use crate::{AllocId, Allocation, AllocatorOptions, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, Size, Rectangle, point2, size2};
const ITEM_SPLIT_THRESHOLD: u16 = 8;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
struct ShelfIndex(u16);
impl ShelfIndex {
const NONE: Self = ShelfIndex(std::u16::MAX);
fn index(self) -> usize { self.0 as usize }
fn is_some(self) -> bool { self.0 != std::u16::MAX }
fn is_none(self) -> bool { self.0 == std::u16::MAX }
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
struct ItemIndex(u16);
impl ItemIndex {
const NONE: Self = ItemIndex(std::u16::MAX);
fn index(self) -> usize { self.0 as usize }
fn is_some(self) -> bool { self.0 != std::u16::MAX }
fn is_none(self) -> bool { self.0 == std::u16::MAX }
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
struct Shelf {
x: u16,
y: u16,
height: u16,
prev: ShelfIndex,
next: ShelfIndex,
first_item: ItemIndex,
first_unallocated: ItemIndex,
is_empty: bool,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
struct Item {
x: u16,
width: u16,
prev: ItemIndex,
next: ItemIndex,
prev_unallocated: ItemIndex,
next_unallocated: ItemIndex,
shelf: ShelfIndex,
allocated: bool,
generation: u16,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct AtlasAllocator {
shelves: Vec<Shelf>,
items: Vec<Item>,
alignment: Size,
flip_xy: bool,
size: Size,
first_shelf: ShelfIndex,
free_items: ItemIndex,
free_shelves: ShelfIndex,
shelf_width: u16,
allocated_space: i32,
impl AtlasAllocator {
pub fn with_options(size: Size, options: &AllocatorOptions) -> Self {
let (shelf_alignment, width, height) = if options.vertical_shelves {
(options.alignment.height, size.height, size.width)
} else {
(options.alignment.width, size.width, size.height)
let mut shelf_width = width / options.num_columns;
shelf_width -= shelf_width % shelf_alignment;
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator {
shelves: Vec::new(),
items: Vec::new(),
size: size2(width, height),
alignment: options.alignment,
flip_xy: options.vertical_shelves,
first_shelf: ShelfIndex(0),
free_items: ItemIndex::NONE,
free_shelves: ShelfIndex::NONE,
shelf_width: shelf_width as u16,
allocated_space: 0,
pub fn new(size: Size) -> Self {
Self::with_options(size, &DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
fn init(&mut self) {
assert!(self.size.width > 0);
assert!(self.size.height > 0);
assert!(self.size.width <= std::u16::MAX as i32);
assert!(self.size.height <= std::u16::MAX as i32);
"The area of the atlas must fit in a i32 value"
assert!(self.alignment.width > 0);
assert!(self.alignment.height > 0);
let num_columns = self.size.width as u16 / self.shelf_width;
let mut prev = ShelfIndex::NONE;
for i in 0..num_columns {
let first_item = ItemIndex(self.items.len() as u16);
let x = i * self.shelf_width;
let current = ShelfIndex(i);
let next = if i + 1 < num_columns { ShelfIndex(i + 1) } else { ShelfIndex::NONE };
self.shelves.push(Shelf {
y: 0,
height: self.size.height as u16,
is_empty: true,
first_unallocated: first_item,
self.items.push(Item {
width: self.shelf_width,
prev: ItemIndex::NONE,
next: ItemIndex::NONE,
prev_unallocated: ItemIndex::NONE,
next_unallocated: ItemIndex::NONE,
shelf: current,
allocated: false,
generation: 1,
prev = current;
self.first_shelf = ShelfIndex(0);
self.free_items = ItemIndex::NONE;
self.free_shelves = ShelfIndex::NONE;
self.allocated_space = 0;
pub fn size(&self) -> Size {
if self.flip_xy {
size2(self.size.height, self.size.width)
} else {
pub fn allocate(&mut self, mut size: Size) -> Option<Allocation> {
if size.is_empty()
|| size.width > std::u16::MAX as i32
|| size.height > std::u16::MAX as i32 {
return None;
adjust_size(self.alignment.width, &mut size.width);
adjust_size(self.alignment.height, &mut size.height);
let (width, height) = convert_coordinates(self.flip_xy, size.width, size.height);
if width > self.shelf_width as i32 || height > self.size.height {
return None;
let height = shelf_height(height, self.size.height);
let mut width = width as u16;
let mut height = height as u16;
let bad_fit_threshold = height.saturating_add(height / 2);
let mut selected_shelf_height = std::u16::MAX;
let mut selected_shelf = ShelfIndex::NONE;
let mut selected_item = ItemIndex::NONE;
let mut shelf_idx = self.first_shelf;
while shelf_idx.is_some() {
let shelf = &self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()];
if shelf.height < height
|| shelf.height >= selected_shelf_height {
shelf_idx =;
let bad_fit = !shelf.is_empty && shelf.height > bad_fit_threshold;
if bad_fit && selected_shelf.is_some() {
shelf_idx =;
let mut item_idx = shelf.first_unallocated;
while item_idx.is_some() {
let item = &self.items[item_idx.index()];
if !item.allocated && item.width >= width {
item_idx = item.next_unallocated;
if item_idx.is_some() {
selected_shelf = shelf_idx;
selected_item = item_idx;
if !bad_fit {
selected_shelf_height = shelf.height;
if shelf.height == height {
shelf_idx =;
if selected_shelf.is_none() {
return None;
let shelf = self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()].clone();
if shelf.is_empty {
self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()].is_empty = false;
if shelf.is_empty && shelf.height > height + SHELF_SPLIT_THRESHOLD {
let new_shelf_idx = self.add_shelf(Shelf {
x: shelf.x,
y: shelf.y + height,
height: shelf.height - height,
prev: selected_shelf,
first_item: ItemIndex::NONE,
first_unallocated: ItemIndex::NONE,
is_empty: true,
let new_item_idx = self.add_item(Item {
x: shelf.x,
width: self.shelf_width,
prev: ItemIndex::NONE,
next: ItemIndex::NONE,
prev_unallocated: ItemIndex::NONE,
next_unallocated: ItemIndex::NONE,
shelf: new_shelf_idx,
allocated: false,
generation: 1,
self.shelves[new_shelf_idx.index()].first_item = new_item_idx;
self.shelves[new_shelf_idx.index()].first_unallocated = new_item_idx;
let next = self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()].next;
self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()].height = height;
self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()].next = new_shelf_idx;
if next.is_some() {
self.shelves[next.index()].prev = new_shelf_idx;
} else {
height = shelf.height;
let item = self.items[selected_item.index()].clone();
if item.width - width > ITEM_SPLIT_THRESHOLD {
let new_item_idx = self.add_item(Item {
x: item.x + width,
width: item.width - width,
prev: selected_item,
prev_unallocated: item.prev_unallocated,
next_unallocated: item.next_unallocated,
shelf: item.shelf,
allocated: false,
generation: 1,
self.items[selected_item.index()].width = width;
self.items[selected_item.index()].next = new_item_idx;
if {
self.items[].prev = new_item_idx;
let shelf = &mut self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()];
if shelf.first_unallocated == selected_item {
shelf.first_unallocated = new_item_idx;
if item.prev_unallocated.is_some() {
self.items[item.prev_unallocated.index()].next_unallocated = new_item_idx;
if item.next_unallocated.is_some() {
self.items[item.next_unallocated.index()].prev_unallocated = new_item_idx;
} else {
let shelf = &mut self.shelves[selected_shelf.index()];
if shelf.first_unallocated == selected_item {
shelf.first_unallocated = item.next_unallocated;
if item.prev_unallocated.is_some() {
self.items[item.prev_unallocated.index()].next_unallocated = item.next_unallocated;
if item.next_unallocated.is_some() {
self.items[item.next_unallocated.index()].prev_unallocated = item.prev_unallocated;
width = item.width;
self.items[selected_item.index()].allocated = true;
let generation = self.items[selected_item.index()].generation;
let x0 = item.x;
let y0 = shelf.y;
let x1 = x0 + width;
let y1 = y0 + height;
let (x0, y0) = convert_coordinates(self.flip_xy, x0 as i32, y0 as i32);
let (x1, y1) = convert_coordinates(self.flip_xy, x1 as i32, y1 as i32);
let rectangle = Rectangle {
min: point2(x0, y0),
max: point2(x1, y1),
self.allocated_space += rectangle.area();
Some(Allocation {
id: AllocId::new(selected_item.0, generation),
pub fn deallocate(&mut self, id: AllocId) {
let item_idx = ItemIndex(id.index());
let Item { mut prev, mut next, mut width, allocated, shelf, generation, .. } = self.items[item_idx.index()];
assert_eq!(generation, id.generation(), "Invalid AllocId");
self.items[item_idx.index()].allocated = false;
self.allocated_space -= width as i32 * self.shelves[shelf.index()].height as i32;
if next.is_some() && !self.items[next.index()].allocated {
let next_next = self.items[next.index()].next;
let next_width = self.items[next.index()].width;
let next_unallocated = self.items[next.index()].next_unallocated;
let prev_unallocated = self.items[next.index()].prev_unallocated;
if self.shelves[shelf.index()].first_unallocated == next {
self.shelves[shelf.index()].first_unallocated = next_unallocated;
if prev_unallocated.is_some() {
self.items[prev_unallocated.index()].next_unallocated = next_unallocated;
if next_unallocated.is_some() {
self.items[next_unallocated.index()].prev_unallocated = prev_unallocated;
self.items[item_idx.index()].next = next_next;
self.items[item_idx.index()].width += next_width;
width = self.items[item_idx.index()].width;
if next_next.is_some() {
self.items[next_next.index()].prev = item_idx;
next = next_next
if prev.is_some() && !self.items[prev.index()].allocated {
self.items[prev.index()].next = next;
self.items[prev.index()].width += width;
if next.is_some() {
self.items[next.index()].prev = prev;
prev = self.items[prev.index()].prev;
} else {
let first = self.shelves[shelf.index()].first_unallocated;
if first.is_some() {
self.items[first.index()].prev_unallocated = item_idx;
self.items[item_idx.index()].next_unallocated = first;
self.items[item_idx.index()].prev_unallocated = ItemIndex::NONE;
self.shelves[shelf.index()].first_unallocated = item_idx;
if prev.is_none() && next.is_none() {
let shelf_idx = shelf;
self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].is_empty = true;
let x = self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].x;
let next_shelf = self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].next;
if next_shelf.is_some()
&& self.shelves[next_shelf.index()].is_empty
&& self.shelves[next_shelf.index()].x == x {
let next_next = self.shelves[next_shelf.index()].next;
let next_height = self.shelves[next_shelf.index()].height;
self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].next = next_next;
self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].height += next_height;
if next_next.is_some() {
self.shelves[next_next.index()].prev = shelf_idx;
let prev_shelf = self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].prev;
if prev_shelf.is_some()
&& self.shelves[prev_shelf.index()].is_empty
&& self.shelves[prev_shelf.index()].x == x {
let next_shelf = self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].next;
self.shelves[prev_shelf.index()].next = next_shelf;
self.shelves[prev_shelf.index()].height += self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].height;
self.shelves[prev_shelf.index()].next = self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()].next;
if next_shelf.is_some() {
self.shelves[next_shelf.index()].prev = prev_shelf;
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
let mut shelf_idx = self.first_shelf;
while shelf_idx.is_some() {
let shelf = &self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()];
if !shelf.is_empty {
return false;
shelf_idx =;
pub fn allocated_space(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn free_space(&self) -> i32 {
self.size.area() - self.allocated_space
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter {
Iter {
atlas: self,
idx: 0,
fn remove_item(&mut self, idx: ItemIndex) {
self.items[idx.index()].next = self.free_items;
self.free_items = idx;
fn remove_shelf(&mut self, idx: ShelfIndex) {
self.shelves[idx.index()].next = self.free_shelves;
self.free_shelves = idx;
fn add_item(&mut self, mut item: Item) -> ItemIndex {
if self.free_items.is_some() {
let idx = self.free_items;
item.generation = self.items[idx.index()].generation.wrapping_add(1);
self.free_items = self.items[idx.index()].next;
self.items[idx.index()] = item;
return idx;
let idx = ItemIndex(self.items.len() as u16);
fn add_shelf(&mut self, shelf: Shelf) -> ShelfIndex {
if self.free_shelves.is_some() {
let idx = self.free_shelves;
self.free_shelves = self.shelves[idx.index()].next;
self.shelves[idx.index()] = shelf;
return idx;
let idx = ShelfIndex(self.shelves.len() as u16);
#[cfg(not(feature = "checks"))]
fn check(&self) {}
#[cfg(feature = "checks")]
fn check(&self) {
let mut prev_empty = false;
let mut accum_h = 0;
let mut shelf_idx = self.first_shelf;
let mut shelf_x = 0;
while shelf_idx.is_some() {
let shelf = &self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()];
let new_column = shelf_x != shelf.x;
if new_column {
assert_eq!(accum_h as i32, self.size.height);
accum_h = 0;
shelf_x = shelf.x;
accum_h += shelf.height;
if prev_empty && !new_column {
if shelf.is_empty {
prev_empty = shelf.is_empty;
let mut accum_w = 0;
let mut accum_unallocated_w = 0;
let mut prev_allocated = true;
let mut item_idx = shelf.first_item;
let mut prev_item_idx = ItemIndex::NONE;
while item_idx.is_some() {
let item = &self.items[item_idx.index()];
accum_w += item.width;
if !item.allocated {
accum_unallocated_w += item.width;
assert_eq!(item.prev, prev_item_idx);
if !prev_allocated {
assert!(item.allocated, "item {:?} should be allocated", item_idx.0);
prev_allocated = item.allocated;
prev_item_idx = item_idx;
item_idx =;
assert_eq!(accum_w, self.shelf_width);
accum_w = 0;
let mut item_idx = shelf.first_unallocated;
let mut prev_unallocated_idx = ItemIndex::NONE;
while item_idx.is_some() {
let item = &self.items[item_idx.index()];
assert_eq!(item.prev_unallocated, prev_unallocated_idx);
accum_w += item.width;
prev_unallocated_idx = item_idx;
item_idx = item.next_unallocated;
assert_eq!(accum_w, accum_unallocated_w, "items missing from the unallocated list?");
shelf_idx =;
pub fn get_index(&self, id: AllocId) -> u32 {
let index = id.index();
debug_assert_eq!(self.items[index as usize].generation, id.generation());
index as u32
pub fn get(&self, id: AllocId) -> Rectangle {
let index = id.index()as usize;
let item = &self.items[index];
assert_eq!(item.generation, id.generation(), "Invalid AllocId");
let shelf = &self.shelves[item.shelf.index()];
let mut rectangle = Rectangle {
min: point2(
item.x as i32,
shelf.y as i32,
max: point2(
(item.x + item.width) as i32,
(shelf.y + shelf.height) as i32,
if self.flip_xy {
std::mem::swap(&mut rectangle.min.x, &mut rectangle.min.y);
std::mem::swap(&mut rectangle.max.x, &mut rectangle.max.y);
pub fn dump_svg(&self, output: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
use svg_fmt::*;
BeginSvg {
w: self.size.width as f32,
h: self.size.height as f32
self.dump_into_svg(None, output)?;
writeln!(output, "{}", EndSvg)
pub fn dump_into_svg(&self, rect: Option<&Rectangle>, output: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
use svg_fmt::*;
let (sx, sy, tx, ty) = if let Some(rect) = rect {
rect.size().width as f32 / self.size.width as f32,
rect.size().height as f32 / self.size.height as f32,
rect.min.x as f32,
rect.min.y as f32,
} else {
(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
r#" {}"#,
rectangle(tx, ty, self.size.width as f32 * sx, self.size.height as f32 * sy)
.fill(rgb(40, 40, 40))
.stroke(Stroke::Color(black(), 1.0))
let mut shelf_idx = self.first_shelf;
while shelf_idx.is_some() {
let shelf = &self.shelves[shelf_idx.index()];
let y = shelf.y as f32 * sy;
let h = shelf.height as f32 * sy;
let mut item_idx = shelf.first_item;
while item_idx.is_some() {
let item = &self.items[item_idx.index()];
let x = item.x as f32 * sx;
let w = item.width as f32 * sx;
let color = if item.allocated {
rgb(70, 70, 180)
} else {
rgb(50, 50, 50)
let (x, y) = if self.flip_xy { (y, x) } else { (x, y) };
let (w, h) = if self.flip_xy { (h, w) } else { (w, h) };
r#" {}"#,
rectangle(x + tx, y + ty, w, h).fill(color).stroke(Stroke::Color(black(), 1.0))
item_idx =;
shelf_idx =;
fn adjust_size(alignment: i32, size: &mut i32) {
let rem = *size % alignment;
if rem > 0 {
*size += alignment - rem;
fn convert_coordinates(flip_xy: bool, x: i32, y: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
if flip_xy {
(y, x)
} else {
(x, y)
fn shelf_height(size: i32, atlas_height: i32) -> i32 {
let alignment = match size {
0 ..= 31 => 8,
32 ..= 127 => 16,
128 ..= 511 => 32,
_ => 64,
let mut adjusted_size = size;
let rem = size % alignment;
if rem > 0 {
adjusted_size = size + alignment - rem;
if adjusted_size > atlas_height {
adjusted_size = size;
pub struct Iter<'l> {
atlas: &'l AtlasAllocator,
idx: usize,
impl<'l> Iterator for Iter<'l> {
type Item = Allocation;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Allocation> {
if self.idx >= self.atlas.items.len() {
return None;
while !self.atlas.items[self.idx].allocated {
self.idx += 1;
if self.idx >= self.atlas.items.len() {
return None;
let item = &self.atlas.items[self.idx];
let shelf = &self.atlas.shelves[item.shelf.index()];
let mut alloc = Allocation {
rectangle: Rectangle {
min: point2(
item.x as i32,
shelf.y as i32,
max: point2(
(item.x + item.width) as i32,
(shelf.y + shelf.height) as i32,
id: AllocId::new(self.idx as u16, item.generation),
if self.atlas.flip_xy {
std::mem::swap(&mut alloc.rectangle.min.x, &mut alloc.rectangle.min.y);
std::mem::swap(&mut alloc.rectangle.max.x, &mut alloc.rectangle.max.y);
self.idx += 1;
impl<'l> std::iter::IntoIterator for &'l AtlasAllocator {
type Item = Allocation;
type IntoIter = Iter<'l>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Iter<'l> {
fn test_simple() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::with_options(
size2(2048, 2048),
&AllocatorOptions {
alignment: size2(4, 8),
vertical_shelves: false,
num_columns: 2,
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
let a1 = atlas.allocate(size2(20, 30)).unwrap();
let a2 = atlas.allocate(size2(30, 40)).unwrap();
let a3 = atlas.allocate(size2(20, 30)).unwrap();
assert!( !=;
assert!( !=;
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
fn test_options() {
let alignment = size2(8, 16);
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::with_options(
size2(2000, 1000),
&AllocatorOptions {
vertical_shelves: true,
num_columns: 1,
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
let a1 = atlas.allocate(size2(20, 30)).unwrap();
let a2 = atlas.allocate(size2(30, 40)).unwrap();
let a3 = atlas.allocate(size2(20, 30)).unwrap();
assert!( !=;
assert!( !=;
for id in &atlas {
assert!(id == a1 || id == a2 || id == a3);
assert_eq!(a1.rectangle.min.x % alignment.width, 0);
assert_eq!(a1.rectangle.min.y % alignment.height, 0);
assert_eq!(a2.rectangle.min.x % alignment.width, 0);
assert_eq!(a2.rectangle.min.y % alignment.height, 0);
assert_eq!(a3.rectangle.min.x % alignment.width, 0);
assert_eq!(a3.rectangle.min.y % alignment.height, 0);
assert!(a1.rectangle.size().width >= 20);
assert!(a1.rectangle.size().height >= 30);
assert!(a2.rectangle.size().width >= 30);
assert!(a2.rectangle.size().height >= 40);
assert!(a3.rectangle.size().width >= 20);
assert!(a3.rectangle.size().height >= 30);
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
fn vertical() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::with_options(size2(128, 256), &AllocatorOptions {
num_columns: 2,
vertical_shelves: true,
assert_eq!(atlas.size(), size2(128, 256));
let a = atlas.allocate(size2(32, 16)).unwrap();
let b = atlas.allocate(size2(16, 32)).unwrap();
assert!(a.rectangle.size().width >= 32);
assert!(a.rectangle.size().height >= 16);
assert!(b.rectangle.size().width >= 16);
assert!(b.rectangle.size().height >= 32);
let c = atlas.allocate(size2(128, 128)).unwrap();
for _ in &atlas {}
for _ in &atlas {}
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
fn clear() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(2048, 2048));
for _ in 0..500 {
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 2)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(2, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(16, 512)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(34, 34)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(34, 34)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(34, 34)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(34, 34)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(2, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(2, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 2)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(2, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 2)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(82, 80)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(56, 56)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(64, 66)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(40, 40)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(155, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(256, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(24, 24)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(64, 64)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(84, 84)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 2)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(34, 34)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(34, 34)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(192, 192)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(192, 192)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(52, 52)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(144, 144)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(192, 192)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(144, 144)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(24, 24)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(192, 192)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(192, 192)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(432, 243)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 2)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(2, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(9, 9)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(14, 14)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(14, 14)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(14, 14)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(14, 14)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(8, 8)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(27, 27)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(27, 27)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(27, 27)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(27, 27)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(11, 12)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(29, 28)).unwrap();
atlas.allocate(size2(32, 32)).unwrap();
for _ in &atlas {}
fn fuzz_01() {
let s = 65472;
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(s, 64));
let alloc = atlas.allocate(size2(s, 64)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().width, s);
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().height, 64);
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(64, s));
let alloc = atlas.allocate(size2(64, s)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().width, 64);
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().height, s);
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(s, 64));
let alloc = atlas.allocate(size2(s - 1, 64)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().width, s);
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().height, 64);
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(64, s));
let alloc = atlas.allocate(size2(64, s - 1)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().width, 64);
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().height, s);
let s = std::u16::MAX as i32;
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(s, 64));
if let Some(alloc) = atlas.allocate(size2(s, 64)) {
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().width, s);
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().height, 64);
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(64, s));
if let Some(alloc) = atlas.allocate(size2(64, s)) {
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().width, 64);
assert_eq!(alloc.rectangle.size().height, s);
fn fuzz_02() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1000, 1000));
assert!(atlas.allocate(size2(255, 65599)).is_none());
fn fuzz_03() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1000, 1000));
let sizes = &[
size2(999, 128),
size2(168492810, 10),
size2(45, 96),
size2(-16711926, 0),
let mut allocations = Vec::new();
let mut allocated_space = 0;
for size in sizes {
if let Some(alloc) = atlas.allocate(*size) {
allocated_space += alloc.rectangle.area();
assert_eq!(allocated_space, atlas.allocated_space());
for alloc in &allocations {
allocated_space -= alloc.rectangle.area();
assert_eq!(allocated_space, atlas.allocated_space());
assert_eq!(atlas.allocated_space(), 0);
fn fuzz_04() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1000, 1000));
assert!(atlas.allocate(size2(2560, 2147483647)).is_none());
fn issue_17_1() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1024, 1024));
let a = atlas.allocate(size2(100, 300)).unwrap();
let b = atlas.allocate(size2(500, 200)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(a.rectangle, atlas.get(;
assert_eq!(b.rectangle, atlas.get(;
let c = atlas.allocate(size2(300, 200)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b.rectangle, atlas.get(;
assert_eq!(c.rectangle, atlas.get(;
fn issue_17_2() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1000, 1000));
assert!(atlas.allocate(size2(100, 1001)).is_none());
assert!(atlas.allocate(size2(1001, 1000)).is_none());
let a = atlas.allocate(size2(1000, 1000)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(a.rectangle, atlas.get(;
fn issue_35() {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1000, 1000));
let a = atlas.allocate(size2(100, 1000)).unwrap();
let b = atlas.allocate(size2(900, 200)).unwrap();
fn bad_fit() {
let a = size2(100, 300);
let b = size2(100, 100);
let c = size2(100, 30);
for (s1, s2, s3) in [(a, b, c), (c, b, a), (a, c, b), (c, a, b), (b, a, c), (b, c, a)] {
let mut atlas = AtlasAllocator::new(size2(1000, 1000));
let a1 = atlas.allocate(s1).unwrap();
let a2 = atlas.allocate(s2).unwrap();
let a3 = atlas.allocate(s3).unwrap();
assert!(a1.rectangle.min.y != a2.rectangle.min.y);
assert!(a2.rectangle.min.y != a3.rectangle.min.y);
assert!(a1.rectangle.min.y != a3.rectangle.min.y);
assert!(a1.rectangle.max.y != a2.rectangle.max.y);
assert!(a2.rectangle.max.y != a3.rectangle.max.y);
assert!(a1.rectangle.max.y != a3.rectangle.max.y);