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// Copyright 2015 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Routers allow converting IPC channels to crossbeam channels.
//! The [RouterProxy](crate::router::RouterProxy) provides various methods to register
//! `IpcReceiver<T>`s. The router will then either call the appropriate callback or route the
//! message to a crossbeam `Sender<T>` or `Receiver<T>`. You should use the global `ROUTER` to
//! access the `RouterProxy` methods (via `ROUTER`'s `Deref` for `RouterProxy`.
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread;
use crate::ipc::OpaqueIpcReceiver;
use crate::ipc::{self, IpcMessage, IpcReceiver, IpcReceiverSet, IpcSelectionResult, IpcSender};
use crossbeam_channel::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
lazy_static! {
/// Global object wrapping a `RouterProxy`.
/// Add routes ([add_route](RouterProxy::add_route)), or convert IpcReceiver<T>
/// to crossbeam channels (e.g. [route_ipc_receiver_to_new_crossbeam_receiver](RouterProxy::route_ipc_receiver_to_new_crossbeam_receiver))
pub static ref ROUTER: RouterProxy = RouterProxy::new();
/// A `RouterProxy` provides methods for talking to the router. Calling
/// [new](RouterProxy::new) automatically spins up a router thread which
/// waits for events on its registered `IpcReceiver<T>`s. The `RouterProxy`'s
/// methods communicate with the running router thread to register new
/// `IpcReceiver<T>`'s
pub struct RouterProxy {
comm: Mutex<RouterProxyComm>,
impl RouterProxy {
pub fn new() -> RouterProxy {
// Router acts like a receiver, running in its own thread with both
// receiver ends.
// Router proxy takes both sending ends.
let (msg_sender, msg_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
let (wakeup_sender, wakeup_receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
thread::spawn(move || Router::new(msg_receiver, wakeup_receiver).run());
RouterProxy {
comm: Mutex::new(RouterProxyComm {
shutdown: false,
/// Add a new (receiver, callback) pair to the router, and send a wakeup message
/// to the router.
/// Consider using [add_typed_route](Self::add_typed_route) instead, which prevents
/// mismatches between the receiver and callback types.
#[deprecated(since = "0.19.0", note = "please use 'add_typed_route' instead")]
pub fn add_route(&self, receiver: OpaqueIpcReceiver, callback: RouterHandler) {
let comm = self.comm.lock().unwrap();
if comm.shutdown {
.send(RouterMsg::AddRoute(receiver, callback))
/// Add a new `(receiver, callback)` pair to the router, and send a wakeup message
/// to the router.
/// Unlike [add_route](Self::add_route) this method is strongly typed and guarantees
/// that the `receiver` and the `callback` use the same message type.
pub fn add_typed_route<T>(&self, receiver: IpcReceiver<T>, mut callback: TypedRouterHandler<T>)
T: Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + 'static,
// Before passing the message on to the callback, turn it into the appropriate type
let modified_callback = move |msg: IpcMessage| {
let typed_message = msg.to::<T>();
self.add_route(receiver.to_opaque(), Box::new(modified_callback));
/// Send a shutdown message to the router containing a ACK sender,
/// send a wakeup message to the router, and block on the ACK.
/// Calling it is idempotent,
/// which can be useful when running a multi-process system in single-process mode.
pub fn shutdown(&self) {
let mut comm = self.comm.lock().unwrap();
if comm.shutdown {
comm.shutdown = true;
let (ack_sender, ack_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
.map(|_| {
/// A convenience function to route an `IpcReceiver<T>` to an existing `Sender<T>`.
pub fn route_ipc_receiver_to_crossbeam_sender<T>(
ipc_receiver: IpcReceiver<T>,
crossbeam_sender: Sender<T>,
) where
T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + Serialize + Send + 'static,
Box::new(move |message| drop(crossbeam_sender.send(message.unwrap()))),
/// A convenience function to route an `IpcReceiver<T>` to a `Receiver<T>`: the most common
/// use of a `Router`.
pub fn route_ipc_receiver_to_new_crossbeam_receiver<T>(
ipc_receiver: IpcReceiver<T>,
) -> Receiver<T>
T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + Serialize + Send + 'static,
let (crossbeam_sender, crossbeam_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
self.route_ipc_receiver_to_crossbeam_sender(ipc_receiver, crossbeam_sender);
struct RouterProxyComm {
msg_sender: Sender<RouterMsg>,
wakeup_sender: IpcSender<()>,
shutdown: bool,
/// Router runs in its own thread listening for events. Adds events to its IpcReceiverSet
/// and listens for events using select().
struct Router {
/// Get messages from RouterProxy.
msg_receiver: Receiver<RouterMsg>,
/// The ID/index of the special channel we use to identify messages from msg_receiver.
msg_wakeup_id: u64,
/// Set of all receivers which have been registered for us to select on.
ipc_receiver_set: IpcReceiverSet,
/// Maps ids to their handler functions.
handlers: HashMap<u64, RouterHandler>,
impl Router {
fn new(msg_receiver: Receiver<RouterMsg>, wakeup_receiver: IpcReceiver<()>) -> Router {
let mut ipc_receiver_set = IpcReceiverSet::new().unwrap();
let msg_wakeup_id = ipc_receiver_set.add(wakeup_receiver).unwrap();
Router {
handlers: HashMap::new(),
/// Continuously loop waiting for wakeup signals from router proxy.
/// Iterate over events either:
/// 1) If a message comes in from our special `wakeup_receiver` (identified through
/// msg_wakeup_id. Read message from `msg_receiver` and add a new receiver
/// to our receiver set.
/// 2) Call appropriate handler based on message id.
/// 3) Remove handler once channel closes.
fn run(&mut self) {
loop {
// Wait for events to come from our select() new channels are added to
// our ReceiverSet below.
let results = match self.ipc_receiver_set.select() {
Ok(results) => results,
Err(_) => break,
// Iterate over numerous events that were ready at this time.
for result in results.into_iter() {
match result {
// Message came from the RouterProxy. Listen on our `msg_receiver`
// channel.
IpcSelectionResult::MessageReceived(id, _) if id == self.msg_wakeup_id => {
match self.msg_receiver.recv().unwrap() {
RouterMsg::AddRoute(receiver, handler) => {
let new_receiver_id =
self.handlers.insert(new_receiver_id, handler);
RouterMsg::Shutdown(sender) => {
.expect("Failed to send comfirmation of shutdown.");
// Event from one of our registered receivers, call callback.
IpcSelectionResult::MessageReceived(id, message) => {
IpcSelectionResult::ChannelClosed(id) => {
let _ = self.handlers.remove(&id).unwrap();
enum RouterMsg {
/// Register the receiver OpaqueIpcReceiver for listening for events on.
/// When a message comes from this receiver, call RouterHandler.
AddRoute(OpaqueIpcReceiver, RouterHandler),
/// Shutdown the router, providing a sender to send an acknowledgement.
/// Function to call when a new event is received from the corresponding receiver.
pub type RouterHandler = Box<dyn FnMut(IpcMessage) + Send>;
/// Like [RouterHandler] but includes the type that will be passed to the callback
pub type TypedRouterHandler<T> = Box<dyn FnMut(Result<T, bincode::Error>) + Send>;