/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::vec::IntoIter;
use app_units::Au;
use fonts::FontMetrics;
use servo_arc::Arc;
use style::properties::ComputedValues;
use super::{InlineContainerState, InlineContainerStateFlags, inline_container_needs_strut};
use crate::ContainingBlock;
use crate::cell::ArcRefCell;
use crate::context::LayoutContext;
use crate::dom::NodeExt;
use crate::dom_traversal::NodeAndStyleInfo;
use crate::fragment_tree::BaseFragmentInfo;
use crate::style_ext::{LayoutStyle, PaddingBorderMargin};
pub(crate) struct InlineBox {
pub base_fragment_info: BaseFragmentInfo,
pub style: Arc<ComputedValues>,
/// The identifier of this inline box in the containing [`super::InlineFormattingContext`].
pub(super) identifier: InlineBoxIdentifier,
pub is_first_fragment: bool,
pub is_last_fragment: bool,
/// The index of the default font in the [`super::InlineFormattingContext`]'s font metrics store.
/// This is initialized during IFC shaping.
pub default_font_index: Option<usize>,
impl InlineBox {
pub(crate) fn new<'dom, Node: NodeExt<'dom>>(info: &NodeAndStyleInfo<Node>) -> Self {
Self {
base_fragment_info: info.into(),
style: info.style.clone(),
// This will be assigned later, when the box is actually added to the IFC.
identifier: InlineBoxIdentifier::default(),
is_first_fragment: true,
is_last_fragment: false,
default_font_index: None,
pub(crate) fn split_around_block(&self) -> Self {
Self {
style: self.style.clone(),
is_first_fragment: false,
is_last_fragment: false,
pub(crate) fn layout_style(&self) -> LayoutStyle {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct InlineBoxes {
/// A collection of all inline boxes in a particular [`super::InlineFormattingContext`].
inline_boxes: Vec<ArcRefCell<InlineBox>>,
/// A list of tokens that represent the actual tree of inline boxes, while allowing
/// easy traversal forward and backwards through the tree. This structure is also
/// stored in the [`super::InlineFormattingContext::inline_items`], but this version is
/// faster to iterate.
inline_box_tree: Vec<InlineBoxTreePathToken>,
impl InlineBoxes {
pub(super) fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub(super) fn get(&self, identifier: &InlineBoxIdentifier) -> ArcRefCell<InlineBox> {
self.inline_boxes[identifier.index_in_inline_boxes as usize].clone()
pub(super) fn end_inline_box(&mut self, identifier: InlineBoxIdentifier) {
pub(super) fn start_inline_box(
&mut self,
mut inline_box: InlineBox,
) -> (InlineBoxIdentifier, ArcRefCell<InlineBox>) {
assert!(self.inline_boxes.len() <= u32::MAX as usize);
assert!(self.inline_box_tree.len() <= u32::MAX as usize);
let index_in_inline_boxes = self.inline_boxes.len() as u32;
let index_of_start_in_tree = self.inline_box_tree.len() as u32;
let identifier = InlineBoxIdentifier {
inline_box.identifier = identifier;
let inline_box = ArcRefCell::new(inline_box);
(identifier, inline_box)
pub(super) fn get_path(
from: Option<InlineBoxIdentifier>,
to: InlineBoxIdentifier,
) -> IntoIter<InlineBoxTreePathToken> {
if from == Some(to) {
return Vec::new().into_iter();
let mut from_index = match from {
Some(InlineBoxIdentifier {
}) => index_of_start_in_tree as usize,
None => 0,
let mut to_index = to.index_of_start_in_tree as usize;
let is_reversed = to_index < from_index;
// Do not include the first or final token, depending on direction. These can be equal
// if we are starting or going to the the root of the inline formatting context, in which
// case we don't want to adjust.
if to_index > from_index && from.is_some() {
from_index += 1;
} else if to_index < from_index {
to_index += 1;
let mut path = Vec::with_capacity(from_index.abs_diff(to_index));
let min = from_index.min(to_index);
let max = from_index.max(to_index);
for token in &self.inline_box_tree[min..=max] {
// Skip useless recursion into inline boxes; we are looking for a direct path.
if Some(&token.reverse()) == path.last() {
} else {
if is_reversed {
for token in path.iter_mut() {
*token = token.reverse();
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum InlineBoxTreePathToken {
impl InlineBoxTreePathToken {
fn reverse(&self) -> Self {
match self {
Self::Start(index) => Self::End(*index),
Self::End(index) => Self::Start(*index),
/// An identifier for a particular [`InlineBox`] to be used to fetch it from an [`InlineBoxes`]
/// store of inline boxes.
/// [`u32`] is used for the index, in order to save space. The value refers to the token
/// in the start tree data structure which can be fetched to find the actual index of
/// of the [`InlineBox`] in [`InlineBoxes::inline_boxes`].
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct InlineBoxIdentifier {
pub index_of_start_in_tree: u32,
pub index_in_inline_boxes: u32,
pub(super) struct InlineBoxContainerState {
/// The container state common to both [`InlineBox`] and the root of the
/// [`super::InlineFormattingContext`].
pub base: InlineContainerState,
/// The [`InlineBoxIdentifier`] of this inline container state. If this is the root
/// the identifier is [`None`].
pub identifier: InlineBoxIdentifier,
/// The [`BaseFragmentInfo`] of the [`InlineBox`] that this state tracks.
pub base_fragment_info: BaseFragmentInfo,
/// The [`PaddingBorderMargin`] of the [`InlineBox`] that this state tracks.
pub pbm: PaddingBorderMargin,
/// Whether this is the last fragment of this InlineBox. This may not be the case if
/// the InlineBox is split due to an block-in-inline-split and this is not the last of
/// that split.
pub is_last_fragment: bool,
impl InlineBoxContainerState {
pub(super) fn new(
inline_box: &InlineBox,
containing_block: &ContainingBlock,
layout_context: &LayoutContext,
parent_container: &InlineContainerState,
is_last_fragment: bool,
font_metrics: Option<&FontMetrics>,
) -> Self {
let style = inline_box.style.clone();
let pbm = inline_box
let mut flags = InlineContainerStateFlags::empty();
if inline_container_needs_strut(&style, layout_context, Some(&pbm)) {
Self {
base: InlineContainerState::new(
identifier: inline_box.identifier,
base_fragment_info: inline_box.base_fragment_info,
pub(super) fn calculate_space_above_baseline(&self) -> Au {
let (ascent, descent, line_gap) = (
let leading = line_gap - (ascent + descent);
leading.scale_by(0.5) + ascent