f64_px(best_size.1 as f64 / 64.0))
} else {
Err("FT_Select_Size failed")
fn glyph_load_flags(self) -> FT_Int32 {
let mut load_flags = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT;
load_flags |= FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT as i32;
let face_flags = unsafe { (*self).face_flags };
if (face_flags & (FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_SIZES as FT_Long)) != 0 {
load_flags |= FT_LOAD_COLOR;
load_flags as FT_Int32
fn os2_table(self) -> Option<OS2Table> {
unsafe {
let os2 = FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(self, ft_sfnt_os2) as *mut TT_OS2;
let valid = !os2.is_null() && (*os2).version != 0xffff;
if !valid {
return None;
Some(OS2Table {
x_average_char_width: (*os2).xAvgCharWidth,
us_weight_class: (*os2).usWeightClass,
us_width_class: (*os2).usWidthClass,
y_strikeout_size: (*os2).yStrikeoutSize,
y_strikeout_position: (*os2).yStrikeoutPosition,
sx_height: (*os2).sxHeight,
struct TtHeader {
table_version: FT_Fixed,
font_revision: FT_Fixed,
checksum_adjust: FT_Long,
magic_number: FT_Long,
flags: FT_UShort,
units_per_em: FT_UShort,
created: [FT_ULong; 2],
modified: [FT_ULong; 2],
x_min: FT_Short,
y_min: FT_Short,
x_max: FT_Short,
y_max: FT_Short,
mac_style: FT_UShort,
lowest_rec_ppem: FT_UShort,
font_direction: FT_Short,
index_to_loc_format: FT_Short,
glyph_data_format: FT_Short,
extern "C" {
fn FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(
face: FT_Face,
tag: FT_ULong,
offset: FT_Long,
buffer: *mut FT_Byte,
length: *mut FT_ULong,
) -> FT_Error;