// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Copyright 2020 Yevhenii Reizner
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{Point, Rect};
use tiny_skia_path::Scalar;
pub const MAX_POINTS: usize = 4;
/// Clip the line pts[0]...pts[1] against clip, ignoring segments that
/// lie completely above or below the clip. For portions to the left or
/// right, turn those into vertical line segments that are aligned to the
/// edge of the clip.
/// Return the number of line segments that result, and store the end-points
/// of those segments sequentially in lines as follows:
/// 1st segment: lines[0]..lines[1]
/// 2nd segment: lines[1]..lines[2]
/// 3rd segment: lines[2]..lines[3]
pub fn clip<'a>(
src: &[Point; 2],
clip: &Rect,
can_cull_to_the_right: bool,
points: &'a mut [Point; MAX_POINTS],
) -> &'a [Point] {
let (mut index0, mut index1) = if src[0].y < src[1].y { (0, 1) } else { (1, 0) };
// Check if we're completely clipped out in Y (above or below)
if src[index1].y <= clip.top() {
// we're above the clip
return &[];
if src[index0].y >= clip.bottom() {
// we're below the clip
return &[];
// Chop in Y to produce a single segment, stored in tmp[0..1]
let mut tmp = *src;
// now compute intersections
if src[index0].y < clip.top() {
tmp[index0] = Point::from_xy(sect_with_horizontal(src, clip.top()), clip.top());
debug_assert!(is_between_unsorted(tmp[index0].x, src[0].x, src[1].x));
if tmp[index1].y > clip.bottom() {
tmp[index1] = Point::from_xy(sect_with_horizontal(src, clip.bottom()), clip.bottom());
debug_assert!(is_between_unsorted(tmp[index1].x, src[0].x, src[1].x));
// Chop it into 1..3 segments that are wholly within the clip in X.
// temp storage for up to 3 segments
let mut result_storage = [Point::zero(); MAX_POINTS];
let mut line_count = 1;
let mut reverse;
if src[0].x < src[1].x {
index0 = 0;
index1 = 1;
reverse = false;
} else {
index0 = 1;
index1 = 0;
reverse = true;
let result: &[Point] = if tmp[index1].x <= clip.left() {
// wholly to the left
tmp[0].x = clip.left();
tmp[1].x = clip.left();
reverse = false;
} else if tmp[index0].x >= clip.right() {
// wholly to the right
if can_cull_to_the_right {
return &[];
tmp[0].x = clip.right();
tmp[1].x = clip.right();
reverse = false;
} else {
let mut offset = 0;
if tmp[index0].x < clip.left() {
result_storage[offset] = Point::from_xy(clip.left(), tmp[index0].y);
offset += 1;
result_storage[offset] =
Point::from_xy(clip.left(), sect_clamp_with_vertical(&tmp, clip.left()));
} else {
result_storage[offset] = tmp[index0];
offset += 1;
if tmp[index1].x > clip.right() {
result_storage[offset] =
Point::from_xy(clip.right(), sect_clamp_with_vertical(&tmp, clip.right()));
offset += 1;
result_storage[offset] = Point::from_xy(clip.right(), tmp[index1].y);
} else {
result_storage[offset] = tmp[index1];
line_count = offset;
// Now copy the results into the caller's lines[] parameter
if reverse {
// copy the pts in reverse order to maintain winding order
for i in 0..=line_count {
points[line_count - i] = result[i];
} else {
let len = line_count + 1;
&points[0..line_count + 1]
/// Returns X coordinate of intersection with horizontal line at Y.
fn sect_with_horizontal(src: &[Point; 2], y: f32) -> f32 {
let dy = src[1].y - src[0].y;
if dy.is_nearly_zero() {
} else {
// need the extra precision so we don't compute a value that exceeds
// our original limits
let x0 = f64::from(src[0].x);
let y0 = f64::from(src[0].y);
let x1 = f64::from(src[1].x);
let y1 = f64::from(src[1].y);
let result = x0 + (f64::from(y) - y0) * (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0);
// The computed X value might still exceed [X0..X1] due to quantum flux
// when the doubles were added and subtracted, so we have to pin the
// answer :(
pin_unsorted_f64(result, x0, x1) as f32
/// Returns value between the two limits, where the limits are either ascending or descending.
fn is_between_unsorted(value: f32, limit0: f32, limit1: f32) -> bool {
if limit0 < limit1 {
limit0 <= value && value <= limit1
} else {
limit1 <= value && value <= limit0
fn sect_clamp_with_vertical(src: &[Point; 2], x: f32) -> f32 {
let y = sect_with_vertical(src, x);
// Our caller expects y to be between src[0].y and src[1].y (unsorted), but due to the
// numerics of floats/doubles, we might have computed a value slightly outside of that,
// so we have to manually clamp afterwards.
// See skbug.com/7491
pin_unsorted_f32(y, src[0].y, src[1].y)
/// Returns Y coordinate of intersection with vertical line at X.
fn sect_with_vertical(src: &[Point; 2], x: f32) -> f32 {
let dx = src[1].x - src[0].x;
if dx.is_nearly_zero() {
} else {
// need the extra precision so we don't compute a value that exceeds
// our original limits
let x0 = f64::from(src[0].x);
let y0 = f64::from(src[0].y);
let x1 = f64::from(src[1].x);
let y1 = f64::from(src[1].y);
let result = y0 + (f64::from(x) - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
result as f32
fn pin_unsorted_f32(value: f32, mut limit0: f32, mut limit1: f32) -> f32 {
if limit1 < limit0 {
core::mem::swap(&mut limit0, &mut limit1);
// now the limits are sorted
debug_assert!(limit0 <= limit1);
if value < limit0 {
} else if value > limit1 {
} else {
fn pin_unsorted_f64(value: f64, mut limit0: f64, mut limit1: f64) -> f64 {
if limit1 < limit0 {
core::mem::swap(&mut limit0, &mut limit1);
// now the limits are sorted
debug_assert!(limit0 <= limit1);
if value < limit0 {
} else if value > limit1 {
} else {
/// Intersect the line segment against the rect. If there is a non-empty
/// resulting segment, return true and set dst[] to that segment. If not,
/// return false and ignore dst[].
/// `clip` is specialized for scan-conversion, as it adds vertical
/// segments on the sides to show where the line extended beyond the
/// left or right sides. `intersect` does not.
pub fn intersect(src: &[Point; 2], clip: &Rect, dst: &mut [Point; 2]) -> bool {
let bounds = Rect::from_ltrb(
if let Some(bounds) = bounds {
if contains_no_empty_check(clip, &bounds) {
return true;
// check for no overlap, and only permit coincident edges if the line
// and the edge are colinear
if nested_lt(bounds.right(), clip.left(), bounds.width())
|| nested_lt(clip.right(), bounds.left(), bounds.width())
|| nested_lt(bounds.bottom(), clip.top(), bounds.height())
|| nested_lt(clip.bottom(), bounds.top(), bounds.height())
return false;
let (index0, index1) = if src[0].y < src[1].y { (0, 1) } else { (1, 0) };
let mut tmp = src.clone();
// now compute Y intersections
if tmp[index0].y < clip.top() {
tmp[index0] = Point::from_xy(sect_with_horizontal(src, clip.top()), clip.top());
if tmp[index1].y > clip.bottom() {
tmp[index1] = Point::from_xy(sect_with_horizontal(src, clip.bottom()), clip.bottom());
let (index0, index1) = if tmp[0].x < tmp[1].x { (0, 1) } else { (1, 0) };
// check for quick-reject in X again, now that we may have been chopped
if tmp[index1].x <= clip.left() || tmp[index0].x >= clip.right() {
// usually we will return false, but we don't if the line is vertical and coincident
// with the clip.
if tmp[0].x != tmp[1].x || tmp[0].x < clip.left() || tmp[0].x > clip.right() {
return false;
if tmp[index0].x < clip.left() {
tmp[index0] = Point::from_xy(clip.left(), sect_with_vertical(src, clip.left()));
if tmp[index1].x > clip.right() {
tmp[index1] = Point::from_xy(clip.right(), sect_with_vertical(src, clip.right()));
fn nested_lt(a: f32, b: f32, dim: f32) -> bool {
a <= b && (a < b || dim > 0.0)
// returns true if outer contains inner, even if inner is empty.
fn contains_no_empty_check(outer: &Rect, inner: &Rect) -> bool {
outer.left() <= inner.left()
&& outer.top() <= inner.top()
&& outer.right() >= inner.right()
&& outer.bottom() >= inner.bottom()