use std::{
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
os::unix::prelude::{AsFd, OwnedFd},
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use log::warn;
use crate::reexports::client::{
wl_data_offer::{self, WlDataOffer},
Connection, Dispatch, Proxy, QueueHandle,
use super::{DataDeviceManagerState, ReadPipe};
/// Handler trait for DataOffer events.
/// The functions defined in this trait are called as DataOffer events are received from the compositor.
pub trait DataOfferHandler: Sized {
/// Called to advertise the available DnD Actions as set by the source.
fn source_actions(
&mut self,
conn: &Connection,
qh: &QueueHandle<Self>,
offer: &mut DragOffer,
actions: DndAction,
/// Called to advertise the action selected by the compositor after matching
/// the source/destination side actions. Only one action or none will be
/// selected in the actions sent by the compositor. This may be called
/// multiple times during a DnD operation. The most recent DndAction is the
/// only valid one.
/// At the time of a `drop` event on the data device, this action must be
/// used except in the case of an ask action. In the case that the last
/// action received is `ask`, the destination asks the user for their
/// preference, then calls set_actions & accept each one last time. Finally,
/// the destination may then request data to be sent and finishing the data
/// offer
fn selected_action(
&mut self,
conn: &Connection,
qh: &QueueHandle<Self>,
offer: &mut DragOffer,
actions: DndAction,
/// An error that may occur when working with data offers.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum DataOfferError {
#[error("offer is not valid to receive from yet")]
#[error("IO error")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DragOffer {
/// the wl_data offer if it exists
pub(crate) data_offer: WlDataOffer,
/// the serial for this data offer's enter event
pub serial: u32,
/// the surface that this DnD is active on
pub surface: WlSurface,
/// the x position on the surface
pub x: f64,
/// the y position on this surface
pub y: f64,
/// the timestamp a motion event was received in millisecond granularity
pub time: Option<u32>,
/// the advertised drag actions
pub source_actions: DndAction,
/// the compositor selected drag action
pub selected_action: DndAction,
/// whether or not the drag has been dropped
pub dropped: bool,
/// whether or not the drag has left
pub left: bool,
impl DragOffer {
pub fn finish(&self) {
if self.data_offer.version() >= 3 {
/// Inspect the mime types available on the given offer.
pub fn with_mime_types<T, F: Fn(&[String]) -> T>(&self, callback: F) -> T {
let mime_types =
/// Set the accepted and preferred drag and drop actions.
/// This request determines the final result of the drag-and-drop operation.
/// If the end result is that no action is accepted, the drag source will receive wl_data_source.cancelled.
pub fn set_actions(&self, actions: DndAction, preferred_action: DndAction) {
if self.data_offer.version() >= 3 && !self.left {
self.data_offer.set_actions(actions, preferred_action);
/// Receive data with the given mime type.
/// This request may happen multiple times for different mime types, both before and after wl_data_device.drop.
/// Drag-and-drop destination clients may preemptively fetch data or examine it more closely to determine acceptance.
pub fn receive(&self, mime_type: String) -> std::io::Result<ReadPipe> {
// When the data device has left, we can't receive unless it was previously dropped.
if !self.left || self.dropped {
receive(&self.data_offer, mime_type)
} else {
Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "offer has left"))
/// Accept the given mime type, or None to reject the offer.
/// In version 2, this request is used for feedback, but doesn't affect the final result of the drag-and-drop operation.
/// In version 3, this request determines the final result of the drag-and-drop operation.
pub fn accept_mime_type(&self, serial: u32, mime_type: Option<String>) {
if !self.left {
self.data_offer.accept(serial, mime_type);
/// Destroy the data offer.
pub fn destroy(&self) {
/// Retrieve a reference to the inner wl_data_offer.
pub fn inner(&self) -> &WlDataOffer {
impl PartialEq for DragOffer {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.data_offer == other.data_offer
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SelectionOffer {
/// the wl_data offer
pub(crate) data_offer: WlDataOffer,
impl SelectionOffer {
/// Inspect the mime types available on the given offer.
pub fn with_mime_types<T, F: Fn(&[String]) -> T>(&self, callback: F) -> T {
let mime_types =
pub fn receive(&self, mime_type: String) -> Result<ReadPipe, DataOfferError> {
receive(&self.data_offer, mime_type).map_err(DataOfferError::Io)
pub fn destroy(&self) {
pub fn inner(&self) -> &WlDataOffer {
impl PartialEq for SelectionOffer {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.data_offer == other.data_offer
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct DataOfferData {
pub(crate) inner: Arc<Mutex<DataDeviceOfferInner>>,
impl DataOfferData {
/// Inspect the mime types available on the given offer.
pub fn with_mime_types<T, F: Fn(&[String]) -> T>(&self, callback: F) -> T {
let mime_types = &self.inner.lock().unwrap().mime_types;
pub(crate) fn push_mime_type(&self, mime_type: String) {
pub(crate) fn set_source_action(&self, action: DndAction) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(ref mut o) => o.source_actions = action,
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {}
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(ref mut o) => o.actions = action,
pub(crate) fn set_selected_action(&self, action: DndAction) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(ref mut o) => o.selected_action = action,
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {} // error?
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(_) => {} // error?
pub(crate) fn to_selection_offer(&self) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => {
inner.offer =
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(SelectionOffer { data_offer: o.data_offer.clone() });
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {}
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(o) => {
inner.offer = DataDeviceOffer::Selection(SelectionOffer {
data_offer: o.data_offer.clone().unwrap(),
pub(crate) fn init_undetermined_offer(&self, offer: &WlDataOffer) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => {
inner.offer = DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(UndeterminedOffer {
data_offer: Some(offer.clone()),
actions: o.source_actions,
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {
inner.offer = DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(UndeterminedOffer {
data_offer: Some(offer.clone()),
actions: DndAction::empty(),
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(o) => {
o.data_offer = Some(offer.clone());
pub(crate) fn to_dnd_offer(
serial: u32,
surface: WlSurface,
x: f64,
y: f64,
time: Option<u32>,
) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(_) => {}
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(o) => {
inner.offer = DataDeviceOffer::Drag(DragOffer {
data_offer: o.data_offer.clone(),
source_actions: DndAction::empty(),
selected_action: DndAction::empty(),
dropped: false,
left: false,
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(o) => {
inner.offer = DataDeviceOffer::Drag(DragOffer {
data_offer: o.data_offer.clone().unwrap(),
source_actions: o.actions,
selected_action: DndAction::empty(),
dropped: false,
left: false,
pub(crate) fn motion(&self, x: f64, y: f64, time: u32) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => {
o.x = x;
o.y = y;
o.time = Some(time);
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {}
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(_) => {}
pub(crate) fn as_drag_offer(&self) -> Option<DragOffer> {
match &self.inner.lock().unwrap().deref().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => Some(o.clone()),
_ => None,
pub(crate) fn leave(&self) -> bool {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
match &mut inner.deref_mut().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => {
o.left = true;
if !o.dropped {
_ => {
warn!("DataDeviceOffer::leave called on non-drag offer");
pub(crate) fn as_selection_offer(&self) -> Option<SelectionOffer> {
match &self.inner.lock().unwrap().deref().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(o) => Some(o.clone()),
_ => None,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct DataDeviceOfferInner {
pub(crate) offer: DataDeviceOffer,
pub(crate) mime_types: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum DataDeviceOffer {
impl Default for DataDeviceOffer {
fn default() -> Self {
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(UndeterminedOffer {
data_offer: None,
actions: DndAction::empty(),
impl<D> Dispatch<wl_data_offer::WlDataOffer, DataOfferData, D> for DataDeviceManagerState
D: Dispatch<wl_data_offer::WlDataOffer, DataOfferData> + DataOfferHandler,
fn event(
state: &mut D,
_offer: &wl_data_offer::WlDataOffer,
event: <wl_data_offer::WlDataOffer as wayland_client::Proxy>::Event,
data: &DataOfferData,
conn: &wayland_client::Connection,
qh: &wayland_client::QueueHandle<D>,
) {
match event {
wl_data_offer::Event::Offer { mime_type } => {
wl_data_offer::Event::SourceActions { source_actions } => {
match source_actions {
wayland_client::WEnum::Value(a) => {
match &mut data.inner.lock().unwrap().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => {
state.source_actions(conn, qh, o, a);
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {}
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(_) => {}
wayland_client::WEnum::Unknown(_) => {} // Ignore
wl_data_offer::Event::Action { dnd_action } => {
match dnd_action {
wayland_client::WEnum::Value(a) => {
match &mut data.inner.lock().unwrap().offer {
DataDeviceOffer::Drag(o) => {
state.selected_action(conn, qh, o, a);
DataDeviceOffer::Selection(_) => {}
DataDeviceOffer::Undetermined(_) => {}
wayland_client::WEnum::Unknown(_) => {} // Ignore
_ => unimplemented!(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct UndeterminedOffer {
pub(crate) data_offer: Option<WlDataOffer>,
pub actions: DndAction,
impl PartialEq for UndeterminedOffer {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.data_offer == other.data_offer
/// Request to receive the data of a given mime type.
/// You can do this several times, as a reaction to motion of
/// the dnd cursor, or to inspect the data in order to choose your
/// response.
/// Note that you should *not* read the contents right away in a
/// blocking way, as you may deadlock your application doing so.
/// At least make sure you flush your events to the server before
/// doing so.
/// Fails if too many file descriptors were already open and a pipe
/// could not be created.
pub fn receive(offer: &WlDataOffer, mime_type: String) -> std::io::Result<ReadPipe> {
use rustix::pipe::{pipe_with, PipeFlags};
// create a pipe
let (readfd, writefd) = pipe_with(PipeFlags::CLOEXEC)?;
receive_to_fd(offer, mime_type, writefd);
/// Receive data to the write end of a raw file descriptor. If you have the read end, you can read from it.
/// You can do this several times, as a reaction to motion of
/// the dnd cursor, or to inspect the data in order to choose your
/// response.
/// Note that you should *not* read the contents right away in a
/// blocking way, as you may deadlock your application doing so.
/// At least make sure you flush your events to the server before
/// doing so.
/// The provided file destructor must be a valid FD for writing, and will be closed
/// once the contents are written.
pub fn receive_to_fd(offer: &WlDataOffer, mime_type: String, writefd: OwnedFd) {
offer.receive(mime_type, writefd.as_fd());