/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use app_units::Au;
use base::print_tree::PrintTree;
use servo_arc::Arc as ServoArc;
use style::properties::ComputedValues;
use super::{BaseFragment, BaseFragmentInfo, Fragment};
use crate::cell::ArcRefCell;
use crate::geom::PhysicalRect;
/// Can contain child fragments with relative coordinates, but does not contribute to painting
/// itself. [`PositioningFragment`]s may be completely anonymous, or just non-painting Fragments
/// generated by boxes.
pub(crate) struct PositioningFragment {
pub base: BaseFragment,
pub rect: PhysicalRect<Au>,
pub children: Vec<Fragment>,
/// The scrollable overflow of this anonymous fragment's children.
pub scrollable_overflow: PhysicalRect<Au>,
/// If this fragment was created with a style, the style of the fragment.
pub style: Option<ServoArc<ComputedValues>>,
impl PositioningFragment {
pub fn new_anonymous(rect: PhysicalRect<Au>, children: Vec<Fragment>) -> ArcRefCell<Self> {
Self::new_with_base_fragment(BaseFragment::anonymous(), None, rect, children)
pub fn new_empty(
base_fragment_info: BaseFragmentInfo,
rect: PhysicalRect<Au>,
style: ServoArc<ComputedValues>,
) -> ArcRefCell<Self> {
Self::new_with_base_fragment(base_fragment_info.into(), Some(style), rect, Vec::new())
fn new_with_base_fragment(
base: BaseFragment,
style: Option<ServoArc<ComputedValues>>,
rect: PhysicalRect<Au>,
children: Vec<Fragment>,
) -> ArcRefCell<Self> {
let content_origin = rect.origin;
let scrollable_overflow = children.iter().fold(PhysicalRect::zero(), |acc, child| {
ArcRefCell::new(PositioningFragment {
pub fn print(&self, tree: &mut PrintTree) {
self.base, self.rect, self.scrollable_overflow
for child in &self.children {